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Back in the day, Genoa City didn't have that small-town vibe where everyone was on a first-name basis with one another.  Jeanne Cooper's character was known as "Mrs. Chancellor" to 99% of the cast; only her husband, Phillip was on a first name basis with her, and he called her "Kay".  The closing credits also referenced her as "Kay Chancellor".   Her son Brock called her "Duchess" or "Mother", but when he spoke of her to another character she was, "my mother Kay Chancellor."  

I guess the next character to get on a first-name basis with her eventually was Jill Foster, when they became rivals and enemies.  Brenda Dickson's Jill also called her "Kay", as that's what Phillip had called her.

Kay's second husband Derek usually called her "Kay" and occasionally "Katherine".  About 1980, Kay acquired a British suitor named Douglas Austin who tried to be stiffly formal, and he always called her, "my dear Kath'rine." 

To Victor Newman, she was "Mrs. Thurston" to her face.  If he spoke of her behind her back, she was "Kaychancellor", all in one word in one breath.

Nikki got on a first-name basis with her in 1981 and called her "Katherine" which was pretty jarring.  Not sure if that was Melody Thomas's choice as an actress, or if that's what Bill Bell and Kay Alden wrote for her. 

In 1982, we acquired Earl and Allison Bancroft, who had known Kay in college.  They called her "Kay". 

The same year, Jerry Douglas, Terry Lester, and Eileen Davidson began interacting with her, and to them she was "Mrs. Chancellor."  Behind her back, they referenced her usually as "Kay Chancellor".   John Abbott eventually became first-name-basis, and he called her Katherine or Kay interchangeably.  

Dina Mergeron arrived in about 1983, and she called her "Kay".  Brent Davis soon followed, and he called her "Kay".  

Jess Walton took over the role of Jill in about 1987, and she was 100% "Katherine", while her predecessors Brenda Dickson and Deborah Adair had been all "Kay".  (That was another jarring instance.)  

Kay then became the stepmother of Danny Romalotti and Gina, and they entered the first-name realm, also as "Katherine".  From there, it began seeping across the whole cast.  Their father, Rex Sterling, alternated between "Katherine" and "Kay".   

Ashley Bashioum's character (Mackenzie Browning) who met Mrs. Chancellor in 1999 in a homeless shelter called her "Kay" and then "Grandma Kay".  

Elizabeth Harrower's character in 2003 opted for "Kay", as Elizabeth Harrower had been a writer on the show and knew that she'd always been Kay. 

Then the new writers came along who didn't much know the show's history, and they had everyone calling her "Katherine".  It was sort of absurd that people like Nicholas and Victoria, Kevin Fisher, Neil Winters, Paul Williams and others were suddenly on a first-name basis with her, but that's what happens when you lose your history.

Sorry!  More than you wanted to know!    


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It’s also interesting to note that I think Jill always called her “Mrs. Chancellor” for at least the first several years even after they began their rivalry. I think Deborah’s Jill is the one who started calling her “Kay” and then when Brenda returned it seemed like she would alternate between “Kay”, and “Katherine” I think she may have even still referred to her as Mrs.Chancellor at least behind her back. 

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I'd say 1980. 

Seems like it was shortly after Deborah Adair took over for Bond Gideon as Jill (which was in the late summer of 1980).  Seems like some of Terry Lester's initial scenes were with Deborah Adair, in which Jill encouraged Jack to be less of a playboy and more of a young executive (which was an assignment John Abbott gave her).   Seems like by Christmas of 1980, Jill was sort of attracted to Jack, but didn't want to dismiss her chances of landing John Abbott, who controlled the money.  

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Also all the winters/Barbers family members called her “Mrs.Sterling” when they first came on. I don’t think Dru ever called her Katherine even into 2007, unlike Neil and Maybe Olivia. 

Nina would start referring to her as Katherine while still calling Jill “Mrs.Abbott” which was kind of funny. 

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I believe Victoria Rowell was perceptive enough to realize a young woman's Dru's age likely wouldn't call an imposing 75 year-old woman by her first name.  The others were just barking out the (stupid) dialogue given them by ignorant writers.

Tracey Bregman also seemed to tailor hers a little bit, with the occasional "Kay" thrown in, because like Victoria Rowell, she'd been around a while, understood her character extremely well, and probably thought, "If these writers want me to call Mrs. Chancellor by her first name, at least I'll use her *society* name, so I won't sound identical to Kevin Fisher and Amber."     

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I remember this scene was shown in a flashback in 2009 or 2010 (maybe to time in w/ EB's 30th anniversary). Victor (who back then dressed more like a horse rancher than a businessman) and Katherine in the Chancellor Estate living room where they went over a contract that would put Victor in charge of Chancellor Industries.

Katherine is more suited to a messy wealthy matriarch/grand dame than Kay is.

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Bryton James seems to be currently following Victoria Rs example because he never calls “Mr and Mrs. Newman” by their first names unlike Lily and his other family members do. He’s also a billionaire though himself so it’s kind of jarring. 

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That brings up another issue.

Yes, at first, Victor wore 'cowboy' clothing. I guess they wanted to portray a certain image. It made it seem Victor was more interested in the ranch than his businesses?

At some point that costuming was dropped. Anyone have any thoughts/memories?

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