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OMG! Jessel! I can't believe she just did a 2 for 1 drive-by on Erin/Sai!!!!


Woooow. She really does not play when she finally dropped the mask.


And Sai's face actually cracked. Sai told her what she wanted...and Jessel gave it to her...making Sai backpedal. SAI?? I'm speechless at this birthday party.

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Ugh I have had such a fun time rewatching nuRHONY, I can't even tell you. It's underrated. It had a better first season than Dubai. That's not to say I don't love my OG RHONYs and want to see them back on my screen -- my love for Luann and Sonja alone knows no bounds. Throw in Kristen, Heather, Carole, and I'd be a happy camper for a new season of OG RHONY. What I would give for a couple to pop up on the revamp! We know that Sonja and Jessel hit it off during the Alexis Mabille Couture ad campaign, and apparently Ramona and Erin have met and hit it off (yes, you read that right -- the latter makes so much sense when you think about it). But back to nuRHONY! Wait til you get into reunion (which I am currently watching). It's a mess, but it sets up this coming season quite nicely, and I honestly cannot wait for the trailer. They're all coming back, including Jenna, and I'm pleased. The cast is a good one to start building around IMO, because they have actually forged friendships with one another.

But yeah, Erin? As Jessel said at reunion (not to give anything away, but I'm going to drop this tiny nugget), the Circle of Trust was really just the Circle of 'let's b!tch about others behind their backs.' Trying to dress it up as some kind of Trust forum is ridiculous. Also Erin with "You're being aggressive" in Anguilla -- she can dish it out but cannot take it. That is going to cost her in S2 now that everybody knows she crumbles at the slightest pushback. With the help of Sai, she stirred up others against someone in the group (Jenna, Jessel), she thought she was being all cool and strategic, but when she got caught out on her own hypocrisy, she had a meltdown. Sai, too. But Sai is made of sterner stuff. I'm not sure Erin is. 

You are going to love Brynn during reunion, lol.

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@Cheap21 So RHONJ's cast trip didn't happen this season -- the house they were meant to go to had a fire. So the season may well have been cut down from its usual 14 to 10 or 11.


I totally have been loving it... but im bummed to hear Fellner (the JFP of RHs) will be EPing. How does this guy keep failing upwards? He damn near ruined Potomac.

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Thanks. Its crazy they didnt have a backup plan even if it meant pausing filming for a week or two while they try to book a hotel for them. I wonder if they even tried or thought this toxic cast wasnt worth the hassle


In other new, Mia lowkey confirmed that Inc is the daddy or at the very least is trolling


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So on Sunday I decided to start binging Dubai and I’m up to episode 11 and have some thoughts.

Chanel may be the most annoying housewife currently on bravo. I don’t think there’s ever been a housewife more obsessed and obnoxious about themself. 

Lesa is my absolute favorite and she may be the most gorgeous woman on Bravo.

Stanbury and her boy toy are not going to last

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. Sergio LOVES the cameras. I like that the ladies don’t allow Stanbury to be queen bee just because she’s a bravo vet.

I surprisingly really like Brooks. She can be annoying at times but the way she reads Chanel gives me life all the time.

Nina and Sara are both nice and inoffensive and I feel fit in well.

Overall I love that the show isn’t toxic at all. No one is trying to ruin anyone’s lives or marriages. And for a first season cast they have very strong chemistry. Also like that like it’s a multi cultural cast. 
Can’t wait to finish the season and start season 2.

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Well I wish Bravo had more faith in Dubai. They are moving it to Tuesday next week and its never a good sign when a show cant hold a consistent schedule. The show JUST premiered and its like they dont want it to succeed




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THIS. My goodness she was annoying AF in the premiere of this new season, hobbling around in ridiculous dresses and shoes. 

I'm not sure it's Bravo having no faith in Dubai, but more so that Bravo didn't plan their schedule well, so Tuesday is now vacant after this evening as both Vanderpump Rules and The Valley are finished their respective seasons. 

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I hear you but I dont see why they didnt just hold the premiere back a week? Luckily I follow them on social media bc had i not, I wouldnt have known about the schedule change and im sure plenty of people that did watch will go watch on Sunday and be confused and many may even drop off

Speaking of schedule, i hate NJ on Sunday. Thats a show that was better on Tuesday

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@Cat don't forget that Eric ruined RHOA too. I never understood why Bravo thought he'd be good for RHOA--the crown jewel. Maybe he'll stumble into a win on NY, but I don't see the women falling for his messy antics on nuRHONY. I think they have a silent bond as to how far to take it. 

And regarding Chanel, once I heard that she and Lesa parted ways, I knew the goodness about her would wear off. She needs to tone it down b/c her antics are old. It was cute season 1. Now we're over it. Show us something more. The lavish, borrowed outfits, feigning to be an airhead, and proclaiming to be the "hottest" is old. I don't think the women or Bravo realized but Lesa is about to emerge as the face of Dubai. This miscalculation happens all the time.

Bravo thought Gizelle would be the star, and Karen came in the second season and threw a wrench in the plan. Same with them thinking Dina and Caroline would be the stars on NJ and it later ended up being Tre and Danielle. And on BH, Bravo thought Kyle & Kim would be the stars b/c they were related to Kathy and LVP emerged as the dark horse. 

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I’m on episode 2 of the reunion, I’ve found Chanel’s antics tiring from the start. They literally waited until the last 2 episodes of the season to try and humanize her but it was too little too late for me. 

I’m actually excited to see a season of Lesa and Chanel not being friends.

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In my opinion, Nina created a lot of tension among the ladies before the show started. They sort of brushed on the topic throughout the season. Even Brooks cosigned it. 

Nina hated Stanbury previously, and Lesa & Ayan were loyal to Nina by not liking Stanbury either. Nina fed them a lot of negative stuff about Stanbury, but as we saw, Nina grew to like Stanbury herself. The hatred between the two has spiraled into something larger than it should be. 

I also think that Stanbury thought she would be "queen bee" b/c she was the draw for Bravo to do a show in Dubai; however, Lesa, Ayan, and Brooks were not going to stand for it. 

Weirdly, Lesa has stated she's good with everyone in the cast except Ayan. That puts Ayan in a precarious situation in future seasons because I think Stanbury secretly hates Ayan more than she does Lesa.

'As most of the cast have pointed out, Lesa and Stanbury are much alike. If Stanbury had the choice, she'd rather be buddied up with Lesa. Lesa is ride or die, and Stanbury wants someone like that in her corner at all times (as we come to learn, Brooks and Sara fall out with Stanbury this season). That's been her modus operandi since Ladies of London. Remember Juliet?

With Ayan most likely showing herself to be fickle and constantly playing to the audience, Stanbury knows Ayan will turn on her soon enough. 

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@NothinButAttitude I'm not sure Lesa is quite at the point of becoming most popular HW on Dubai in the way that Karen Huger or LVP came to unexpectedly dominate their respective franchises. Lesa is quieter, more strategic, and definitely careful about what she is putting out there. However, I have been wrong before, and that's what I'm looking forward to the most about S2 Dubai -- having my preconceptions thrown to the wind! Lesa is absolutely one of the most gorgeous women to ever grace Bravo, IMO. She is breathtaking.

Meanwhile, Chanel Ayan is actively campaigning for top-dog spot. She has been charged with the bulk of the Dubai promo interviews (what little there is) by Bravo, and is actively courting other, more popular HWs (Kyle, Teresa and Tamra, most notably) in order to get with Andy's in-crowd. This is not a bad strategy. As I said before, she is dominating the narrative -- for now. But clearly, like many of you, viewers are tiring of Ayan's OTTness. There is every reason to expect that Lesa will make her case to the audience over the course of the season. Because viewers are now asking questions about what happened between the two of them, and are Lesa & Stanbury really copacetic? It's a mystery that viewers want to piece together for themselves.

@Antoyne so pleased you enjoyed S1. IMO reunion saved the show which had slow, unfocused direction early on, to say the least. The show was let down IMO by Stanbury refusing to engage and thinking she could Kim-Zolciak it throughout the season. And Sergio is cringeworthily thirsty and annoying. He wants this more than she does. I actually cannot believe that someone as cold and strategic as Stanbury married this guy after luxuriating on Oil Money for so long. This couple are clearly finding it hard to make ends meet in notoriously-expensive Dubai.

As for Lesa & Stanbury -- keep your friends close and your enemies closer! They don't trust each other, but they're not going to poke the bear, for now. I think Lesa is jealous that Ayan is kissing up to Stanbury. Lesa went after Stanbury and pretty much accused her of being on J*ffr*y Epst*in's books at reunion -- which is a HUGE allegation. Now, I'm not sure Stanbury was ever an escort for hire, but what is interesting is we are now getting whispers of Lesa having been an escort in Miami, which is how she met her husband (whose business is currently being sued -- a rite of passage for every RH franchise, it seems!). I don't know if any of this is true, I'm just saying it is interesting that we have mirroring rumors flying around. Tit for tat? 

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