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ATWT July 2010 Discussion Thread

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I have no grips with ATWT hiring ABC stars. I have a HUGE problem with them recasting the talented actor, Scott Holroyd who played the important role Paul perfectly in favor of mediocre Roger Howarth.

Exactly, Carl. Paul was destroyed to turn him into Todd-lite. It was made worse that Howarth looked like he didn't give a damn in almost scene.

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I don't think the others hurt (I actually thought Cady's Rosanna was an improvement on the original), but Paul was one of my favorite ATWT characters so that was a big one for me. What the show did to Paul and one of my other favorites, Craig, really disgusted me to the point where I could not even watch the show for 3-4 years.

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I don't think it's the actors themselves, but just that the show had such a problem with creating new characters.

Since 2005 even. I think the only successful new character that they introduced was (arguably) Gwen. Making her Carly's half-sister definitely helped. But thinking about the other characters, like Julia and Janet, where from the get-go they were romantically involved with Jack. That's like character suicide right there.

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I thought I'd never be happy to see Will and Gwen again. I'd take them anyday over Juicy Janet, Dustmite and LiberHo. So finally Twit Katie blabs all to Henry. It took her long enough. Ahh..and Reid is on next week!

Jesse Lee Soffer :wub: They should have made Will gay and paired him with Reid.:wub:

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I'm totally biased, but I think that since Gwen, Reid is the only recent new character to be sucessfully established and integrated on the canvas.

I had no problem with the ABC actors who came to ATWT. The writing for their most characters is another story.

I agree with Carl that Cady was a huge improvement on the original actress as Rosanna. Initially I was terrified that we would be getting Dixie Cooney, but Cady made Rosanna a completely different character.

Jon Lindstrom is a good actor and has done as a good a job with Craig as anyone could with Goutman determined to destroy the character completely. Block and Bryce got similar writing. Block, especially after Sheffer left.

Pinson, well she is a disaster and the obsessive writing for Janet has made the character even more of a disaster. I can't even remember the other ABC actors.

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I like CM's Rosanna too.

Oh yeah, I forgot about Reid (and Noah.) Geez... I wonder why. Maybe if they were on more than every 2 weeks. :rolleyes:

I think it's funny how they tried to give Janet a connection via Brad. All the while, Brad had just been recast himself. No offense to JP-- but she's not "supporting" anyone. It's been the Janet Show for quite some time. I don't think there is one character that has made my blood boil more than Janet.

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I don't think Noah's really integrated with the whole show. Take him out of Luke's orbit, and he's got nothing. No other story possibilities. Reid can be in the Luke circle, the Katie/Chris circle, he can cause trouble for Bob and Kim, and just being at the hospital gives him the opportunity of being in other storylines.

Gwen, Reid, and I would also say Vienna are the three most "successful" characters (quotes because what's successful anymore?) of the last five years. On a second tier, I'd put the likes of Maddie, Jade, Noah, Janet, and Liberty.

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LOL...Jan's consistancy is her inconsistancy. A serial one-banging hoochie momma who saw nothing wrong with chasing married men; who suddenly wouldn't live in a separate apt with Jack (after living with him at the farm for months) because she wanted a ring on her finger before "going any further". Oh...and treasured her marriage so much she banged out another ONS, then went skipping back happily to "fight" for her marriage. UGH...sometimes I just can't help myself from venting.

On to today...I'm Barbara Freakin' Ryan! ought to be the line of the day. And I can't believe I'm saying this---but I actually liked everything today. Including Will and Gwen, when I practically cheered when Gwen left town. The Babs stuff was silly and over the top, but well...it's CZP. And I'm treasuring it while I can.

I could even stand Katie today---even if I LMAO at her bemoaning she'd never be ready to bang Chris. *snort* I give it two weeks before she ties him down and rides him like a lonely cowgirl who ain't seen a horse in a month of Sundays.

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It was nice to see Will and Gwen today. I too was one of those who were glad Gwen left.

They overkilled it with Jennifer Landon before she left with all the Gwen/Cleo stuff.

I loved the cliffhanger.I am so glad Katie told Henry.

One of the things thataggrevates me with this show is how isolated everybody is. Characters seldom cross over in to other stories.

I wonder if Will and Gwen and Luke and Noah will interact since they were friends at one time?

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:lol: Her reel can consist of Gwen's various shocked faces every time she learned something new about the latest Oakdale goings-on.

I was generally pleased with what we saw of them today. I liked that they got caught on stuff like Casey/Alison and the Barbara stuff (however silly it may be). I was thinking about whether they'd mention Billy and thought it would be clunky/contrived if they did, but it worked in the context of Casey/Vienna. Good on them for including some talk about that. If not for Billy, Gwen and Will probably would have never gotten together in the first place. So glad Gwen was a cold b!tch to Paul.

I loved the set of Gwen/Will/Casey/Maddie/Luke/Jade so much. All teens who were tied heavily to older, more established characters. CBS generally writes their characters older than ABC does, but compare that ATWT teen set to the OLTL teen set of Starr/Cole/Langston/Markko/whatever random shirtless guy they have on for this month. The OLTL characters are currently the age the ATWT characters were back in 2006.

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Good to see Willen again. Shocking, considering, I was uber-happy to see them leave a few years ago. Boy, did they take up some airtime last go-round!! ITA about the Jen Landon hair comments. It's enough that JS has a high forehead, but now JL has one, too. It's funny to me how JL's hair has gone from being boy-ish when she first debuted to all the way down to her friggin' waist now!

The Barbara/Chuckles bit is getting real old real fast. And someone please enlighten me why Barbara's captor returned, only to chloroform her, take Chuckles out of the crate, and prop them both against the brick wall.....??? Seems kinda pointless. And how in the world did Babs not HEAR or SEE someone entering that small-as-crap room?!

Katie/Chris are slowly growing on me. Susan Dansby, who I believe wrote Friday's script, did a wonderful job with their scenes. The potential pairing is slowly becoming more believable and root-worthy, and the actors are slowly gaining chemistry with one another.

Please, someone, shoot Vienna in the eye. She has offically become Clingy Oakdale Citizen #2047358916. <_<

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Ok so yeah--Katie ends up telling Henry about the non-baby? What an awful climax to this story. I thought for sure Barbara would get out of that room and spill the beans in front of everybody at some point, which would have been much more juicy. Geez, even at the END these writers can't plan a proper comeuppance. <_<

So then what the hell was the point of Babs being locked up in this room (conveniently at the same time as she discovers Vienna's dirty deeds) with the creepy ass clown...? Just to bring Willen back?

Well ok...Will was indeed looking *mighty fine* :D

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^^^I disagree completely re: Katie & Henry. That little bitch deserves to have Henry hand her her head. This all started because Katie threw a snit fit about Henry's affair with Barbara, which was none of her damned business. Katie called V back to town, lying about Henry donating his inheritance to the hospital, and convincing V Henry wanted her back. V's lies are on her---but Katie also "forgot" to tell V Henry and Babs had been an item and were still "running into each other" behind V's back. (Actually, Henry, V, Babs and Casey should all get to take turns calling her out and smacking her upside the head. Casey is her nephew, and named for her father FCOL, and she still let V continue with this farce.)

Henry reclaiming his balls from Katie is a GOOD thing. And I'll die happy if Henry refuses to speak to the bitch for the next 2 months while Katie begs for his forgiveness. Katie is more a "user" than Henry's "friend". It's time he got to rub her nose in something.

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