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Soap storylines in WWE/WWF

ER Tosh

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Keep the clips coming guys, you're bringing back so much nostalgia!

I was a huge, and I do mean HUGE WWF fan but when McMahon merged both organizations it was the beginning of the end of the good old days. I had such a major crush on The Undertaker. Coming from a religious family I actually use to pray for him that he would change his satanist ways and the lord would save his soul :lol:

Rocky and Austin did so much for WWF. They were larger than life in their heyday and they singlehandedly brought WWF into mainstream phenomenon.

I was hooked on WWF with the Nataion of Domination and been a fan ever since. I was really dismayed to hear about the deaths of the wrestlers and the death of Owen Hart and all the legalities that ensued was a real tear jerker. How Bret could return to the WWF is beyond me.

I also had a huge crush on HHH and still do! The tri between him, Steph and Kurt Angle was hilarious. "It's true, oh It's true!"

Mandkind's alter ego "Dude Love" was also funny.

I loved the storyline between Kane, The Undertaker, their parents and Paul the caretaker. Every time They played Undertaker's intro music and he came out in a casket I got goosebumps. The purple smoke, the darkness, his followers... chills! There was a period where they take 'Taker's occult too far and he was no longer entertaining he was just downright creepy but I still loved him.

There was also a period where Stone Cold turned heel and he was McMahon's yes man. I swear Steve Austin literally pissed off McMahon behind the scenes to give him that storyline. Being a fan of Austin it was so degrading but he took it all in stride especially when he would sing offbeat tunes on his little guitar.

Sigh! The good old days

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Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Vince McMahon is the best rivalry in SOAP OPERA history!

Dude Love was amazing. It's too bad he didn't last that long. I hated when Foley returned as himself. It was just never the same. I especially hated the Mick Foley/The Rock friendship. How incredibly lame.

It really is sad and tragic how many wrestlers have died at such young ages. There are some great tributes on YouTube.

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AllmyDaysatGH, Vince was such a smug son of a bitch he was da man! I remembered when he spat in someone's face that his fortitude was the size of grapefruits and I busted a gut. I never knew how buff the dude was until he was a special guest referee and he wore a sleeveles referee shirt that showed off his biceps.

The crowd chanting "slut!" every time Stephanie came out was hilarious. Jericho making fun of her breast implants was also funny.

Vince and Shane's intro music was always tight and fit with their personas.

I know know who Vince Jr reminds me of - Trump Jr! Both are entitled greasy little pricks. :lol:

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I used to assume everythign was fake and was so shocked to find out that Triple H and Stephanie were married in real life. Anyways, was I the only one that loved her with Test? I wanted them to get back together

I LOVED when Stephanie slapped her mother



BTW, Mickie James was FANTASTIC as the psycho fan stalker of Trish Stratus. I had dropped WWE for years only to tune in on a fluke and was riveted by that storyline.

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Who was stalking Undertaker's wife was also a good storyline. They should have never made it DDP. UGH! But Taker becoming the American Bad Ass was a good persona for him. Austin had his funny moments during the heel period

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