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Y&R: Week of March 1 Discussion

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When I really started watching Nikki and Victor were already fully dysfunctional so I never saw them as "romance" I always felt liek that was some sort of smoke screen. Honestly even in the beginning where Victor tried to transform Nikkis ays much about their relationship eversince. The sickness in the dynamic stems from the fact that Victor must never be wrong so when he's in the wrong his truth or comeuppance is never established it is just brushed over

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Victor's best story ever in my opinion had to be when he was on Hope's farm. Nikki's best story I've seen was her drug addiction story in the early 90s. While I do think both Victor and Nikki shine together, I would like to see them shine more on their own. Victor's been able because he's had better track record of pairings than Nikki's had.

I really wish Sheila was causing a ruckus on the even more craptastic B&B. Yes believe it or not there are soaps that worse than Y&R's present state.

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what the hell was the point of that dream state episode it was bad. Y&R is now slow turning into passions.

just because a couple worked years old doesn't mean it works now. nikki and victor now suck together the relationship is all about the control victor has over nikki. he can treat her like crap. abuses her emotionally and verbally and yet she still comes coming like a dog to him, its sick and degrading to women. instead of actually dealing with victor abuse the show just sweeps it under the rug and call it love. this gives out the wrong mesage to people who are dealing with abuse in real life or have survived it.

nikki shines when she is not around victor its just the current writers hate her and see her as a prop for victor.

I loved when nikki was hanging aroung with bobby in the club thats when nikki really shined. MTS and john enos had amazing chemisty together pity EB had to complain about it.

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Frankly, we all should kiss what this show once was goodbye and stop wishing for what was..it is never coming back..LIKE EVER, POOF GONE!!! :lol: And certainly not with this current writing regime.

Now back to the show Phyllis will never be the old Phyllis again, the character has been written differently for some time now and as a Phyllis fan I love it that way. I like that they can mix it up with the character whenever they bloody well feel like doing it. And not some past pre-conceived notion of what Phyllis should be like at this stage. Frankly I am enjoying and am very much amused at the reactions from those who politely refer to Grambo & Giggly Heffa :rolleyes:....I expect to see more of it. :P;)

I have always loved Victor/Nikki together, not entirely because of the way they were written (even though their relationship is dynsfunctional)but because EB & MTS had such wonderful chemistry that no matter if their characters were separated I always wanted them back together..but this time it is as if the life has been sucked out of them..it's so hard to watch them now...oh wait, Nikki is never on anymore. :(

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I love Victor (more than I like EB :lol: ) and I am happy he is back...but the writing is so AWRY that I don't feel the normal energy that I usually feel when I watch the character. But since I am happy he's back and he's p#@ssing everybody off, I will suck it up LOL!

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