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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Exactly what I was thinking.

Ana was a strange one for me on Miami. I actually really liked her during the season, but thought she went completely off the rails at the reunion and lost all credibility.

Edited by juniorz1
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That's EXACTLY how I felt. I liked her and thought she was a decent enough addition but she completely lost me at the reunion as she tried WAY too hard and didn't come across genuine anymore. It seemed like a desperate attempt to secure a spot for next season. Hey it worked for her, but she better bring it and not lay low and stay uninvolved like she did for most of last year

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From what I've read, no new housewives. Ana's airtime is either decreased or she's downgraded to "FOH" depending on which source you believe. The for sure regulars are Lea, Joanna, Adriana, Alexia, and Lisa, with Ana on the bubble, Marysol as a "friend of," and Karent apparently out. Though I read that Karent was at both the Black's annual gala and Lisa's Gangster Party, which are sure to be part of the upcoming season, so maybe she decided to make a few appearances after all.

I, too, was surprised that Marysol was downgraded because Andy LOVES Elsa and many RHOM fans associate the show with her. I get the impression that it was Marysol's choice though. Maybe she can't handle all of the cattiness.

Edited by juniorz1
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Don't believe the insiders re: Miami. With New Jersey we kept hearing how there would be 2-3 new housewives, Kim D would be a regular and Kathy would be gone and we ended up with the same cast. I doubt Miami would make a decision before seeing how filming goes. Especially for Marysol.

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Really? Really?!! They couldn't update the damn opening credits?!! Hell even the OC got an update even though they still kept their Powerpoint '98 intro. Why didn't Bravo use the shot of them by the tree as their title card and do opening shots around that. Ugh.

And I don't believe that Ana is on the bubble on RHOM. On Twitter, she, Alexia, Adriana, and Marysol have filmed numerous scenes together since the show started b/c they post pics of them together.

I read that Marysol wants to take a lesser role b/c she show is hurting her business (more like Lea was all last season), but I think that Bravo will throw her enough coins to decide to take a full-time role b/c Andy refuses to let go of Mama Elsa and reduce her role.

And Karent I knew about from the start. She & Joanna tried to get Adriana fired and it resulted in her getting fired. I'm sure we'll see her lingering around b/c Joanna made Karent a bridesmaid in her wedding, and Lisa & Lea invited her to their recent events but it'll be a drive-by at the most or even worse not shown at all like they did Marlo, who was at numerous events that aired on RHOA s5, but was edited out. Karent needed to go anyways. People may say that Ana was boring but Karent was fake. She tried too hard during the season and was a dud at the reunion. At least Ana killed it at the reunion, which everyone knows is the "tryout" for next season.

Only people that don't have to tryout are the two women sitting on each side of Andy. Most likely, those women will be asked back with the exception of Danielle on s2 of RHONJ b/c they banned against her and got her fired.

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That is piss poor that they didn't update New Jersey's opening, yet they filmed a special promo which could've easily doubled for the opening. This is the same opening for 3 seasons. I wonder if that is the real reason they didn't officially add a new housewife, even though one might still be heavily featured.

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