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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Remember when Porsha was slim, prim Mary-Sue McBeard4Cash? :ph34r: She is literally advertising her wares here.


And there's that true Christian Southern belle, Phaedra. Those are two hella synthetic outfits on both of them. I hope they don't stand near an open flame.


Speaking of RHoA -- or former Atlantans... saw Kim Zolciak and her kid Brielle on WWHL. I'm going to ignore the dead sheepdog nestling on Kim's head (aka her newest wig) and instead ask WTF did she do to Brielle?? That kid looks nothing like she did a few months ago! She literally turned her into her mini-me -- same ski-jump nose, same over-inflated lips. Can these mothers stop making their underage daughters feel like a trip to the plastic surgeon is the key to a successful life??


Then I watched Fashion Police covering NYFW. Nene is now a regular on that show. My Future BFF Tim Gunn was guesting, he is so fabulous. Nene's new nose does not look as bad as I feared, she still kind of looks like herself, and her nose is not so much Barbiefied as slightly straightened. Guys, she's so not funny though. All she says is "YASS HUNNY YASSSSSSS GURRRRL" *finger snaps.* It sounded like dialogue scripted by a white guy who thinks all black women are big and sassy and 'jive-talk.' I actually cringed at some points. Also when she told Tim Gunn to "STAHP" when he was expressing an opinion she didn't like. Um, TG taught at the Parson's School of Design. How exactly are you a fashion expert?


I will say two nice things: 1., her wig looked nice. It was a blonde bob. It will never be the iconic short blonde 1930s hair, but it was decent. 2. I wish she was back on RHoA. Kandi can't have it all easy all of the time!

Edited by Cat
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It's scary and unnecessary how much work Kim and her daughter have had done. The nose, the lips, whatever Kim's done around her eyes... Brielle isn't even 21 yet and Kim looked fine as she was, only being in her upper 30's. It's ridiculous. 


Y'know, the hubby and I were just talking about this a couple nights back, how Nene appeals to white viewers more so than black viewers for this very reason.


I didn't see Nene, but regarding the jokes, I'd say that's part of the problem with the Housewives fame and the attempt to keep the momentum going. They originally catch on with viewers because of their authentic (mostly) personality at the onset of a series, with their one-liners and funny phrases. So after a couple seasons have aired, they try too hard to keep it going and it's no longer authentic. Instead, it's like a writer is off-camera feeding them lines as they do their talking head interviews (I'd say Lisa Vanderpump is one of few who's managed to maintained fresh, witty jokes as the seasons have progressed). 



Edited by Gray Bunny
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That is an interesting fact I did not know, that Nene's fanbase is more white viewers than black. In some ways, I am not surprised. I guess she plays up the clownish aspect when she is on Fashion Police or 'Brah-way.' Actually, the reason I like her on RHoA (or used to like her) is that her insecurities and feelings of being 'lesser than' were very interesting and real. She was not afraid to show her vulnerabilities sometimes. As you say, when seasons progress, HWs start wanting to control the narrative and presenting only a certain picture of themselves, and IMO that is when the downfall comes. Nene is a case in point; so, too, is Shannon on RHOC. You can smell the bullsh*t a mile away.


I would even say LVP even tho I am such a fan of her. It is obvious that she is instrumental in controlling the image that is put out there of her -- ofc that was bound to happen, she lives in Hollywood after all and has become a reality star. It saddens me a little. I will always love LVP and her fabulousness and whole demeanour, but it will never be like it was during the first two seasons of BH. The HWs are all guarded now and in damage-control mode. IA about her talking heads, however. LVP is witty, urbane and smart and that is a joy to watch. 

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Agreed Cat, and I'd put Bethenny in with Nene, as a former Have-Not who'd show her insecurities, but now controls the story and "breaks down" on camera for sympathy and damage control of her own image. Post-talk show and post-marriage, her public image took a major hit. Her return to Housewives was an attempt to endear her to viewers again, but instead it made things worse. 

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The Reunion finale has already been talked about in depth here; needless to say, the group hug at the end said it all. Everybody went in for it, but Carole was left clinging on Andy's arm in the most awkward way. Like a spoiled child who'd just thrown her toys on the floor, Bethenny pouted with her arms crossed and refused to participate in the hugathon. She was so pissed that Andy (and Dorinda) called her out on her mess.


I believe the rumors that Bethenny is popping Adderall like candy and it is making her aggressive and clouding her judgement about how she is coming across. Luann may not be perfect and god knows Bethenny has always hated Luann and felt looked down by her but... Bethenny's treatment of both Sonja and Luann was beyond the pale this season.

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Bravo New Zealand has a potential lawsuit on it's hands from one of their new housewives! Their twitter released a strange statement saying that something shocking is said in this weeks episode and they were warning us and apologizing in advance saying it would be shown since it's relevant and edited properly so you can see the comment and aftermath in it's purest form. Basically, Julia calls Michelle the N word. Now Julia and her husband are screaming that this is unfair to air and are demanding that Bravo cut this from the show. First of all, this is a reality show you signed up for. You KNOW there are cameras around and that you shouldn't say something like that on film. How is it unfair of them to air it? Because it makes you look bad? It's pretty shocking that in 2016 someone could make such a stupid choice. 

Since this show began Julia has been the worst kind of stealth bitch so I'm not surprised. She goads Ann into saying she heard Gilda was a golddigger, then she runs to Gilda as if Ann had run to her talking about her. Since then she's had issues with everyone for no apparent reason other than to remain relevant. I hope Bravo stands firm and airs it. I wonder if this will help or hurt the shows chances here in the US. Bravo New Zealand is the first official international version of Bravo and even Andy has mentioned it on Watch What Happens Live, which is a good sign they'd air it, but who knows what this will do to the series.

Here is the article on it: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/entertainment/news/article.cfm?c_id=1501119&objectid=11711894


They won't be editing it out. Here is a review from a journalist who got a press screener: http://thespinoff.co.nz/tv/17-09-2016/exclusive-the-story-behind-the-racist-explosion-on-next-weeks-real-housewives-of-auckland/

Interview with Michelle about the incident: http://thespinoff.co.nz/tv/18-09-2016/she-just-doesnt-want-to-own-what-has-come-out-of-her-mouth-michelle-blanchard-in-an-exclusive-interview-about-the-real-housewives-racism-scandal/

Now I feel they have to air this in the US and promote this show well. This is going to be true watercooler housewives.

Edited by Chris B
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It's so ironic how family can hurt you most of all. I've always been Team Tre in this whole Tre vs Kathy/Rosie fued but I do understand where they're coming from. 

At the same time they come across so desperate and needy. It's just hard to take them at their word. And I felt really bad for Teresa exiting that meeting. It's clear she's hurting deeply.


Poor Caroline stay trying to get a wife for her questioning son lol...

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Why was Tre crying? You wanted Kathy & Rosie out of your life and it's done. They've abided your wishes. 


Joe and Melissa are such f-cking flip-floppers. For one, I don't see how Richie proclaiming his love for his wife was a dig at Tre. Everything that man says isn't concerning the felon. Furthermore, Joe and Melissa were giggling at the shade Richie used to toss at Tre almost 2 years ago. What has changed now? 


This season have revealed to me how much of leeches Joe/Melissa are. 


Can they hurry up and wrap this sh-t up? I'm ready for Atlanta, Potomac, and M2M to return. I'm sick of New Jersey. 

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I've been said NJ is dead in the water and they need to move on. Just too toxic and stagnant for my taste. This show has the least amount of group progression (when it comes to dynamics) than any housewife show. 


I strongly suggest that Bravo replaces NJ with Melbourne or Auckland in future seasons. 

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I have soooo many New Jersey episodes on my DVD, I agree it is stale and boring. I do wonder how it would've been had Robyn been included from the start. I like that being a lesbian she would've brought a different aspect to the show. I'm just so tired of the same storylines and relationships. They need to add a group of 2-3 non-italian wives with no connection to the current cast and mesh them together so you can have a true fresh start with new stories. This same ole garbage isn't working. I want a slight reboot of RHOA, but ratings are high so it makes sense Bravo doesn't do it. This show however has ratings in the toilet so they need to do something.

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