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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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I like him and apparently he has a LOT of people who I believe appeared on TD on his BBCAmerica gig... I gotta read more about it but I was happy to see him making a name for himself elsewhere since I rather enjoy him as host of TD and when he moderates their panels.

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He has one of the best podcasts ever. Seriously, if you can check out Nerdist. The conversation he has with his guests are so natural and freeflowing, but still on point and full of information. Plus he does it in a real studio and you can tell by the great audio. He does have some people from TWD on too, and some of his more recent casts include TWD talk when the guest is a fan.

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Thanks JP, I'll check it out... do you know if it might be available on iTunes with their podcasts ... or any way to try and find old ones and listen? I'm a sucker for a good podcast after Ricky Gervais and his podcasts for about 3 good years. I STILL listen to them today because I laugh so much.

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Yup, I listed to it on my ipad in the podcast app from apple so its def in the podcast store (free) on itunes.

It goes back about ten months to a year, ive not searched for older ones but id assume his website, nerdist.com, has them somewhere. ETA: http://www.nerdist.com/podcast/nerdist/ here is complete episodes, free, going way back!

not to go completely off topic, but if you like a good poscast also check out Girl on Guy by Aishia Tyler. Its also great.

Edited by JackPeyton
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This was like the scene where the girl came out of the shed. Merle was so horrible, but he was a great character, it is very sad. I don't know why the show did this; Merle and Daryl (along with Carl) are the best things about the show. This gets my vote for best death of the series so far. Or Best Zombie or something.

Michonne is ok, at least she talks a little now. I have no idea what the point of Tyreese and his pals were, they are barely on and contribute next to nothing to the show. Carol contributes next to nothing going on three years now, so I assume she will have to get something big before she dies. And Hershel's other daughter (I don't even know her name) is another waste of time.

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Michonne had no real options. She was tied up, Merle is in good shape, and even if she could have gotten away, she was surrounded by walkers.

That scene where Glenn cut off a ring for Maggie was one of those where my heart sunk a little, especially because Glenn paused, for just a second, one last realization of how truly dessicated their world is.

The scenery in this episode was stunning.

Edited by CarlD2
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Do you ever notice that they don't have any real interest in writing for teenage boys on the show? Ben, the boy who was at the prison with Tyreese's group, was casually shot in the head in this episode. Beth's boring non-speaking boyfriend barely appeared last season, mostly just to round up walkers, then to die.

I wonder if Carl has that in his contract.

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Kudos on the TD tickets, very cool! I am looking forward to Yvette's return. I have not gotten a chance to check CH's podcasts as yet. I will try this weekend.

I don't get what Michonne was supposed to do other than get in the car. How is trying to out running the herd with her hands tied and no weapon a viable alternative option?

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I know. It just cracks me up. Boom - shot in the head. Goodbye. I wasn't interested in that group (I do like Tyreese and Sasha but I'm not sure if they have a role yet), but I wasn't expecting that.

Michael Rooker was indescribably good in so much of this episode. I think the scene of him driving into Woodbury as the zombie Pied Piper was the best sequence I've seen on this show ever, and one of the best on TV in years. I'm not going to cry for Merle, but I will cry over Michael Rooker no longer being on the show. He does so much with his eyes and with his voice, especially his eyes.

I'm also sorry we never got more with Merle and Michonne. I don't mean shipping, I just mean conversations, tension. He and Danai were terrific together. I've grown to care so much about Michonne these last back season episodes. She's such a unique character for TV. They've finally made it work. Now that we hear her inner voice, we don't need to hear her speaking.

Edited by CarlD2
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One moment that I loved and forgot to mention was when Daryl approached Glenn about forgiving Merle. Glenn's calm matter the fact attitude as he told Daryl what Merle had done to him, but that it was his treatment of Maggie that was unforgivable was nicely done. Daryl's subtle reaction of horror and the realization that there was no forgiveness for Merle was also well done. A quiet, but powerful scene.

Soap writers can learn a lot from TWD writers. There are crimes and actions that are too heinous to forgive so milk the drama, give the villain the occasional redemption, then kill their ass off. So the answer to why they killed off Merle is that TWD is not a soap opera, it is well written human drama.

Edited by Ann_SS
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