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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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Thanks to everyone.

I remember some of Hal being gone, with the witness protection, but didn't remember he was gone for so much of 1991, as apparently being unable to deal with Barbara's lies over Jennifer. I didn't remember that so much of Tess' story played out while "Uncle Hally" was nowhere to be found. That was a bit odd, although nothing in her story necessitated Hal's presence. Tess and Hutch are actually kind of fun and sweet together, especially when he's bemused by her selfish ways. "I swear if she could play both Romeo and Juliet, she would!" I also didn't remember just how long Barbara spent with the filler character Gavin Krueger. The actor is pretty good but he's a very one-note character.

saynotoursoap thanks again for the great history. What did you think of Rick Hudson as Rick Ryan? I know this was during a time of big instability at ATWT (1982). Did he ever have a story?

I think this may have already been mentioned, but I was reading in the Bryna Laub soap annual, the first few pages of their ATWT summary, and they talk briefly about Sandy's marriage to "beauty products supplier" Norman Garrison. It answered my question about just how tied to Bob's story Sandy was in the years after their divorce. Apparently Norman resented Bob's interference in his marriage with Sandy. During a dinner party, this got so heated that he had a heart attack. Bob had to go with him in the ambulance. Jennifer drove herself home...and was killed.

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saynotoursoap- Do you by chance have any clips or episodes that include the Liz/Dan/Susan storyline? I've read so much about it on this site over the past couple years and being the Marie Masters fan that I became when I started watching in 2000, I'm DYING to see her play out this storyline that sounds like it had some real teeth.

Edited by juniorz1
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Found this short 2009 interview with Anne Sward. She could be interviewed for a short film but ATWT couldn't ask her back. Goutman SUCKS. Lyla is the ONLY way I would have cared about the wretched Katie histrionics of ATWT's last years.

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That rundown of the 73/74 story was terrific. Thanks so much for taking the time to detail that storyline. Your passion really came through.

I was interested in your comments regarding Rick/Con Roche.when reading your summary I felt that there was a lot of mileage to be had from that character.John and Rick could have had an uneasy alliance that would have gone on for years,each trying to one up the other but also bound together by their dislike of Bob and the Hughes.Imagine if Rick had gone after Carol or got involved with Lisa in some way...

Keeping Rick on the canvas and bringing back Barbara much sooner (maybe when the show went to 60 min) would have kept the core tighter in my opinion.

Not having seen the show at the time it seemed the show faltered a little when this story wound down. Kim was put into the John/Dan story which kept things humming for a few more years,but Bob really had nothing strong after that in terms of romance.Then when Kim and Dan finally married,that was the end of that saga.

Of course all shows have that issue when the tortured couple finally get together eg Days with Bill/Laura and Doug/Julie and it takes masterful writing to have another equally compelling plot ready to take over.

Re the later Sabrina plot,i agree with the posts previously that stated that Sabrina should have been a more interesting character who perhaps had had an unfortunate upbringing and caused a lot of trouble.Overall Sabrina had little impact on the show.

Saynotoursoap,hope you can continue to detail 74 and the shows expansion in 75 and your feelings about the storylines of that time.

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Can anyone tell me what years Karl Girolamo (Kevin Davis) was on the show? I know he started in 2005, but IMDb lists him as being on until 2009, which I know is completely right and weirdly enough soapcentral doesn't have a character profile on him that I could find.

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Courtesy of French Fan,here's how some of 74 was summarized

Mrs. West asked Bob if she could return to him since John has foisted her on to Rick. John accused Bob of trying to challenge his position as head of medical services. Jennifer was upset when Rick defaulted on a loan Bob cosigned for him. John maligned Bob and Rick to Kim and told her it was none of her business. However, he continued to force Kim to socialize and was very upset when she walked out on a dinner with a couple whose views on basic values disgusted her. She later said their marriage was a mistake and should be ended. John answered he knew who the father of the child she miscarried was. John made it clear Jen would learn if she divorced.

A very suspicious delivery man was found near the bookstore and when Lisa described the man to Jay, he realized he was his stepfather, Gil Stallings. Nobody believed that Gil is the one who tried to kill Lisa twice. A night, Gil locked Lisa in a closet and told Jay he married her mother for the money but the money was left to Jay. He would kill Lisa and made it look as though Jay killed her and then killed himsel. Grant learned form Salt Lake City police Gil inherited Jay’s legacy and realized Jay and Lisa were in danger. He surprised Gil who had shot Jay. Jay was hospitalized and Gil was killed escaping.

Ellen and David discussed Dan staying in England because of Susan’s threats to take their daughter Emily from him. Ironically, a mutual research project between hospital meants David might be working closely with Susan.

Kim begged John to let her go and insisted a marriage relationship with him would disgust her. John found Kim packed and ready to move but dialed Jen’s number and Kim realized he would go through with her threat. She backed down then saw a minister Rev. Booth explaining about the one night stand with Bob before her marriage. He said he would talk to John but John was furious. When a Mrs. Wilson called Rick at 1 a.m. he told her it was indigestion but at 3 a.m. John was called: it was a coronary. Mrs. Wilson’s sister, Marsha Davidson was an important social contact for John who took care of Mrs. Wilson. Kim was distgusted that John was concerned for Mrs. Wilson because of her sister’s patronage.

Jay was cleared of all involvment in the murder attempts on Lisa and he tried to buy into the construction company. He was turned flat and bought up yhe own,er Mr. Herschel’s big note. Grant admitted he wanted a future with Lisa and went to San Francisco to free himself from his ex-wife. Then he asked Lisa if she had ever considered Jay might be in love with her. She laughed but Jay said to himself he would win her. Tom felt he was penalized for working in Grant Coleman’s department at the family law firm. Carol was afraid that Tom would quit and felt part of Tom’s discontent was the fact she was unable to have a child. Lisa tried to convince Grant into giving Tom a raise but he refused.

Susan was working with David on an antibody resarch project and tried to impress her ex-father-in-law. Mark was becoming annoyed at the way she was hiding their relationship but she explained she could not give Dan any ammunition to open the custody case.

Susan tried to cut down Dan’s visits to Emily claiming she did not adjust well. She made sure Dan met Mark but Mark sensed she tried to make Dan feel badly with Emily. John implied Susan wanted Dan back she she denied it.

Tom was involved with his first case: defending Natalie Bannon and Carol felt excluded. One night Tom got away early and was furious to find Carol at the Book Shop. After another dizzy spell, Jennifer realized she had an incurable condition. Bob realized Jennifer knew and he encouraged her to live each day to its fullest. Kim returned from vacation and Jen apologized for forcing Kim to go away with John.

Grant decided to file for divorce so he and Lisa would not wait. Joyce arrived in Oakdale claiming she wanted Grant back. She asked Lisa if she and Grant were lovers but Lisa did not answer. A night, Grant found Joyce very ill and rushed her to the hospital where appendictis was diagnosed. Lisa understood he wanted to be near Joyce. Dan performed the surgery and while Joyce survived, peritonitis infection was severe. For Joyce’s recovery, Grant said he still had feelings for her. Jay presented Lisa with an expensive pin and hoped she had feelings for him. She felt upset and told him he should move from the Book Shop apartment. Carol began to realize Lisa was the girl Jay was in love with.


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Thanks for this. I didn't know Jay's stepfather was ever on the show. I wonder if they ever considered a serious Jay/Lisa romance.

I guess this was around the time Jennifer started reading "Look to this Day"?

I was going to ask if you were interested in any more of the story with Bob, Sandy, and her husband Norman (it's detailed more in the Soap Opera Annual) or if you already know that story from the Digest recaps?

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OK. I'll type some of those sections up.

Is Edward Grover Cindy Grover's father? There were several articles in the early 70's about the Grover family and how they were all actors on soaps and isn't it wonderful. I can't remember if the father was named Edward.

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Sandy is working at the bookstore to fill in for Natalie. Norman, her estranged husband, is in the hospital recovering from his heart attack after a drunken argument with Bob at the Colonnade Room. He tells everyone that Bob and Sandy are having an affair, yet he will only let Bob treat him. He tries to get John to convince Bob to swear that he slipped at the restaurant, which would make the hospital liable to a big lawsuit. John refuses. Meanwhile, Chris goes over the books for the beauty supply business Sandy and Norman run, and sees that a large amount of money is missing. He keeps this from Sandy for her own good.

A young woman named Tina calls Norman's hospital room, saying she's in town, she has no money, and she's upset about his heart attack. He tells her to stay away. She sneaks into his room. He says she's ruining his plan, but she doesn't know why - he's declared his love for her, and they'll be married. Norman gets more and more upset and starts telling that everything is Sandy's fault. Bob had left the floor station for Norman's room, but realized he'd forgotten his stethoscope and returned to his office to get it. Nurses passing Norman's room heard shouting but thought everything was OK, as Bob was supposed to be there. When Bob finally gets there, Tina is gone, and Norman has had another heart attack. Norman dies, and Bob feels guilty.

John takes the opportunity to start a hearing on Norman's death. The floor nurses say Bob was in the room and Norman had been arguing with him, and Bob called for help when Norman went into heart failure. Bob says he went to get his stethoscope and Norman was already dying. Bob thinks this won't be a big deal and goes on vacation; when he gets back it's become a major investigation. When Sandy realizes the argument is the main reason Bob is being investigated, she claims she was arguing with Norman. Bob won't let her commit perjury, and John uses this as "proof" that Norman was right about Bob and Sandy.

A week later, Bob gets a reprimand. He's furious that the hospital doubts him, and he resigns. He soon regrets this decision and decides to fight the charges. He and Tom begin to reconstruct the circumstances of Norman's death. Floor Nurse Connolly admits someone could have gone into the room without them seeing, but Floor Nurse Holland insists that's impossible.

Bob continues to lose patients and lecturing assignments. He tells Tom that a woman named Tina had called Norman. Around the same time, Tina calls to ask about Norman, and John intercepts the message, calling to tell her Norman is dead. Tom gets the number, but John insists it's a former business associate of Norman's. They don't believe him, especially when they learn the number has been disconnected. John begins to panic and tries to get Bob's reprimand reversed, but it's too late.

Tina goes to see Sandy and offers to sell Norman's IOU for $500. Sandy realizes this is the girl Bob is looking for, and everyone gets together to talk. Tina admits she argued with Norman and then left before he died. She says she told Dr. Dixon about this on the phone. Nurse Holland backs Tina up, and Bob comforts her as John denies everything. John tries to get to Kim first to "explain," but it's too confusing for her. The hospital asks for John's resignation, but he refuses.

Later that year, Sandy begins seeing Kevin casually, which upsets Susan, even though they insist they're just friends. Sandy confides in Kevin that she wants to reunite with Bob, who only wants Valerie. Eventually, Sandy tells Kevin she went to see her son Jimmy and her father and that she is able to support them now (she had resumed her modeling career to pay off Norman's debts), so can they move back to Oakdale? Sandy is very upset when Jimmy tells her she deserted him, and his teacher and her father warn her not to try to uproot him. Kevin encourages her to be hopeful, that, if she lets Jimmy stay in California, then in time, Jimmy will feel closer to her.

Edited by CarlD2
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Thanks for that.it's good to see the whole story in one spot.Tina was Toni Bull Bua. I liked the idea of Sandy being brought back in.Too often soaps neglected viable characters from the past.However,Sandy's story seemed to fizzle out after this.Didn't she marry Kevin? Jimmy never came back.He could have boosted the younger set.I wonder if the show had Ellen and Sandy interact much as Ellen had been aged so much.

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