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Hillary B. Smith interview

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Yeah, I never knew anything of Tom's past pre-Margo until I got the ATWT history book in 1996. To learn Tom was married two or three times before he even knew Margo. Hell, even knowing he was involved with Margo's aunt before Margo. I didn't even know Margo had an aunt. I still wonder why the Maggie character suddenly no longer existed after 1985.

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Not sure what the issue was between CZP and HBS, but it's not surprising that they had an issue. I know that alot of people had issues with CZP, especially in the early 80's when they taped on E76th St. CZP had a dressing room far removed from all the others and wasn't friendly with the other cast at all. She was married to Mr. Crouch at the time and whispers were rampant about just how close she was to Hugo Napier so it was no surprise a couple years later when she moved on to Mark Pinter. Such a tangled web she wove!

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Wowza, this is the first I've heard about anything to do with CZP and now think the casting for Babs is/was perfect. HBS was my fave Margo, but ED won me over pretty quickly. I agree about the chemistry between HBS's Margo and BH's Hal. They were so perfect together in some ways and I easily bought them as misfits among the madhouse innmates. They weren't flashy or showy, just regular people. It's what made them so special. While I enjoyed the attraction, I wish they hadn't crossed the line. You just knew there was no where to take them after that.

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Juicy stuff! CZP was a stunning woman in her younger years (and still is) from the clips I have seen on Youtube.

I truly admire her battling cancer, but I have to say it, the vibe I get from her is that she is or was, a bitch on wheels. She oozes sexuality to me too! Like she probably has a voracious appetite. :)

don't think I worded this as I should have. But whatever.

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Also, who's to say HBS is "innocent" in this situation? To me, she seems like a heckuva gal; ask around, though, and I'm sure you'll find a co-worker or two who feels different.

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Actually, I tend to think that was more Woodsy's doing than hers. Number one, his recent cosmetic surgery speaks for itself (vain!); and number two, judging from Bo's love interests both before and after Nora, he probably resented TPTB "foisting" on him a gf/wife who was actually age-appropriate, lol!

You know, come to think of it...Woodsy's like the Eric Braeden of OLTL. Except, you could dump Bo, IMO, and the show would not suffer.

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CZP is more of a let's get to work attitude/she means business attitude. HBS...I've heard rumors was more of a prankster/making fun of certain people attitude. Someone on SON posted that they could see that in HBS.

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Bear in mind, too, egos really seemed to flare on the WT set during that period (early-to-mid-'80's). I have to wonder if at least some of that wasn't EP Mary-Ellis Bunim's doing. Like many current EP's, she seemed to have her favorites who got the lion's share of airtime.

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