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As much as TK is and was an a** I kinda liked that they lampshaded it by having him tell Marty bluntly not to come to the funeral because he just wanted to be there to be first in line for Esther after she would be done grieving and that in itself was disrespecting Curtis.
I kinda like Marty fine enough but I forgot about him when I was discussing leading men on here last week which... says something about the value of the character.

I am not thrilled about the writing and stories right now. 

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I thought that showed how little opinion TK has of Esther, that he assumes she will be all  over a man right after her great love has died. The show has made a bit of a mess of Esther's character, in that during the time she was pining for great love Curtis, she was repeatedly having sex with Eddie, then began a fraught relationship with Marty that only stopped progressing further by his choice and also because she got pregnant with Curtis' baby. 

I really like Marty. I think he's the type of character the show needs in  his age range, in that he has some traumas, but is still able to be light because he isn't constantly consumed by misery (like Jack) and also isn't put into one confusing, half-written story after another (like Louis). He's also one of the only male characters in his age range who has not left after about 6 months. The problem is they  have just had him completely stalled out while they have been waiting on the Esther storyline. It's a waste, especially since at this point I don't think she is capable of being happy with one man. 

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I agree. TK is an a**.  But it did help me get less irritated at the unsubtle pining they then wrote for Marty.
And, yes, Esther need a storyline that completely unrelated to a man.
By which, to be clear if Shortie writers are reading this, I do NOT mean she should also turn bi. 

Also, fact Francesca left without the other surgeons - Drew in particular - getting a chance to react to the Samira affair is yet another bizarre creative decision, like spending two weeks setting up a battle for Amelie's custody... before having Tom's mom telling him after one episode that her goal was the money and the whole thing being dropped just like that.

They have a bit of Bold and Beautiful disease whereby they have lots of good ideas but they do nothing satisfying with them.

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Yes, the show doesn't seem to have any real long-term story planning at the moment. The start of last year was setting up the Carla story, but there isn't much at present. The Hamish story doesn't affect enough people, and I'm not entirely sure what the other plots are right now...more Madonna drama...more Desi wedding drama (I'd rather watch a test pattern)...Maeve seems to be more and more unstable so maybe that will lead somewhere.

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The show isn't great at the moment (why are they throwing Marty and Samira together in such a rushed manner when they will have Marty chasing after Esther again soon enough??) but there are a few stories that have potential (Wilder's return and the stress he is causing the people in his life; TK's cancer) and some that are at least plugging along (the Hamish saga). Then you have the Desi and Damo saga that NEVER, EVER changes, and never stops being tedious.

- Desi is selfish and demanding.

- Damo does his best to placate her.

- Desi "learns" some lesson that she never actually learns.

- Gorgeous men throw themselves at Desi.

- Desi nobly turns these men down because, even though she treats Damo like a cash machine and a burden, he's her man.

I really wish they would just marry and leave Ferndale. 


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Another month, another post complaining about how unwatchable the Desi and Damo story is, and how it never, ever seems to change or take a pause. If the finale of this show is a nuke being dropped on the hospital, Desi would be the one survivor, still going on and  on about her [!@#$%^&*] wedding.

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Happy Anniversary Shorty! I watched regularly for a few years and I'm so happy that I had Beth and Rachel in my life. Sarah's death remains one of the most shocking moments in my soap viewing history. Rachel telling Sarah she couldn't run a corner store let alone a hospital remains a moment that always makes me laugh whenever it pops up in my head. I'd say my favourite storyline during my years watching was Josh's Hero Syndrome. The storyline DAYS should have written for Daniel Jonas. And I have to give a shoutout to all the wonderful promos they've made through the years. 

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I actually think this is a timely and interesting topic. The truth is when you are rich and powerful, and involved with your co-workers, there is going to be some inappropriate behavior in terms of power  imbalance. And I get the feeling that his relationship with Zoe repulsed many viewers at the time. 

With that said, I do think the choice to have this become about a Maori woman wanting to cast out all the white devils is in very poor taste, and feels oddly  tone deaf for the show. 

Anyway, thank you and thank you to @Bright Eyes and @Dion who have both done a lot to help introduce me to the show on  here and talk about it over the years. I hope you are enjoying it.  And if you have any sway with the producers, can you please bring Boyd back and  ship Desi off in  his place? Or  just ship Desi off...I'm not choosy. 

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