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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Off that reunion trailer, Carlton has earned herself another season IMO. How she got Kyle together ... YAASSS honey. Kyle can't handle her.

Joyce did alright but I'm hoping she ate Yolanda and Brandi up at the reunion. Based off the trailer, she did check Brandi.

Lisa kills me sitting there taking those shots. Though she's not an angel, she's way smarter than these broads. I loved her getting Kim's cokehead ass together quickly.

Kyle ... bleh. Her whining about "magazine-gate" is getting old seeing as she kept it alive by bringing it up.

Kim ... girl bye. Hopefully, this is your last season.

Brandi & Yo ... I'm hoping Joyce and Lisa drag them but if they don't Twitter fans surely will. Brandi will be on suicide watch for the next four weeks with the finale and all three parts of the reunion.

And Ken dropping the anvil on Brandi and letting her know that it's done between her and the Vanderpump-Todds was EVERYTHING. He shut it down. Buh bye, boo. Better latch onto the Fosters or Umansky clans.

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I just can't with Yolanda saying she was locked in the house for 18 months. WTF? Umm hello how was she even able to film RHOBH then considering its filmed in the summer? She technically started filming season 3 a little over 18 months ago. This woman is such a liar and such a hypocrite. Before when she kinda liked Lisa, she would say how Lisa and Brandi are the only ones that would come visit her and that they were true friends. Now she's saying Lisa only visited her once and she's a Hollywood friend? Good God I hope Lisa has her maid beat this wench with a bag of lemons come season 5.

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I'm just hoping Yolanda and Brandi get what they both deserved...Kim is a non-factor but trying.

Love Joyce and I hope she gives Yolanda the fire that she deserves. Carlton's little mean streak towards Kyle is a little too much for me but I did like her supporting Lisa in the last episode.

I don't understand Brandi...like at all. I don't get what she's saying....more importantly I don't understand WHY she's saying these things. How have Lisa and Ken NOT been the best of friends to this b*tch?

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You know what I've noticed about her that irks the hell out of me? The absolute hypocrisy. She accuses Joyce of not allowing others to talk (Brandi in this case) but she does the SAME thing in 3/4 of the arguments she engages in! She hurled the same accusation at Kyle last year and also at Camille during that dinner they had in Las Vegas I believe.

If you want people to allow you to speak then you should do the same thing. Her whole attitude has just changed and this constant referral to Lyme Disease is so annoying. In the grand scheme of things its NOT the worst thing that could have happened to Yolanda and whats worse is that she at least has the money and resources to fight the condition. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would never stand a chance. So really she needs to get off that one trick pony and come up with a new line of attack against Lisa.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Yolanda is coming for Joyce b/c Joyce bust her and Brandi out by revealing that Brandi and Yolanda came to her with a plan to take down Lisa this season. When Joyce refused to cosign, that's when Brandi came for Joyce guns blazing; however, now that Brandi has backed off (due to backlash), Yolanda is coming in guns blazing now, but she doesn't have a leg to stand on because if Joyce wants too (and hope she does and Bravo actually shows it), she can blow the whistle on Yolanda and Brandi. Joyce has ammo on all these chicks with the exception of Lisa & Carlton. Whether or not she uses it at the reunion is up to her. But I hope she does....

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I have to see Kyle looks amazing at the reunion, a lot better than all the rest. She's having quite the redemption season in about every way possible - and that's even without reuniting with Lisa (and her cult following). Somebody BTS loves her behind.

Brandi and the fire question? Gurrrl! You're not in 7th grade. She's trying too hard to make something of the Scheana stuff. Lisa has been foul with that at times, don't get me wrong, but Brandi's really trying too hard with this. "You invited her more..." "If there was a fire..." The there's the other angle: "Stop acting like my mother..." "Don't tell me what to do..." "I won't go to the doctor because you said to go to the doctor..." Either this is a written storyline or Brandi has the brain of a junior high school idiot. A lot of this stuff is so superficial and stupid even though Lisa & Brandi throwing "bombs" on each other while watching their season.

I can't really judge on the tabloid story angle of Lisa and Brandi's fued because I don't quite believe Lisa on it. If she is lying...

Yolanda is an ice queen. I don't love her. I don't hate her. She is what she is. IMO, she was like this from the start, we eventually didn't mind because she aligned with Brandi and Lisa. She thinks she's better and smarter than everybody else but so does Lisa and Carlton... Richitis?

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I honestly can't pinpoint this either....it must have been sometime between last season and this season (after the last reunion).....cuz clearly Yolanda did say something negative about Lisa during that trip to Paris which is still shocking to me at this moment. I mean we all thought the Richards sisters were making it up to protect Kim but looking back at it Kim was already exposed as looking a hot mess. Lying about Yolanda wouldn't have done her any good at the time or changed that fact. So I do think there's a bit of truth to what they were saying.

Either way Yolanda clearly decided somewhere along the line that she didn't need Lisa or was on equal footing with her. The notion is laughable at best.

The best part about that trailer is Ken laying on that guilt THICK to Brandi. Girl has no idea of what she's lost. Lisa was her best advocate and probably the one person in Beverly Hills who could have help this woman get her life together, make some smart investments, and actually become moderately successful/wealthy within the next 10 years....what does she do instead? She jumps on the "Lisa is a Evil Manipulator Mastermnid" bandwagon with Kyle and Yolanda and now she's looking absolutely foolish. I don't think Lisa and especially Ken will EVER forgive Brandi for this and while that breaks my heart I don't blame them one iota....

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Hmm, talking about laying it on thick... ;b

Lisa is a cool chick with a few successful restaurants. This doesn't make her Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates or a saint. Brandi is messy, but that doesn't make her OJ Simpson, Judas or Tonya Harding. We don't even know that Brandi and Lisa were close enough during off-season for St. Lisa to bless poor, under-educated, tramp-ish Brandi with her wisdom and halo.

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