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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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I think modern fans are familiar with James as much as Barbara - perhaps they wanted more recent episodes, I don't know. I just feel a little sad that older episodes get low sales. It's not a surprise, as people have said this for years, but I always feel sad at the idea of stuff I literally could not sit through getting better reaction than classic material.

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I think there needs to be a balance. So far the balance has been too skewed for older episodes, which is great for me since that's what I wanna watch, but I accept that more recent stuff would make more sense in building profits so you CAN release that older stuff.

IIRC, in their research, the 80s were a decade fans wanted more of for ATWT. I think the focus on James is probably what caused this not to do as well. Barbara was there until the end and had lots of major storylines and a huge resurgence towards the end. To anyone who started watching the show after 2000 (like me) James was a recurring villain, often in bad stories who came in and out. He was hardly a major presence, so I can see why newer fans wouldn't rush to get this. Newer fans will know Holden/Lily or Carjack or Barbara or Tom and Margo. I don't think it was a bad idea to do this DVD, I just think the same episodes with a heavier focus on Barbara would've sold them better.

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Unless one is really up on his ATWT history, watching even 10 consecutive episodes from the early and mid-'80's, for example, could be a frustrating experience for the viewer, if only b/c so much about enjoying the old shows depends on knowing and recalling the context surrounding them.

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Fortunately, I have picked up all the ATWT sets so far. I really do hope there isn't a Katie DVD coming because I could see myself not buying it. I just couldnt stand the character or actor in the role. I think a best of ATWT like the first release would be best to make everyone happy.

As for GL....I have them all except for the last 10 episodes DVD release....I cant bring myself to buy a DVD that features the worst of GL on DVD....the show stop being GL during Wheeler's time as EP.

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Count me in as someone who ordered the James DVD within a day of the release. I hesitated, because I had nothing else to order it with and I'd just used the Mother's Day coupon to buy the last of the DVDs that I had any interest in watching...and which I have not even finished watching. But I felt strongly that this set, even more than the others, is really a classic, because there was no attempt to round it out with subpar newer material. And frankly I will have plenty of time to watch these episodes eventually, since there is no soap left on the air that I've watched regularly since I was in high school.

I'm sorry it's not doing as well...speaking only for myself, I have absolutely no interest in buying the last 10 episodes of either ATWT or GL on DVD, or of any show that's been canceled since at least AW. I get why a James DVD was a good idea and I'm waiting with baited breath to see these episodes from what I've read, but as someone who didn't watch when any of these episodes first aired, I agree that James might not be the most accessible character for newer viewers, based on his short-term returns in the last decade or so. I would hazard a guess that the idea was to do DVDs for James on ATWT and Roger on GL in quick succession, and if that's the case, I wonder if starting with Roger might have done a bit better, because he was on the show full-time and was portrayed more as a leading man. But then I remember that it's been over 15 years since Michael Zaslow last appeared on GL - so sad - and for much of the last decade of GL's run, the show did its best to pretend that he and Roger Roger had never even existed...

Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting this DVD and hope that sales pick up and we get to see more truly rare material.

Edited by DeliaIrisFan
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I actually wanted to call this the James and Barbara story or the Stenbeck Family Saga, but we ended up with James. The episodes on the DVD are about James and Barbara reuniting, the struggle for control of the Stenbeck empire, the fight for Paul, etc. In some ways, it's almost as much the John Dixon Story or the Barbara Ryan Story from the '80s as well.

It's doing fine now, just a bit of a slow start so have pushed it a little harder to get the word out. Could have been the timing, maybe less people online or maybe just completely random and it all evens out over time.

The feedback has been the biggest group of fans want the 1980s. But when you fill out a survey that doesn't necessarily translate into the group with the highest responses being the ones who will spend the most money. I did a survey on my site of these 10 episodes and the bullring episode was voted as the favorite. Brunette stuntman in a bad blonde "Gunnar" wig!! :)

Thinking back to a year ago, the fact that we're having this conversation now about all the many DVDs we have is pretty AMAZING!!

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Could be. I was always a soap historian so loved watching stuff "before my time." Some episodes are no brainers based on the subject like James falling out of the airplane to his "death" but where there are some options I try to pick episodes that feature a lot of the cast and ATWT was a show that had people on for 50 years. This DVD contains lots of Kim, Bob (he marries Miranda, yuck), Nancy, Tom, Margo, Paul, Emily, Lisa, Lucinda, Barbara, etc that were on till the end. That may not always be obvious for people who just casually browse the site and base their decision on the name of the DVD or the cover photos.

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Has WLS ever done an interview with Elaine Princi?

I thought the biggest feedback was for the most recent material, so I'm glad that it was also some 80's. I think ATWT of the 80's is just some of the finest soap ever - not always the most exciting, which may hurt sales, but great quality. I guess it may be one of those things which you'd have to watch day-to-day, whereas some ATWT you might just jump into and enjoy (I know many felt that way about Sheffer's run).

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On some episodes, the stories and people that interest me aren't even mentioned in the summary. That is kind of frustrating, but I took the chance hoping that I would enjoy the material. For some people connecting the dots is easier than others...(not a criticism)

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It's a shame how TPTB chose to marginalize Bob, along with the rest of the Hugheses, during the period of time when he was married to Miranda. Yeah, that union made no sense even "on paper," but I feel like a quadrangle involving Bob, Miranda, John and possibly Kim might've been good and fun to watch.

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