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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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That episode alone showed why this show needs to be retooled. Melissa needs to go. Teresa needs to go. These two, who are SO much alike, are killing this franchise with their stupid ass feud. And people wonder why I gravitate towards Kathy. She may be boring but she's the most sane and the only one with a heart.


Watched Trashra on WWHL and she solidified, epitomized why I don't care for this show. Bravo tries to make this trash box work but she doesn't. She lacks wit and talent that Nene has. The class the Lisa has. The spunk Adriana has. She is just pure evil along with mandible jaw Dirty Rest home granny Gunvalson. Next season, they need to cast a b-tch that'll put her hands on these old fogeys. Preferably a woman from Compton or San Jose.

And I'll say it till the cows come home but they need to Gretchen off this show. Put her on another franchise but get her off this sinking ship.

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OMG, Eric you need to see this. She hits Melissa with a "THIS BITCH!". She goes in on her at about 20:30


IA with Brooks. Its ridiculous that Vicki is letting her grown ass daughter dictate their love life. Brianna is an unreasonable bitch and needs to get over herself. Vicki really needs to just throw her ass out on the street. Brianna is using that baby as a weapon to control her mother and its not right

I actually thought Alexis came across well in this episode, like in her scene with Gretchen and Gretchen came across bad. I have to give it to Alexis for trying to make amends and put herself out there

Edited by Cheap21
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I just rewatched the fight and Kathy goes "I was just worried about my nose job" laugh.png LMAO, not only did I not have ish to say about her, she was actually funny


Did you see how she ran with the quickness to put a hat on her husband?


I was dying when she ran off :lol:
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LOL! You need to resize that so it can be my new avi? ;)

I laughed when Kathy said that too. She still doesn't need to be a housewife but I've come to a point where I can accept her as a friend of housewives. I see her slowly getting tired of the BS meanwhile her bitch husband is loving it. He was out of line to confront Tre. It has nothing to do with him! I HATE his ass. He meeds to go f-ck himself.

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First of all, Closet Confessions is the business. I haven't seen her latest yet, but I literally LOLed last week when she said "That little bitch, Richie -- what a dick he is."

Secondly, while I do think Brianna is using her baby to keep Brooks out of the house, I don't think she is a bitch for wanting the best for her mother. She senses that Brooks is a conman after Vicki for only one thing -- money. Let's be honest, don't we ALL sense that Brooks is slimey and no-good? Vicki is at fault here because she wants to have her cake and eat it, too. She agreed to Briana, Ryan and Troy living with her because she wants to be close to her child and grandchild. I don't blame her for that. But she's also pretending not to date Brooks when she plainly is when her daughter's back is turned. She is like a lust-crazed teenager with a Romeo & Juliet complex who thinks the world is against her and her Greatest Love of All Time. It just makes her want that balding layabout even more. And defending his cheating ways ("We were on a break; he's a good man") makes her look even more ridiculous.

Brianna has the best of intentions -- she just wants her mom to buy a clue before Brooks robs her blind of her hard-earned cash. I found it VERY telling that in the recent Vicki's Vodka lawsuit between Vicki and her business partner Robert (the guy in Monday's episode who came up with the Piggy Mary name), they finally talked it all out and he dropped her as a defendant in the suit. However, he did NOT drop Brooks as a defendant (Vicki gave Brooks 16% of the company). Fishy.

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IA that Brianna has good intentions but Vicki is over 50. At this point all Brianna can do is lay out her concerns and let Vicki live her life. For her to dictate it is wrong bc Vicki is grown. It just seems so ridiculous that she had to go behind her back and sneak around like a teenager. I'd be damned if my child ever presumed to think they could run my life like that

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ETA: I just realized that when the fall-out from Vicki & Brooks' tragic relationship happens (and it WILL happen, trust me), Brooks will no doubt sue Vicki for all the proceeds from Vicki's Vodka because Big Mouth went on TV and said that VV could never have happened without Crooks.

This is a Judge Judy episode waiting to happen.

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