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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I saw managed to watch it to the end and it STILL wasn't Melissa's birthday. The vacation gets extended into a third episode next week. I don't see why this couldn't have all been one episode since nothing happened. They said that season 5 would be less toxic and more light hearted but this sh-t is boring. Who the hell wants to watch kumbaya for an hour and then have it repeated the following week?

With the way NJ has been proceeding, I don't see why this is a series that needs to be ~ 20 episodes. They should have went back to a 6-8 episode season for them

As much as I want things to turn out well for Teresa, but if she and Joe to go to jail, I hope Bravo just cancels this show. Put it out of its misery.

The only funny part was when Teresa said Kathy is doing her "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha." It reminded me of the picture Eric put a few weeks ago of her as Jan...lol

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Love Tre but if she goes to jail NJ needs to end. Kathy and Melissa's whole purpose on the show will be gone and Caroline and Jacqueline are already insufferable andboring. Barely watched the AZ eepisodes and I don't see the reunion being good as they have discussed the same things ad nauseam. 5 years is a nice run!

Yall already know I'm still holding a torch for Dallas.

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Naw they should just cancel. The show has gone fron the realest RH show to the fakest. Everything that happens on this show just SCREAMS producer driven set ups and it totally taked me out of the show. I can't even imagine Melissa preening around next year if Tre leaves acting like the belle of the ball. Ugh *pukes*

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They really did kill their formula that worked by having people who actually knew and liked each other for years. I think that's why Miami still works on certain level as some of the women have been actual friends for years. Miami HAS to bring back it's main cast's other friends and family.

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I don't know why but this news devastates me. More than any other RH franchise, BH is my favourite. Empress Lisa is my favourite HW by a country mile, to the point where I totally buy what she is (metaphorically) selling me -- the great marriage with Ken, the sense of humor, the friendships. And Yolanda-Lisa-Brandi was my fave friendship of all. I love Yol and Brandi on their own, too.

Now, that link ^^ posted above has an exclusive interview with Adrienne Maloof headlining the site and seems to be very pro-Adrienne, anti-Lisa in general. I have always believed Lisa when she said that she did not go to the press to brief against the other HWs (like Adrienne accused her of). I'm no fan of Kyle but I don't like to think that My Lisa would try and plant stories about Mauricio cheating and then get Brandi to bring the articles on vacation with the HWs -- just to hurt Kyle. That is just cruel. I don't want to believe it!

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BH's gearing up for season 4 and most of them get really vile by then. We already saw glimpses of that with the Adrienne situation this past year but she for the most part stayed uninvolved. if there is a rift between Lisa and Brandi, I bet its bc Brandi once again opened her dirty mouth as we all know she cant STFU when she needs to.

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When it comes to sex and her marriage, yes, Brandi says exactly what's on her mind. She has absolutely no filter, which I LOVE about her. But when it comes to friendships (and I'm talking about her long-time, loyal friendships), Brandi appears to be tight with people who have been friends with her for years, sometimes before her marriage and even before her modeling days in some cases. I figure that if she were a loudmouth all the time, those longtime friends would have deserted her by now. Nobody stays with disloyal friends who stab you in the back.

ETA: But yes. Season 4 syndrome. I get that. *side-eyes RHoNJ*

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