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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I have to give credit where credit is due. I think we all know how I feel about Eric Fuller and how his hand in RHOA and RHOP led to some of its decline. And his hand in this season of NY wasn't much better...cuz a whole episode around a prank and the backlash is not a good look at all. However, Ubah vs Brynn has been set up throughout the season. Because you saw Ubah being open to the point where she could not tolerate lies (all the stuff about pigeons). Meanwhile, you saw Brynn over the season have trouble with the concept of 'the truth' and how the other ladies just shrugged it off. Only for the finale to happen.


And? Yes, THAT was a doozy. And the show has taken a turn. On the good side, well...it has buzz. Which in the world of soaps...is better than indifference to what's going on. On the bad side...it has mostly been bad.


I have been leaning toward Team Ubah most of the season. What helped her case with me this season was that she was being pretty open this year versus last year. She still had her moments, but I understood. And it was clear that Brynn has been trying to use microaggressions against her to make her snap before this trip. And she was poking her on this trip. So I was for Ubah (and to a lesser extent Jessel) getting her all the way together. But for Brynn to turn around and play victim when Ubah bended to peer pressure and tried to work it out already irked me. But when she went to the other ladies and said that Ubah knew she had been raped and still said things like that to her...knowing that Ubah has a language barrier issue and it was the same issue Erin had with Ubah an episode ago...was shocking.


And you saw how it colored all of the ladies' perspective, too. That was not only chilling, but telling. Raquel's only slip with me tbh. I liked that Erin gave the benefit of the doubt, but the last few episodes was still in her head. Jenna...smh. Thank God for Jessel for being a real friend and letting Ubah know what was up. And that explosion? Deserved. 


And then Brynn revealed she lied on Ubah. 


The optics of doing that. The optics of her...as a black woman...doing that to ANOTHER black woman. And the other ladies opening their eyes to her. Not to mention that whole next morning where Brynn was just chilling with Production. Just wooooow. That was a LOT to unpack. I was happy to have the scene with Ubah/Jessel and the ladies after Brynn left. Poor Ubah. 


Accountability has to be taken. And I am counting down the days to the reunion where it already looks like all the ladies are coming for Brynn. Because that was dark. But...I do want to see what happens now. So buzz for this reboot...finally gotten.


ERIN. I didn't like how she was at the start of the episode. And still trying to gaslight Jessel and Sai. And it said something for her that she was so willing to go along with Brynn's lie. And for someone that wants to be Ubah's friend, she was not giving her the heads-up. But still, I liked she gave the benefit of the doubt. And then that final scene on the trip when they saw Ubah after the fact...just smh.


JENNA. Too little, too late. She should feel guilty for being all ready to be Team Brynn only to be wrong. I just did not like her at all. 


RAQUEL. Perhaps I was not as harsh on her is because she's new. And I felt all of her reactions were genuine. Even though she immediately backed Brynn and threw off an air of being mad at Ubah, it was her Confessional for me. When she found out Brynn lied. That anger WAS real. Like she had experience with people giving false statements. 


SAI. Disappointed that she didn't jump to Ubah's side quickly. But her Confessionals on the other hand....she was clocking Brynn left and right. And YES. There's not clocking something vs saying someone knew something (when they don't). Her side-eye game was on point.


JESSEL. A real one. I loved that when Brynn said her lie, she went ahead and told Ubah what was said. And when the explosion happened and Production sent Ubah to a hotel, she went with her. A real friend. Most of this season I have liked the mini-friend groups, and my favorite was Ubah/Sai/Jessel. Jessel had been mostly absent from that group in the second half of the season, but she came through here.


UBAH. I liked she clocked the optics when she got back to the house. As a black person, there's nothing like being accused of something you didn't do or know. And when you are a well off or successful black person, you always have to be so careful of your image. Because no matter how you present yourself, people still have that 'angry black person' stereotype in your head. And because of that knowledge, some people will try to trigger you and poke at you. And Ubah can be abrasive, but there was no reason she deserved what happened to her at all. And that scream she let out when Jessel told her what Brynn said. I can still hear it in my head. She had every right to go off on Brynn. And I found it telling that Producers were trying to hold her back and policing her while they babied Brynn. Uhhhh no. And then her crying on the couch and not wanting to be touched...I got this and it was sooo sad to watch. And that it was from one of her own...just smh. And I loved she is still enough of a professional to go to the cast pictures. And that she held up her boundaries. Sometimes you need that with people with nasty spirits who you know mean you harm.


BRYNN. That second season curse. I liked her last season. But I came out of this episode thinking...that girl is CRAZY. I mean...how? Why? Not even trying to correct her clear mistake. And that new morning was creepy AF because she was the first one up and chilling with the Producers. Why? I mean...she won't be beating those allegations that trigger her when she's being seen like that. And rather than keep it real and confront it all...she ran away??? Only to come to the cast shoot and heavily play victim. And while part of me did think 'so Aquarius', it was not a good look for her. What she did was dangerous, and she needs to be held accountable. 


Thankfully the reunion is around the corner. And I'm here for Brynn getting each and every one of her lashings. 


The season though...? Not as good as their first. They did so many missteps overall. And no more pranks going forward. And sadly, they do have lightning in the bottle because EVERYONE is talking about how crazy this episode was. And a lot of people want to see Brynn get them lashings. But...everyone is interested. EVERYONE. 



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I would say a solid Part 1 to the reunion. 


I would say the MVP for me so far was Mary. Not because she had a lot to do. She was literally giving the reactions that I was giving while watching. From Lisa's antics to Heather's continued mean girl acting, she was me. She also had the best dress...as did Bob. I LOVED their dresses. I also loved how everyone kept catching strays when they were not even the topic of conversation. lol.


Part 1 was basically focused on the status of Bob and Lisa's friendship. Or more like the end of it since I don't see how they can come back from this. Lisa (and Heather) is exactly what Mary said that she was. She has known Bob for 20 years and never saw her as a friend at all apparently. Worse, she sided more with the hidden family of Bob's babydaddy. And to add on, the reveal of unseen footage revealed it all. Because whether she had a heads-up or not, Lisa was rightly clocked that being in the spotlight for 4 years (and counting), she should have at least been self-aware enough to maybe not repeat anything scandalous to the free world on the after show. But what do you expect of the lady who trashed her BFF re: Meredith back in Season 2? 


It was Operation Attack Bob from go. From the moment she walked out on stage in that red dress Dumb and Dumber...I mean Lisa and Heather were acting like Mean Girls toward her. I found it distasteful. The ambush of the jewelry...thankfully Angie K and Mary swoop in and had Bob's back. Heather with the catty remarks. Lisa with the Nene Leakesque technique of trying to overtalk anyone trying to outtalk her like in the case of the UpAndAdam info with Little Girl. They were horrible this part. It was sad to see Bob realize in real time that Lisa IS NOT her friend. I did like she got some good licks in on her though and that her hubby showed AND had her back. 


LISA. Disgusting. Seriously. Easily. She was being overdramatic and nasty. So all that talk about Little Girl outing she was behind the rumor that started the Meredith vs Little Girl feud early in the season. All that money for cybertechs and they found nothing to prove Little Girl wrong, did they? With Production doing a rollback on the UpAndAdam phone call that was shown on the show, I thought it was funny how she moved on. And the fact that she came to this reunion to destroy her friend was smh. At least Bob took accountability for her own actions in the last set of episodes at the reunion and showed she really saw Lisa as a friend. But not only did Lisa get caught on camera talking about Bob's tea (a miscarriage is a no-no), but she could not even give an apology?? (Mary's look said it all) Not even for how it could have hurt Gwen. When Lisa did that and said she did not give a [!@#$%^&*] about Bob OR HER DAUGHTER, I literally said [!@#$%^&*] YOU at my television. I could understand Bob...who she hung out to dry as a 'social friend' (something she could have told Bob 20 years ago!), but dissing her child when she knew the nature of the relationship between that family is low vibrational [!@#$%^&*] and what I would expect from someone who owns being shallow like it is a good human quality. Perhaps it is because of how kids are a trigger for me, but [!@#$%^&*] that bitch. If Bob comes back next season, I am going to need her to tear Lisa apart.


HEATHER. PIECE OF [!@#$%^&*]. Nothing relevant. Was just there to be Gretchen to Lisa's Regina. So Mary's text fell on deaf ears. I will treat her online during my viewing accordingly. Trashbox.


MEREDITH. Mute. Actually. 


ANGIE K. Outside of the fact she has the hottest husband (love that goatee), she did not do anything much, but save Bob from the Mean Girl ambush this part.


LITTLE GIRL. Smh. I wanted S5 Open Whit at the start, but alas. She did get her section, but her fumbling for words to explain the Meredith feud was giving ShebySheree RHOA S4 reunion explaining Chateau Thelma. Oh, and I love the Monica shoutout. See? Not even at the reunion and STILL talked about.


MARY. MVP. She knew those Mean Girls were on their mess. And her looks gave it beautifully. I think for me the highlight was the look she gave Lisa when Lisa called Bob a social friend. She saw how much that hurt Bob to hear. And it was very 'if looks could kill...' And these ladies wondered back in the first couple of seasons why she kept them at arms' length. Now you know.  I was just glad she helped with the dismissing of the jeweler for the Bob ambush. And if there is one thing I can count on Mary for it will always be a backhanded compliment in Heather's direction.


BOB. Lord, girl. Not a good start, but solid. It seem clear she had no idea that Lisa was going to throw her under the bus, but she recovered nicely. And I liked she stayed calm and articulate even when those mean girls tried to go low. And most importantly, she stayed focused on the real target: LISA when others tried to chime in. And the reveal of her asking Production to cut out the miscarriage tea...and they LISTENED for Gwen's sake...only for it to come out in the After Show from Lisa's lips...was WOW. And Lisa's lack of self-awareness. Bob was right to clock her for that. Moreso cuz Bob STILL had the moral high ground due to her taking accountability for how distasteful she was over the last set of episodes and yes...it was all about being Lisa's friend. But Lisa puts herself (and the show) above such things. A sad lesson for her to learn, but to paraphrase Games of Thrones...I suspect Bob will learn. And YAS for Bob's Hubby coming out and going in on Lisa AND John. Her hubby's whole thoroughline the whole season was that he does not play about Gwen. I had no problem with him going (calmly) off on that famewhore. 


Again a solid Part 1. I am only saddened Part 2 looks like filler. 

I agree. I feel like I could have sat down anything to write about it, but instead, I just sat and thought. There are still quite a few moments that stick in my own head from the finale. I could almost rewatch. 


You picked up on that as well re: Raquel. I also felt like a lot of what she said, what she felt, what she talked about was from personal experience as well which is why she was quick to believe Brynn. 


Hehe. I can't unsee that now! And that post is such a Kyle thing to do, too. Erin had to know the backlash her BFF was getting so she had to pivot with the quickness.


And good buzz...not like the buzz from the prank episode, too. 


Because what happens next. People want to know. 

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I gave these ladies a hard time this season. However, tonight's episode was genuinely on fire! And the finale looks just as juicy. 

This was probably the best episode since like episode 3. Very old-school Potomac. Liked the variety of things going on, some movement in the story, and loads of fun moments at the drag show. I enjoyed some of new friendships too.

Pretty cool to see the OGs in the mentor role with K. Particularly Gizelle this is where she shines the most. 

I still don't know if I like Stacey but she was good in this episode.

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Gizelle INFURIATED me! All the good will she had this season went out the window. I hated how she came at Stacey on Karens behalf. Wrong road. This was not her fight to take up. She fooled me bc she has not changed. She is the same typical mean girl we've always known her to be. B-tch

Stacey was messy for running to Mia with tea, but Im not even mad at her bc of how Karen by way of Gizelle came for her. Poor Wendy being collateral damage but this finally give hr a story within the group. Too bad these last 2 episodes happened so late in the season


Anyone watch WWHL? Mia was on and Andy and Quad at her azz up. She tried to lie and play victim and Quad kept checking her and it was obvious Andy was unimpressed with Mia. She just be saying stuff and they were not letting her fly with most of that crap

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Mia: A disaster and this whole Ink/Jeremiah/Gordon fiasco is simply gross. It is not entertaining and has no entertainment value. Plus, she's really vulgar and stupid. 

Stacey: Ugh, this late in the game switchover to Mia is not the move. Frankly, the comments she attributes to Karen, while spicy, are not correct. Mia is garbage and Stacey *should not* be her friend. Wendy *is* self absorbed - her entire storyline this year has been her birthday and non-existent 'talk show'...

Gizelle: She hates Mia and will do anything that goes against her. 

Ashley: The drag king stuff is neither here nor there for me. She has no storyline. 

Karen: Are they going to work in her conviction into the finale using a "6 months later..."? However they do it, I really hope we see some accountability from Karen. 

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Girl, STOP! A new set of lawyers isnt going to change the outcome at this point. She lucky Im not her judge bc Id give her the max legal sentence for dragging this out and wasting the court's time

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