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Zimmer to OLTL

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But soapfan770 isn't a soap star(that I know of) or in the media. Kimmer putting herself in the spotlight like this opens herself up to criticism, controversy, and laughs. Kimmer can wear her big girl panties(not a weight joke, I swear) and deal with it or stay at home and find ways to keep Jake Weary from taking gay roles on soap operas.
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So soapfan770 not being a soap gives the Carte Blanche to talk disparagingly about someone who is, but if soapfan770 posted their picture and I cut them up and hurt their feelings, I guess would okay too because they posted their picture? rolleyes.gif

Alright, moving along.....................

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Wow, just total stunt casting. Most people probably don't remember Echo. Also, the character appeared during a rather lethargic point in the show's history...I believe early Rauch before writers Peggy O'Shea and Mike Schnessel came on board to really turn the show around creatively and get the ratings up. I think the Corringtons were writing at this time. For the show's sake, I hope it works. Of course, the writing has to be there, or else it'll flop. This will probably be Jean Passanante's first big test. Seriously, good luck to her.

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I think that this is probably a way to see if ratings will increase, which might be one of the last chances OLTL has for staying on a bit longer. I don't think Zimmer will be used to get rid of Strasser or Slezak, I think if they're going they would be going no matter what. Zimmer is good for a guest stint but given her willingness to speak her mind (which Slezak has rarely done, and Strasser also tends to be a team player to the press), she might not be someone Frons would want as a permanent matriarchal figure. If she had been given the type of non-stories on GL that Slezak has had for years as Viki, she likely would have blasted the show in SOD more than once.

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Rauch didn't arrive at OLTL until 1984; Jean Arley was producing at the time.

And the Corringtons wrote the show from late summer 1984 through December 1984 (Wikipedia is wrong, as usual, with someone having written that they wrote the show in 1983; they didn't).

Not sure who was writing the show in 1983.

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SOD said in their write-up on this that she'll be in a big story with ES, JvD, and RS (Viki, Clint, and Dorian). I've also read that it's a short-term role and likely recurring; Kim Zimmer didn't want to sign another contract.

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