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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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i’m not clear about how daytime confidential held too much sway… 

however, the time i’m referencing, the mid-late aughts, when bloggers all read each other, and would point their readers to posts they found interesting. there were conversations, along with the occasional disagreement. it was great for fans who learned a lot. no one worried about clicks.

but that all went away when the suits started monetizing.  

haven’t talked to roger in a while, but wouldn’t be surprised if he’s shut it down — may have become too expensive to keep online.

i remember when ‘snark weighs in’  — which i loved — just disappeared one day, never to be seen or heard from again, same with mediadomain: no warning; just one day it was gone. 

Edited by wonderwoman1951
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Thanks..I really love this oddball era of ATWT...the writers were getting back to the Hughes family...but it seemed more GL...goofy, lighthearted, a bit campy...(love Nancy Hughes dealing with Jay Conners street tough hootchie...) but much, much more warm hearted then Marland's sterile ATWT...I love that Ellen seems to think its a kick out of it,  and the scene with Betsy sleeping on her shoulder and her spontaneous telling David she loved him...Penny telling the gossip columnist to wait in line, and then Lucinda's comment "Does your wagging tounge know what time it is..." the follow up episode is a hoot with the kidnapper trying to shut Lisa's "yap" by stuffing a gag in her but even that doesn't work.  The writers were having fun with the characters without making them the butt of the joke.

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The kidnapper is played by David Cryer, the father of actor Jon Cryer (Pretty In Pink, Two And A Half Men ). Cryer was brought back about 5 or 6 years later to play mob boss Phillip Lombard. I was hoping they’d have brought him back in the show’s final years, possibly as a paramour for Lisa since they had good chemistry. Instead the show shunted Lisa (and Eileen) off to the side.

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Chicago Tribune June 20 1971

The first thing you notice about Jane House, who plays the stripper wife of Lenny Bruce in the Broadway play "Lenny," is that she is wearing only pasties and a G-string. Then, if you are familiar with television soap operas, the second thing you think is "My God, that's Liz Stewart up there!" Liz Stewart, the sweet English girl who invaded the small community of Oakdale two and a half years ago, got pregnant by one young man, married his brother, and just recently h a d a miscarriage, a nervous breakdown, and then, two days, after opening in "Lenny,'' lost her steady, lucrative television job. That's As the World Turns, folks.

Jane, who got good reviews for "Lenny," probably won't go hungry because the producers of As the World Turns decided to end her contract. The official explanation, Jane says, was that they were having a story conference and wanted to let the character of Liz go for a while. That's all she knows. "Maybe they had some misgivings," she said in her dressing room recently. "What this play says is very different from what a soap opera says." As a matter of fact, "Lenny" and his bring-it-all-out-in-the-open attitude is light years away from As the World Turns.

And there is Jane's image to consider. With her long, strawberry blonde hair, blue-gray eyes, and country girl freckles, she , epitomized sweetness, motherhood even if it was her brother in law's baby she suffered from pangs of guilt constantly and gentility. Rusty, the character she portrays in "Lenny," is not like that. Her language is almost as uninhibited as Lenny's, she takes drugs, and she is far from virginal. And even; though a stripper should be wearing a G-string and pasties, what would the fans of Liz Stewart think?

Once, when Jane was being considered for a role in "Coming Apart," she told a fan magazine that she would appear in the nude in the film., "I got some very negative letters. ' People out there respond very negatively to nudity. I don't know what they do at night." No matter what they do at night; they won't be watching Jane in the afternoons any more. Liz was taken away to an institution in another city, according' to the story line. 

 Jane has mixed feelings about leaving the soap. The money was, she admits, "fantastic," and she may have to give up her apartment because the difference in salary is enormous. But she loves the role of Rusty and says, "The play has really gotten to me. I love it." But things seem to get to 25-year-old Jane very easily. "I got too much into Liz," she says; "I was really close to her for awhile. .There were a lot of things about her that I understand, - like her guilt. And I also have felt her kind of craziness.

But I didn't associate well 'to her house-wifeliness. I'm not really a homebody." But she disapproved of some of the things Liz did. For instance, Liz and Paul Stewart lived, together for three months without going to bed together. Paul was very accepting instead of having a talk with his wife about it. "I guess people do things like that but I don't want that to be real for myself." There's a lot of unreality in soap operas, Jane thinks.

"They're so restricted in what they can suggest because they're afraid of shocking people. Everything's glossed over." Nothing is glossed over in "Lenny." And the hardest scene for Jane is a very intimate love-making scene between Jane and Cliff Gorman, who plays Lenny Bruce. First of all, it's because of what she's wearing. "Sometimes I've felt a lot of terror being nude up there." Then, in the middle of the scene, Gorman talks to the audience, leaving Jane just lying there. "I feel very rejected then," she says.

'But "it's the kind of role I've been working towards." Jane majored in speech and drama at Stanford University. She worked a short time in off-off-Broadway plays before landing her As the World Turns job. She got that because Irna Phillips, creator of the soap, wanted an English girl on the show, Jane says. Jane has lived in this country since 1956. Her father is a member of the British Foreign Service.

Jane's parents met in New York, were married in Mexico, and Jane was born in Panama. When she was 2, the family moved to Bulgaria, then to Africa and, Switzerland. For a time Jane studied in a convent in Switzerland and wanted to be a nun. Now she wants to be in the movies. I can't resist -  that's how the world turns..

In the movie version of Lenny, Valerie Perrine played the role of Honey. Years later she was on ATWT as Dolores Snyder.

with Marco St John as Paul

Afternoon TV September 1969




Edited by Paul Raven
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