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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Hehe. To be fair...I would say SLC definitely got the hardest push with new teasers and things promoted while NYC is showing clips and POTOMAC has gotten leaked footage and one Bravo dance-off clip. Okay, and all 3 have gotten cast pictures for their respective upcoming seasons.


I would say BH tracks. If anything, they haven't had a teaser since the awesome icy S3 one if I'm not mistaken. Everything else has been filmed footage teasers/trailers. And updated opening/cast pictures of course. 

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BH has always been surface and kind of tacky.  Moreso then dare I say the OC and SLC... but the OC has that soccer mom tackiness that warms my heart and SLC has that over the top quirkiness that amuses me.  SLC is what BH wishes it were.. but it always come across as trying without actually just being.

Edited by Soaplovers
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Underwhelmed. Where's Eric? lol.


But seriously...I felt it was dare I say it...kinda of there, bordering on boring. On second viewing, though it came across a lot better.


I guess the good...once it was off and running...it went. I do like they have newbies in the mix. It made it feel like a usual HW show with a new housewife and a FOH. I didn't even mind seeing the husbands a little bit in the mix except for Sai's husband, but knowing it's the WIVES' show. I definitely felt everyone got their little funny moment. There's storyline potential there...like the cracks in Erin/Abe's marriage, the continuing wacky adventures of Jessel, and Raquel navigating the group for example.


But the bad...I see Brynn has the second season curse. Le sigh.


It took a second viewing for me to get the gist of what the drama was. And it would seem that Brynn is either trying to self-produce in the way of a Bone Collector/Pot Stirrer or is it that she simply don't like everyone getting along like Sai said. And this episode bit her in the butt as all the ladies compared notes and started to come for her. I was very sad to see that since we know I'm a Brynn fan, but what Sai said WASN'T wrong, but I'm bias when it comes to Aquarius. 


And I would be at a loss for word if I didn't talk about the foreshadowing at the beginning of the episode. Where we see where this is all going to lead...Ubah vs Brynn. I almost want to say that given the trailer...it's Ubah who gets preggers by someone who IS NOT her man, and Brynn stirred the pot...but we will see. Cuz right now...Ubah is the only person innocent in this episode given she was in it very little until her comedic entrance at the end after the gang-up on Brynn. 


ERIN. hehe. Someone said it online and I admit that I can't unsee it, but there were a few moments in Confessional or head turns or things coming up where Erin does look a little like Jennifer Aniston. I'm not sure about them allowing her to introduce a FOH who is problematic given that she was friends with that problematic HW they edited out of their season last season. I am sure that if her and Abe are hiding something in their marriage, that it will come out. Especially with Eric there. That said...there was a clear tension in their scenes together and it was fascinating to watch. Moreso because when they are not around each other, they BOTH show more personality. Erin was still trying to be Bethanny-Lite, and the fact that she's good friends with Jessel now (and has tension with her) seem strategic. Meanwhile, Abe gets along with all the guys, and I loved that he can make a great cherry vodka martini. But him, Pavit, Sai, and Jenna was a ki-ki this episode. But so far, Erin IS coming across well because Hades froze over when I was on her side in the gang-up on Brynn, but how could I not be? She did everything right by going to everyone involved and proving what was said in the first place.


SAI. I could care less about her healing journey. LOL!!! But I do like that she has heard the complaints and rather than double down, she was pivoting. Even if like Erin, I do continue to side-eye her with Jessel, but at least they established they were building a friendship at the finale. But I also said Jessel got her respect when Jessel gave her a taste of her own medicine in the finale last season. So I can see that. Meanwhile, it seem clear then and definitely does now that Sai and Brynn's friendship did not survive the reunion so I respect that Sai is trying to still be civil. But Sai is still Sai, as evident by Brynn's Confessional when she gave the tea on what Sai said about Jessel's man. And Sai read that a$$ (Erin's face was priceless). And while Sai was wrong to say that, it was a bad move on Brynn's part in my opinion. 


JESSEL. I see Jessel is going to still be her wacky self. God bless her with that even though her man made me mad with his Beyonce comment. I do worry she might stir the pot a little too much herself. But that said...she came across as being in the joke of it all, and I liked that. I so hollered at her during the gang-up when she was talking in her Confessional about Mom Brain. 


UBAH. Off to an okay start. Happy to see it appears she is with the same man and felt more comfortable talking about him so far. But she was not in it very much except to introduce the FOH Rebecca and her comedic entrance at the end.


JENNA. So it would seem on WWHL, Jenna revealed that the GF who isn't filming (though the GF's mom did film this episode) is now her wife. They married off screen. And some are already side-eying Andy for it due to what happened to Kenya when she did the same on RHOA. Outside of that...and the body odor scene ewww...Jenna did good this episode. She is still avoiding mess as best she can, but seem more comfortable so far. Love all the humor around the vagina dress.


RAQUEL. Not as flashy as Bronwyn on SLC, but I think I will like her. Her quirky energy is good. I can see why her and Jenna are friends. And I found her backstory interesting...especially the tv shows she's been in. Of course, this was after a second viewing because I found it hard to separate Live Raq from Confessional Raq due to hair. That said...I loved that when the gang-up happened, her, FOH Rebecca, and her fiancée were on a whole other couch trying to annoy the mess as much as possible cuz it was crazy looking. 


BRYNN. I feel like I should have the Tyra Bank gif here. Cuz I was rooting for her. We well me was all rooting for you. smh. I don't even get the point when she has that foine bubble butt-having brother of hers. Shame he was married. lol. It just felt so...what's the word performative all that she was doing this episode. Even her running off at the end and trying to cry because everyone was ganging up on her. Well, it seem she told one thing to one person and another thing to someone else and then a third thing to someone else. And then to deflect on top of that? I still like her, but this was a bad stuff for her, and I cannot even defend her. 


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Brynn was a pot stirrer last season.. people just choose to ignore that because Erin did it better. 

Jenna is just so cringe and awkward... it's very uncomfortable watching her.

Ubah not being on so much was a good thing.  Wish they had downgraded her because she brings nothing except being abusive to the show.

Erin kept talking about sex last season... almost obsessively.  Usually that is a signal that all is not so rosy in a relationship.


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Lol. Erin didn't do it better. She would sit there and cry Karen tears. I can at least say Brynn handled her gang-up better. 


Speaking of Erin, I agree. Even I was side-eying her and Abe last season. So it seems that is bearing fruit now and I can't wait to see what comes out. 



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