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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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IA. Kenya is harmless. She throws minor jabs with her talking heads but she isn't mean, bitter or malicious in her interaction with the cast. She has been overall positive this season and more genuine and grounded than her over the top debut. She hasn't given the producers much negative material to work with Edited by Cheap21
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My point is this. Nene is the star of Atlanta. Whether she loses her popularity or not, people will look back on this show and she is the one they will remember, for the most part. She is the only RHOA lady who is really a celebrity outside of the franchise (aside from Kandi, who is very famous but less famous as the star of this show, and more famous for her actual career). Now, that being said, Bravo knows (and has known since last year) that they are in danger of losing her. They'll never fire her, but they know she may walk, whether it be due to other projects or her dissatisfaction with the state of things. It's because of that that they are so desperate to find a new "star". We all know good and well that this show wouldn't have survived with just the season 4 ladies and not Nene. And you cannot simply bring someone in and expect them to be the star, they have to be groomed and the fans must become accustomed to them, as is supposedly happening with Kenya.

I'm not seeing this holy hell of backlash that you all claim is out there, but even as a ride or die Nene fan, I can admit there is backlash out there and I can say she hasn't acted 100% the way she should. But the way the show is *handling* this situation is what I mean in regards to editing Kenya well. In past seasons, they would have done anything to make Nene look 100% correct, even if it meant giving Kenya the bitch edit or even deleting scenes/events that made Nene look bad. However, because they fear they will lose Nene, they are simply airing everything Nene does and says, and devoting LOTS of airtime to Kenya in an attempt to make her look like she is the star. You know in Season 4 we would have been seeing an episode full of Nene. Last night's Kenya-centric episode never would have happened. But because they're trying to groom Kenya into Nene 2.0 in order to save their franchise, they're simply airing Nene as she is and showing nothing negative in regards to Kenya. If you don't think they're giving Kenya the glamorous edit, you are dead wrong. The amount of airtime they've devoted to her alone shows that they are trying to slant this in her direction in order to protect their asses.

The problem is that it will never last. Kenya will not be the star of this show because one of two things will occur. Either Nene will leave, or Nene will flay her alive at the reunion and then return next year totally disinterested in her. This feud will not go on forever, and eventually people will grow bored. If Nene leaves or moves on, Kenya is left with nothing. She has no story outside of this, and no real friends on the cast. Her relevancy is completely contingent on Nene, and she knows that. Unless Bravo brings in someone she's friends with next year in order to continue their attempt to make her into the new Nene, her star will fade before it even fully lit up.

The long and the short of it is that Bravo is attempting to make Nene irrelevant before she leaves on her own and makes RHOA completely irrelevant.

Edited by Mr. Vixen
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That would have made sense last year when Nene had stuff going for her but makes no sense now when RH is all she has. Why would Bravo set things up to force her to walk? Based on where her life is right now, there is no fear of her leaving but intentionally setting up Kenya to take her place and demonizing her with a horrible edit are things that would alienate Nene, not make her want to stay

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I'm sorry, but I still claim BS to that. Andy Cohen is going to do everything in his power to get Nene to stay. He is not going to let anybody plot to take down Nene. IF Nene leaves, at the very least Andy will try to make I Dream of Nene or a talk show happen for Nene. He's not going to run her off hating him. I think after season 4 the producers saw that there might be a shake up. For all anybody knew, Nene could've booked a big acting job which would've prevented her from filming at all, plus you have Sheree unable to film due to insufficient funds and Kim so pregnant that her place wasn't 100% safe either. With the prospect of their 3 stars leaving, I thought they did a good job of bringing in Kenya and Porsha as replacements. In the end things worked out better than they had hoped since Nene decided to stick around, but I have no doubt that Kenya was cast with the goal of her becoming the next star in case anything happens with Nene. I don't think that is manipulative or a wrong thing to do and the viewers have responded well enough to Kenya that they don't need to jump through hoops to justify her presence. Just like Nene, you love or hate or or love-to-hate her.

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Andy will always be ride or die for Nene, but he doesn't have the power over the show that he used to. The bolded proves my point. Kenya was brought on so they could groom her into Nene 2.0. That backfired at first, but now that some are warming to Kenya and they know Nene could walk any day, they are no longer invested in Nene the way they were. They know she's their most valuable player and they are desperately trying to downplay that so they don't get clowned by her.

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This is total BS. Andy is the EXECUTIVE PRODUCER of every Real Housewives show. If anything he is MORE involved now that his focus is his production company and only the RH shows. And Kenya did not backfire in any way. Last season had record ratings throughout and Kenya was a HUGE talking point. If anything, NENE was irrelevant last season. She did absolutely nothing. And not invested? Did you miss them giving her a full series, instead of a 1-3 episode wedding special? Have you missed her two one-on-one WWHL episodes? You can say you're a Nene fan, but come on now..

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Andy's power at Bravo in general has been reduced recently. The show has a new show runner and producers and from what I've heard, Andy isn't as involved as he once was. He has the authority, but it isn't solely his. Again, this is just what I've heard and I may be wrong.

Kenya absolutely did backfire. She was a talking point but everyone hated her. She was hardly the "star" they wanted her to be, until this year (supposedly). I Dream of Nene was filmed before season 6 of RHOA and is therefore irrelevant to this conversation, but I will say that the show was only 6 episodes and no longer than Kim or Bethenny's series, if I recall correctly. I'm not denying that ANDY is invested, but there are other people involved and they are most definitely trying to diminish Nene's importance to the show to soften the blow when she leaves. Andy being ride or die for Nene doesn't protect her from everything, as sad as it makes me to admit it.

Edited by Mr. Vixen
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Because I'm talking about Bravo/ the RHOA producers CURRENT investment in Nene, which has nothing to do with IDoN or Kenya in season 5. My only point about Kenya was in response to Chris. Kenya was a disaster in Season 5, to the point that I've heard she almost wasn't asked back. Now that she's showing some "promise", they're invested in her and working overtime to diminish Nene.

Edited by Mr. Vixen
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