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I can't imagine Kristen/Isabella teaming up because they both would want John at any cost.  Unless Isabella was the one with John and Kristen just wanted to mess with John because of Stefano.  Or you could have one of the two make a play for Roman and really screw with Marlena lol.  But this is getting so off base and fanfic-y.  There just probably was a way to keep Isabella and Roman around for several years of story.

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Huh? Eileen’s Kristen wouldn’t have teamed with Frizzy B. They would have been romantic rivals over John.

Everything Kristen did in the 90s was to hold on to John. It wasn’t so much about Marlena. Kristen would have eliminated Frizzy B.

Also, Kristen exists because Frizzy died and the head of NBC Daytime didn’t want Drake paired with Deidre (she thought Deidre was too old for him).

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Who? Was it Susan D. Lee? 

And, yes I was describing a fiction where they would unite in their hatred for Marlena & that would be a difference. Doesn't matter since it was idle speculation on what fun it would have been to see Stacy play evil when I realized I had been describing a saint in the way she was so happy to be treated poorly. 

Never happened. Pancreatic cancer was her karma. 

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Susan D. Lee was a bonafide #SoapKiller. Michael Kape, former editor of Soap Opera Now said she was worse than Frons. My opinion of her puts her right in the pocket with both Frons & JFP. Her idea that Dee was too old is just as classless & tasteless as other hurtful insensitive things she said, even to fans!! Right, me not a fan. 

And, yes, the penthouse set used to be so fine!! 

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I have heard that rumor regarding someone at NBC thinking Deidre was too old for Drake many times.  I never knew it was Susan Lee.   I also don't know if we have ever had any proof it was thought or said.   It makes sense though with the way the Kristen/Tony/John story played out and the racy love scenes Kristen/John had.  The show didn't really go hard on John/Marlena until Aremid.  Deidre is older than Drake and she probably did look a bit older then him in the 90's, but I always thought it was more the way Marlena was styled then her "looking" older.  Anyhow, the John/Marlena fanbase was always there, so I don't think it mattered to the audience.

The Penthouse is probably my favorite set in all of daytime ever!  I was so sad when it went away.

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I am not surprised she said it or thought it.  The fact is Drake is younger and could get away with a significantly younger love interest because he's male.  It is what it is with that.  I am just a bit surprised she felt the need to intervene and try to hurt the show by moving away from a pairing the audience wanted with John/Marlena.   Especially with Roman out the door was Marlena just supposed to retire as an old maid at 40?  Lol.   Obviously, hiring Eileen was a fantastic move and everything went the way it should have.  I just do believe it because Kristen/John were certainly pushed as a real love story for awhile there and very little effort was put in to the John/Marlena relationship.  Clearly, once the Possession took off and the ratings skyrocketed JER just did whatever he wanted and moved on to the stories he wanted to tell.

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"Buried Alive" & the fan reception to it was like Reilly's Willy Wonka golden ticket. It freed him to follow mostly only his own thoughts & opinions, for probably the first time in his career. 

Did you know that Deidre got a dog last year & named it Reilly? I find that so endearing. 

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