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They will likely stagger it. It may even be part of the plea deal. Teresa will go first, do a year, maybe the rest at home with an ankle tag. Then Joe will go and serve longer than the minimum, IMO, because he says it was all him and the counts against him are so many. I wonder if Immigration will deport him after his sentence ends but according to Tamara Tattles, it is rare for the US to actually deport.

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Oh Cat, how I love thee! wub.png

Oh I agree, Kim's ex was HOT. Too hot for her lizard looking a**. And her personality sucks, so Kim must got that "good-good." She must give that good sex for her to bag him. Last night's episode was BORING. Just shows how drab this show would be w/o Lisa … nothing.

I've never been happier to see TayShanna. Dare I say I'd wish to have her back over Blandi? At least Taylor was a reasonable wreck. She knew her place at least.

You never know…. :P

Well that would be nice (if true) if they do this. Too nice.

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Thanks, Cat. I got a chance to read all the blogs that were posted last night and I'm glad to see that Lisa, Joyce, and somewhat Carlton (re: her misguided feelings on Joyce) are on the same page. I also like too that Carlton has recently come out and disputed (and dismantled) Brandi's claim about "magazine-gate" by spilling that Lisa arrived late Brandi's and didn't even go into Brandi's hardly. She supposedly just peeked in and played with the dogs for a few and then they departed for their trip.

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Great recap Cat, as always.

Kim's ex is a hottie mctottie! She must've bagged him before all the sun damage set in.

(Side note: after seeing people like Kim in her 40's after years of tanning, I'm done with fake-baking. I'll just stay my pasty pale self and stop doing damage to myself!)

Seeing Taylor was refreshing. You are so right. She knew her place. Yes, she originally fronted with 60K birthday parties or whatnot, but post-Russell, she knew she was the messy tag-along, but a harmless one.

It was also great to see Camille on WWHL. Andy just loves saying her full name and you know he'd love her to return. So would I.

Gigi is one lucky girl! Damn!

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I hate what Im watching on BH. Ken and Lisa leaving like that makes them come across as cowards. IA with Joyce that at the very least, they should have informed her they were leaving. Their fight wasn't with her and she was the host of the trip, so I don't see why they couldn't do that. Cowards. I did like her scene with Carlton later as it did a lot to humanize her and yeah Im still on her side

I swear the Richards sisters have a friend that's in control of production bc this season is all about their redemption. Kyle is smelling like roses and the only reason Kim is getting so much focus and those stupid talking heads must be bc someone in editing loves her. 90% of her material should end up on the cutting room floor.

This has got to be one of the most boring vacations that has been featured on the franchise. What a yawnfest

Lisa doesn't make for an interesting to compelling villain, so pushing so hard to portray her as one this season has been part of why its fallen so flat. She's not a love to hate type of person like Camille or one that inspires such emotion like Faye or Adrienne. Them as the "bad guys" really drove story, but it just isn't there with Lisa so it shows how desperate the show is to try and make something work.

Its kind of uneasy watching Brandi with Yolanda. Brandi keeps whining about how Lisa replaced her with Kyle, but she's replaced Lisa with Yolanda. Watching those scenes made me fear for Yolanda. She better watch her back bc Brandi is super messy and will use her like she did Lisa and then backstab her when the time comes. It pays to have rich friends


Kimberly's father is f--king hot. Can you say DILF?

ETA: Taylor was on the show? Where was she?

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Cat, you are giving me life today!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must needed given the sad news my mother revealed to me. So *HUGS*.

I was feeling that I was the only one that watched the girls having fun. I have been looking forward to it from the trailer since these girls are always fighting. And now...I saw it and my mind went FAKE, FAKE, so frelling FAKE!!!

Nice to not be alone. smile.png


+ 1



I didn't know it was confirmed so YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!

ETA: Yes, Cheap, I can say DILF? *Smirks* ;)

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Oh my at Kims ex....but all the Kim jokes aside I can see why she pulled that one. The Richards sisters look very well for their age IMO. Not as smooth as Yolanda perhaps in the skin but still not rough like Carlton.

As for Yolanda I talk about her because she's clearly on the show and has made her known with her attacks on Lisa. If not for that I wouldn't know what her storyline is or what she's doing aside from slaving away at the altar of David. Its clear that aside from battling Lyme disease, her lemons, and her daughters there's really not much going on there....

Meanwhile Lisa has her businesses and a whole host of other things to do....

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Judging from the reruns they just aired of New York Season 1, what you just described of Yolanda would constitute as storyline. It's amazing how the focus changed. Season 1 of NYC was literally about their housewife lives, raising their children, handling their businesses, and various hobbies. And they showed the housewives going on outings with people who were their real friends, not "friends of" semi-castmembers or anything like that. Totally different show. The biggest rift was Ramona vs. Jill for a friendly tennis match, and one time Ramona didn't invite Jill to a party that was full of non-Housewives castmembers anyhow.

Kyle looks fantastic for her age, can't deny that. If she's had any type of minor work done, they did a flawless job.

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Season 1 of NYC was a completely different show. The show began as a reality series called Manhatten Moms or something like that and got retroactively edited into being a RH show (similar to Miami season 1, which was initially Miami Social Club) before it went to air. Season 2 for both were the firsts produced as RH shows and the changes were quite apparent


Speaking of Kyle, she debuted a new talking head and she looks amazing in it

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