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Thanks for that clip, Carl! Screw Nora, Didi was the love of Bo's life. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. Didi, then Sara. Then Cassie. Then Megan. Then Delilah. I guess he loves Nora more than...um...Melanie.

Oh how I wish they would hire Liz Keifer to reprise her role of Didi's sister, Connie O'Neill, as Clint's next real love. Not that Connie and Clint ever had any real connection but I want Viki and Charlie to work things out and Clint to fall in love and JVD and LK have the kind of rare chemistry that I do think will translate even in different characters. Having her play Didi's sister again would just bring more texture to she and Clint's relationship with Bo.

Why did they even bother with any of this? Rex's paternity was better left a mystery than turned into this mess and now it's gonna get even messier AND make the whole bag-o-blood story even more nonsensical than it already was.

Seriously, Rex is worthless and practically nobody cares anymore. Even fewer people give a damn who spawned him.

Roxy's outlook ain't good, especially with Kyle gone. Roxy's relationship with Kyle was far more interesting and popular than the one she had with Rex.

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I think it's [!@#$%^&*] ridiculous to rewrite Rex's paternity again and I don't believe it comes from the show, which invested three or four years in making Rex Mitch's kid eventually - I think it's another part of all these network purges and rewrites, to erase any trace of much of what's been going down. I don't know why the hell they would remove all Roxy's blood kin, but I suspect this was done by Frons to give "all those Rex fans" a big wish fulfillment fantasy with him being Bo's son after all. I assume Rex will be either Didi's, or "the real Drew Buchanan."

Just tired. Another Buchanan, and Roxy without any sons, not even surrogate boy Kyle. Sad.

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There's a lot of story potential if they bring Connie back w/Liz K, give her roots in the community, have Rex as Didi's, have this as being during a time of horrible trauma Bo probably does not even like to think about (being imprisoned), and have Bo react very badly to Rex being a memory of that time. Use this to undercut the Bo/Rex relationship, which is very lazily written and all about propping, and build it back up. Use this to cause some new story for Bo and Nora. See how Matthew deals with yet another long lost son of Bo's. Bring back Becky Lee to talk to Rex about Drew, and use this as a way to honor history.

I know that none of this is likely, and it will probably just be two lines and then Rex and Bo hug and go back to having the same scenes they always have, but there's a way to make something valid for all the characters involved if the show makes the effort.

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I don't mind a good twist in paternity once in awhile but this is ridiculous. Sky is LEAVING, there is NO point to this. If they kept him around, this would be great. Now we find out he's actually Roxy's and within a month he's dead. What's the point?

And who's Rex's father? At this point, who cares?

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Crossover! John Paul Lavoisier and his charater, Rex Balsom, makes his way to General Hospital and All My Children in search of his real mother and father. Who will turn out to be the proud father? Adam Chandler as Rex is revealed to be his bastard son, first mentioned weeks ago.

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Rex is Clint's son, okay? No, I don't know how (he could be Rex's dad). Clint had some chick on the side (you know, while helping Viki resolve her Niki crisis) and Asa had his mistress' doctor, Walter Balsom, make sure no one found out about his bastard grandchild (until now). There. I'm satisfied. NEXT!

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that'll last for about 2 months until they decide they want Rex to be with Jessica, so we will find out that the DNA tests were compromised and his paternity goes unresolved for a few months until its revealed that he's really John's son

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