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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Trashra and her cronies coming for Gretchen is pathetic. What else can they expose? Nothing.

These bitches are only coming for her to secure a spot next season, especially Pleather. It's whatever. This reunion will just make them all look like trash.

Buckey beaver walking out . . . Oh plz. Andy probably put that ass in the hot seat for being the pot stirrer she is.

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LMAO, Milania ate a hundred twizzlers. I have to admit doing the same in the past...lol. Them shits are good laugh.png I loved Joe's scene with her. It was nice and playful.

Im glad the Lauritas didnt go on the trip. It really had nothing to do with them

Melissa: "I dont look at Twitter". Lying bitch

LMAO at Teresa saying Jaq, should go get a job. Ewwww to Joe talking about their son and his comments about autism. It was ignorant and thats not something he should have commented on. Dont talk about someone's kid, especially one that has a condition.

Melissa getting on her knees and begging Teresa to stop hurting her was so over the top. Her acting was so bad trying to play victim and then saying she forgives Teresa. Is she f--king crazy or what? Melissa came across like a big mess. And Gorga calling his sister scum? that was just low and disgusting. Im with Joe rushing to Teresa's defense. The Gorga's were just nasty.

And who the hell was this retreat director? He was smiling and laughing it up the entire time, enjoying the misery that this family was goin through

Edited by Cheap21
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But what Joe said is basically true. Autism doesn't always manifest itself in the worst way possible. There are different stages/levels like many other types of diseases/conditions.

Now was he right to speak on the subject at all? I'm inclined to say yes since Jac keeps bringing up her son Nicholas as the reason why she's "above" all the drama and wants nothing to do with Tre. So why is she on tha TWITTA "tweeting" (as our lovable Teresa calls it) every other day? Why is she constantly spazzing the sh*t out whenever Tre is even mentioned?

Jacqueline can't have it both ways. I missed the scene with Joe and Milania though...:(

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and how much time has Joe spent with the boy in the last year and a half to make any type of assessment of the degree of autisim that Nicholas has? He was out of line and it wasn't something he should have said, especially not knowing what their current struggles are and how severe Nic's condition actually is or isn't.

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But seeing or not seeing Nicholas doesn't matter. Especially if he's just stating a medical fact. Granted he's not a doctor and he even said that....but from a cursory reading and just the lightest of research a person will soon find out that autism can come in varying levels and affects different children in different ways. He was just hypothesizing that perhaps Nicholas's condition isn't quite as bad as Jac makes it out to be given all the "tweetering" she's been doing....

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I dont think one has anything to do with the other. How much time and effort does it take to tweet something? What is the max, like 180 characters? Thats like a few seconds out of her day. She can gave a special needs child and still tweet. Just bc she tweets doesnt mean his condition isnt serious. Its a sensitive subject and IMO, not something he should have commented on and doubted especially since Chris was friend of his once. There are things that are off limits that you dont talk about and bringing children into it is at the top of the list. He dont like Jaq? Fine. I dont think he should have said anything about her child's condition on camera

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I don't think he meant in a bad way but you know Andy will confront him about it in the reunion. Hopefully Jacq takes the high road and tells Juicy that people like him that don't know about autism is why she made it her storyline.

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Good point and that revalidates why she is on the show despite the criticism hurled at her for continuing to do so.

I don't believe it was malicious but this is just another example of him putting his foot in his mouth and saying stuff without thinking of the repercussions.

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Forgot to mention Richie was working my last nerve. He gossips like a b-tch and always has Teresa's name in his mouth.

In all honesty if any of this therapy business was real Tre, JoeGo, Kathy and Beast should have went alone and work on the spouses later.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head watching Melissa call Juicy a cheater when she is mad at Tre for the rumors about her and also her saying Juicy loved the team building exercises because they were easy to do. Ummm your husband is dumb as hell Melissa.

And I see she was in her fave position on her kneess.

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