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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....

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True dat, but there's a ton of people on Twitter who are "I tried to get it in my bookstore, but ..." granted most add "I'll just get it on Amazon."

I haven't bought the book yet because I want to get free shipping (25.00) so I'm waiting until something else I really want goes for a really good price. I'm not cheap, I've just been spending a lot recently and I'm trying to correct that.

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OMG! They are going to my favorite country in the world -- France -- and my fave city -- Paris. My mom's hometown! Sigh. And the Hotel Lutetia is a pretty luxurious establishment. Can't wait for Part Deux.

Yolanda did a great job with Mohamed's palace but I still prefer her and Lisa's homes stylewise. There is something very homey as well as luxurious about Yolanda's house, you can tell that this is where they raise their children and have friends over. God, I love all this home design porn.

Brandi-Lisa-Yolanda seriously make my life. I love this friendship trifecta SO much. I hope they never break up.

Ken's son and DIL are refreshingly down-to-earth and normal. It really says something about Ken and Lisa how even when they are around family, their personalities don't change. And the family treat them like family, with no pretensions at all. Ken looked so happy to be there with his son and grandson. Of course Sue was a Bond girl in The Spy Who Loved Me! Too bad Lisa never was because she certainly looked like she could have been one.

I'm going to say it. I enjoy Taylor (even though it is clear that Bravo did not want her broke ass coming on the trip) and her fake fantasy world and drama and multiple identities. I hope she stays on next season.

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Forgot to mention was I the only one disturbed watching Kim.She really needs to work out whatever issues she has away from reality tv because she was giving me vibes of someone who was addicted to some things alot more than alcohol and I was cringing at her from her "intervention" with Shana, her convo with Kyle at the airport, and her behavior on the balcony. Very strange and I don't want to see it anymore

Ken's son was HOT. Can't believe he is 45, when Ken asked where his grandson was I was expecting a little 6 year old to come out not a 21year old college graduate!

You already know.

LOL :lol:

Edited by Eric83
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