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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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That's exactly who I was thinking of.


The question now would be...can Gizelle hold her own against Messy Mia?

That's exactly who I was thinking of.


The question now would be...can Gizelle hold her own against Messy Mia?

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Hmmm. I would say it was a good episode. The best one since the episode that was revealed to be a prank. 


I think for me, it was because there was complexity going on with fun moments. And for me, that had to do with who was carrying...namely Ubah and Erin. I admit that I've been worried as we get closer to what causes the flashforward of Ubah vs Brynn that perhaps Ubah is the villain. And this episode, I felt there were moments where Ubah was full of herself. But there were also moments where Ubah was in the right. And most importantly with her, it was irking me how much the cast know she has a language issue, but still try to use it to attack her. Even Ubah sees it, so I love how she kept correcting herself to explain...well to those who needed it explained.

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And then the cliffhanger of offending the host...le sigh.  And the same with Erin who had moments where she was full of herself, too. And then there were moments where she just moved oh so wrong cuz unless she told Ubah about her father's relapse...which it does not look like she had...she does not get to go straight Karen about that. Ubah totally would have backed down quicker if she knew of the combined parent cancer drama. That Erin appeared to be holding on to that and even listening to Brynn on ANYTHING is very telling.


And Brynn...le sigh. Child. I guess it's just the year of me turning on cast that I originally liked. Messy Mia. Bob. Now Brynn. Because the amount of mess she was trying to do this episode. Continuing to cause a rift between Ubah and Erin. Coming for Jessel. Coming for Ubah in the van because of a language issue...not that Ubah was wrong. It really felt like jealousy. Jessel called that right. As did Ubah treating her as irrelevant. 


Outside of Brynn, I really could not take sides, and I don't mind. It made the ladies more interesting to watch as they were not totally good, not totally evil, and/or shallow and owning it. Being their true selves. 


JENNA. Outside of that irk moment at the dinner about coochies...didn't do much this episode. Though as a Gem, I am officially tired of her excusing Brynn's actions. I need the other Gemini to come out.


SAI. Wait, what?!!! I didn't know that Sai completely stopped talking to Pavit over the Season 1 finale and his comment. I giggled at Production with the receipts. That said...I can give Brynn this one. The beginning of the episode of Brynn, Erin, and Sai did take me back to last season since they were THE group their first season. And yes, they were mean girls then. Wow at the difference a year made in that friendship dynamic. I just assume Sai see how toxic the two of them are. I also loved Ubah holding her accountable for them talking crap about Jessel...like a REAL friend would. That said...lol at her throwing Brynn under the bus to Jessel. Well deserved.


RAQUEL. Side-note...she looked FIERCE on WWHL. I don't swing that way but DAYYYY-UUUM!!! Other than that, I loved her commentary. I didn't mind her being background this episode since she's given a lot this season. That said...it looks like her vs Ubah next episode due to Ubah's rude comments. 


JESSEL. GET THAT BITCA, GIRL!!!! I was living for her this episode. As soon as she heard her name across the table and she gave THE LOOK...it was ON!!! As soon as Erin tried to dismiss her, she ate her up. And once she realized that Brynn was the one causing mess, she explained herself, her view, and ate her ass up, too. And then when she found out that Brynn was STILL talking mess, she ate her up again. There has been nothing I have liked less over this past year than people wanting to hate on someone else's life (mine), but don't want to do anything to make their life as good. As Ashley said on this past RHOP...say less. OR...GET DRAGGED. Jessel did what she had to...and looked good doing it. A queen.


BRYNN. smh. That second season curse is NO joke. I cannot believe how much I ugh when she pops up on my scene. And what made it worse for me was the fact that these ladies are so easily manipulated. Even Ubah who has her number at least. But she was there poking the bear. Meanwhile, she kept whispering in Erin's ear. And I cannot believe Erin kept falling for it when SHE was the one who did that whole prank to fish Brynn out. And Jessel? Brynn clearly has not been liking her life. But here's the thing...if you don't like your life...CHANGE IT. She is on a platform that can do that. If people continue to feed into a rumor that you sell yourself, use that platform to prove them wrong darn it! 


ERIN. Definitely not her best look this episode. Being a mean girl about Jessel. Falling for Brynn's manipulations. Trying to pot stir between Jessel and Brynn once Jessel had already settled the issue in question. Trying to have an issue with Ubah to have an issue. And the fact she kept trying to have one...was telling. At this point...are her and Ubah even really friends if she can turn so quickly on her? Serious question at this point because this has been quite the theme this season. Only the fact she is giving everything outside of the majority of the girls keep me from hating her, but she was a Karen this episode.


UBAH. " 'Boring you?' I'm not your boyfriend, your best friend, or anyone trying to entertain you.' HA! THAT WAS GOOD. For every moment she was over the top or rude, she had a good moment I found. She had Jessel's back like a real friend. She gave a safe space to Sai, but still held her accountable for what she said in the Sai/Erin/Brynn group like a real friend. And even when she messed up with foot in mouth with Erin, she went to explain herself better to Erin like a real friend. She was giving friendship goals. In fact, I would go a step further and say the fact that she did not at all try to explain herself to Brynn says more about where their friendship is now...especially since she had her back between their Season one and Season 2 from what Ubah said. She has Brynn's number, too. And I can see why she will likely explode next week because Brynn has been poking this bear, lying on others, and starting mess all season. Not completely likeable, but Ubah was real IMHO this episode. Now next episode...lol.


But yep. A good episode. Even Rebecca had some good Confessional and got her lick back on Brynn. hehe.


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I could not hate Brynn more if I tried. The jealousy she feels because Jessel was the fan favorite last season is disgusting.

She pokes Ubah constantly and then gets upset when Ubah responds. She’s such a gaslighting Karen.

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I'm shocked but, like @DaytimeFan said, this is the Luann Rehab strategy and is probably wise for Karen at this moment in time. Nevertheless, she can't outrun the questions forever. I have to imagine Mia and Gizelle will be coming after her for this next season. The reunion may have a lot of discussion on Karen's arrest which  might have been shut down had Karen been there ("We can't talk about it because it's a legal issue," etc).

Dorit has literally become My Girl. Standing up to Sutton and Kyle was like watching Bruce Lee take on two ninjas. Kyle has been especially underhanded this season (well, as underhanded as she was in S9!). She's had Sutton and Camille play her b!tch and fight her battles for her. I couldn't believe she tried to pull the "HOW DARE YOU WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL PK IS LIKE A GIRL" card re: texting PK. Because we all know VictimKyle would be having the mother of all meltdowns if Dorit was texting a happily-divorced Mauricio.

I'm liking Erika's support of Dorit even though she seems to be also supporting Kyle, which I don't quite understand. What game is she playing here? 

Jennifer Tilly is a delight who espouses her own opinions and thinks for herself. So does Boze.

It was heart-breaking watching BH last night and the drone shots over beautiful Beverly Hills, the Valley, Erika's neighborhood, Pasadena in flashback, etc., and then to watch footage of this epic, unique city engulfed in flames. I hope the fires get contained and these lovely neighborhoods can eventually be restored to their former glory. I also hope Californians who lost their homes are able to rebuild their lives again.

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Next season? IMO, Karen needs to be fired. Im over her. I dont even care for Andy to entertain a private 1:1 interview. You cant be on this reality platform when you cant even be real with audience. We know she been lying and we gave her grace with her allegedly open marriage (laregely bc of the impact on Ray). We also gave her grace in not talking about the case bc it was pending during the season. She doesnt get any more chances. Ditching the reunion was her last fck you to the audience that rode for her and Im done. Good bye. What can she offer next season besides deflection and more lies? She's not going to give us anything and I sure dont care to waste time trying to find out. Hr final legacy on this platform should be as Thomas Jefferson's drunk concubine. I want Bravo to drag her in that final end card bc she forfeitted the right to tell her own story

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Finale next week. Say it ain't so.


It was another wild episode. I'm happy to see they were able to get any kinda of fun in given how wild it was. 


Speaking of say it ain't so...smh. The Fall of the Bob has been so saddening. After such a strong start...and I hate Heather...but Heather was right. The last few episodes have been such a bad look for Bob. But the nail in the coffin that was this episode...she showed her slip. And yeah, a fumble. Reunion note: she's the ONLY one who did not go to dinner with everyone else (outside of Mary of course) so it's safe to say bad reunion performance for her.


The other big thing this episode was the reveal of a rumor that was mentioned online a while ago. Someone was recording the girls. And that someone...WAS BRITANI. Given what happened to Monica last season over blogs, I can't say that I am surprised that they attacked her. Mary's 'get her Meredith!' took me out in fact. And the attack was well-deserved. I see online people had such sympathy for her. I did not.


What was not well-deserved? Meredith's continued attempts after the van attack to stay relevant. Don't make me pull out my ShebySheree's gif of GIRL, SHUT UP. Because she kept bringing it up over and over and over again to the point she was killing the vibe. And I didn't find her attempts to have Heather help her see if there were any bugs in her room cute or humorous cuz HEATHER.


That said...still a good episode.


LISA. You know what? She did not bug me much at all this episode. And in fact, she had good shade on Little Girl with that comment about gags. And at this point, I'm used to her always letting Heather off the hook even Heather is just as suspect. But as sad as it is to see, Bob's actions just proved that all roads lead back to Lisa. Dare I say...she's now the nucleus (@) Mariah Huq of the group?




MEREDITH. GIRL...NO. It was like she realized that she has given very little this season and HAD to act up. And Britini mentioning last week that she thought she heard her vomiting gave her the perfect reason and person (since Brit IS thirsty) to start drama with. And sadly, Brit and the recording gave her the perfect moment to pounce. And it was a great moment, too (Mary: GET HER, MEREDITH. LOL). But anything after that was just silly and annoying. GIRL, BYE. Even the scene from the trailer at the end fell flat for me. A shame since it looked great in the trailer.


MARY. LMAO!!!! Hilarious. She was to Brit this episode how Stacey is to Ashley on episodes of RHOP this season. She stayed on her neck. From last jump now cuz your next jump is on the plane to GET HER, MEREDITH to her version of 'you want me to feel sorry for her cuz i don't,' Mary was giving comedy. And the other cast members were not at all immune. 


ANGIE K. She got her moments in, too, cuz 'Swipe to the left like you do on Tinder' took me out. 


WHITNEY. S5 Opener Whit popped out this episode. And since Lisa can't take that Whitney, I gave her her name this week. Lol.

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 And it looked like she will pop out again next week in the finale for the Lunch of 7 Lisas...so we might see it again. And she was not in the wrong this week because Lisa wanted to confront her and Angie K for their talk and she had no problem explaining so let her speak. Always want to sit there and be overdramatic. 


BOB. Wrong road, Girl, wrong road. Her decrease in popularity in the same season should be studied. I guess she has been a Pick Me all along. Because she ran back to Lisa to tell off on what Angie K and Whitney said...almost to beat Heather to the punch.  Why? Given how Lisa and Heather have been treating her, her best bet was to be on the winning team (Angie K, Mary, Whit). Because when Heather finds a way to throw her under the bus...and Heather WILL...she will wind up with no one in her corner. Just like Monica did. And given the reunion tea...I would like to see how she will move if she returns. The only Housewife that I can think of who has been islanded out after their first season is Kenya Moore on RHOA and she maneuvered greatly her second season to become a powerhouse for years. Does Bob have the I and the T? Time will tell. 


Speaking of Ms. Monica...it sounded like online that she DID film a scene with Whitney this season. Picture and all. But it was such a great season...unused.


Also...Britini suuuuure did put her musical theater acting to use this episode, didn't she?  


Again...I can't believe that the finale is next week. And it was such a great season.

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BLOOP. No lies detected. Karen is and always has been a clown. I've never really understood the deference to her, as if she's some paragon of class and virtue. She's good reality TV, don't get me wrong, but the level of delusion is STRONG, and her behavior in the aftermath of the DUI has been both embarrassing and bad for the show. Not once has she shown any remorse over what she did or the damage it could've caused. Anyone who dares to voice that drunk driving could have injured or killed someone else gets hit with a tone-deaf, "And it could've killed MEEEEEEEE!" She's finally shown her ass for real.

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It pained me to write that bc I really did used to go up for her but as a viewer and supporter, I really felt she wasted our time. Over her


As for last nights show, can we please STOP talking about Mia and Jacqueline's sex lives? Im disgusted and this is declassing the show. We've had sex talk before and thats not the issue. its excessive with these two. Its like every episode we need to learn a new layer to their weird relatioinship and now they throw Ashley into the mix. I DONT CARE

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