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Deadline Hollywood Says AMC May Be A Goner

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There was really nothing to bring in Feb sweeps. The Debbi Morgan thing put the Angie story on hold and probably left them with a huge hole. Besides the Annie stuff, which didn't get daily play because of MCE's exit, I got the feeling that they were more concerned about laying the groundwork for May sweeps, when the Kendall-Ricky stuff and any conflict in the Tad-Cara-Jake-Amanda stuff should bubble. I can't believe they thought that that little Rylee non-ceremony would draw in viewers. They'll probably get some lavish wedding in May sweeps, which hopefully get people to watch. These big showy events usually do well. Not that I give a hoot about Rylee, but anything to give it a ratings bump that would keep it safe for a while longer is fine by me.

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if and when the ratings get even worse you are going to wish they cancelled it now. GL left with no dignity. The show was a hot mess in the ratings. 1.4 and 1.5's....with some dallies as low as 1.2. I still miss GL but not the one at the end.

As someone pointed out a while back AMC is already gone. It's on the air in name only.

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I kinda believe the rumor that Frons is gonna bring back Megan McTavish as HW. (Can she be teared away from breeding those Cocker Spaniels or whatever the hell they are? Since her scripts would take 2-3 months to air, it would be a GOOD sign. My feeling is if AMC does not replace the writers, like within the next two weeks, then the show is done. If AMC is gonna stay on the air, new writers would have to be announced.

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IMO..there is no hope left. This show is boring mess of nothing. This show has had plenty of chances to fix itself. So many head writing changes and a move to LA. If they are having Bobbie pimping the folks to watch then AMC is in deep doodoo [!@#$%^&*]!! The rating are going to get only worse as summertime arrives. No one will be watching soaps.

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