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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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I thought the first year of Lily/Rose was excellent. Martha richly deserved that Emmy for creating two distinct characters, without the old fallback of one being good , the other evil. MB's best work was as Rose pretending to be Lily. Her observations about Lily's life were prriceless. I remember when she met Abigail, thinking to herself..."Wait a minute, I know I'm not old enough to be HER mother". I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of year one of the twins.

The problem was that after everything was sorted out, Rose should have moved on. While Year One gave Martha a chance to play the equally troubling trevails of both ladies, Year Two made Lily drab and uninteresting to contrast with the colorful Rose (Remember how Lily dressed in nothing but brown colors constantly?) Also, pairing her with Paul was a mistake. Scott Holroyd was my favorite Paul Ryan, but he seemed way too young for Rose.

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ATWT was really bad with the instacouples during that era, and Paul/Rose was a prime example of that. Scott Holroyd was a good actor who was set up for failure by bad writing for his character. They didn't think Holroyd had enough of an edge to play Paul, but they didn't write him with any edge. How was he supposed to play something that wasn't written?

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The first clip has a fun, silly little scene where Jessica defends Kirk because he's "cute" and a baffled Tom and Hal question whether or not he's cute. You don't see that too often with these characters - I guess it was due to the strike.



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*squee* I remember that clip of Iva and Kirk kissing in the promo! I FLOVED it so much, it was the first time I really saved an episode to tape and watched it over and over and again. I watched it so much, I could FF through the eppy and stop at their parts.

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Kirk and Iva were great in these episodes (and the best part of Kirk as a character, especially since he spent his time repeatedly saying, "that girl in South Dakota," like she was the poor cousin of the girl from Epinima).

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