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AMC: Monday, January 17, 2011

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OMG, Erica's outfit was beyond HIDEOUS! The look on her face after David said her name was PRICELESS! Cannot wait for Vincent and Susan to light it up tomorrow. LOL, VI doesn't say or anything for months, and David' first day awake is a throwdown with La Kane! :D

The rest of the show, eh.

Tad disgusts me. He's the moral police? Really? Did he earn that title before or after he buried a man alive?

Liza and David could be interesting. But she needs to be completely broke of her Tad issues.

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AMD@GH, that one in the middle is officially the WORST picture of CM ever! :lol: I didn't even recognize him at first lookin like Magilla Gorilla. I was just noticing the other day that his age is starting to show, he's gaining weight in his face.

Gloria was indeed interesting, a grey character and the show seemed fine with that, she stayed grey, they didn't try to make her a confirmed villainess nor a reformed vixen. The stuff with poisoning Adam's rice pudding was pretty entertaining though her loony bin moments were a little cringeworthy. And the funeral for baby Anna Claire was truly heartbreaking, they played Tears From Heaven and it led into one of the best Erica/Dimitri scenes of all time. Erica had also given Gloria Mona's bible at the funeral, a lovely gesture.

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Which is why I'm so hesitant to think it's a good idea. The last thing David needs is another woman who is under the Martin spell. He just can't win with a woman who has any kind of loyalty/love/whatever. Maybe K&S will surprise us... :lol:

Tad and David are a lot more alike than either of them would ever admit. Only, I like David more, because at the very least, he owns up to his sh*t. Tad pretend he was as much of a Saint as Dixie :lol: was.

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omg watching right now and Erica gets a great line! "Oh of course there's a connection. I cant help it if men are attracted to me" LMAO!

Edited to add: Ewww, what an ugly banner. Not judging the quality of your owrk AllMyDays, but the people in it. Rylee = yuck...lol


She looks so old right here

Colby: "If you want to end this, you are going to have to give me a really good reason why"

Damon: "I f--ed your mother"

Colby: "Tell me about this other girl you slept with, and I will find a way to deal with it"

Damon: "She wasnt a girl, she was a woman, and oh wait, guess what? She's your mother. Deal with that"

Okay so that didnt happen, but dang I would have been on the floor laughing if Damon had responded to her like that

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In addition to Greenlee using the Tardis to get to Ryan from PA to CA, the sound of the surf was deafening. You couldn't hear the dialog and I kept thinking why didn't they just cut this scene? It's a waste to have Rylee on the screen since only TPTB want to see them. Greenlee is okay with other characters but any scene with Ryan is just awful.

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I am so happy for Damon to be leaving PV and Colby behind. Only wish we could have gotten more juice out of the Liza liaison, like if they just couldn't stop themselves from secretly screwing though they were desperately trying to stop. They realized they were in fact in love, yadda yadda. Now it's like, how long before Asher and Colby is played out (as if it isn't already) and yet ANOTHER new person comes to town to turn a head? It'll probably be Asher's turn next time.

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