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ATWT March 2010 Discussion Thread

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I can't believe how much I'm enjoying the Babs/Henry angst. It's one of those weird relationships that really shouldn't work (and completely ignores their previous history--who could forget Hank kidnapping Babs and shooting her with a water gun?) but it does.

I'd forgotten how much I lllluuuuuvvvved Danny Cosgrove. It's still a little weird for me thinking of him as a Hughes and not a Lewis....but DAYUM, he fits right into the Hughes family.

And a frakkin' loved the little Hughes family gathering at Al's. Kim must nearly approve of Babs and Henry...she's encouraging Babs' chasin' a man, which happens so infrequently.

After today, I'm hoping Babs and Carly team up to smite down Vienna and Katie. V's a twit and Katie's a user.

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I thought today's show was freakin awesome!! The Babs and Henry story was fun to watch today.

I loved loved loved the Hughes gathering. I LOL when Kim told Babs about men and how you have to tell em twice.....hahahaha. I floved their scenes. It was like old school ATWT.

DC is good as Chris but I still see Bill Lewis....LOL

Luke and Noah's breakup....YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Although Jake Silbermann can't act [!@#$%^&*]. He had no reaction/emotion during the Luke/Noah breakup. Luke and Reid better be the endgame.

Glad Reid had the cliffhanger. I didn't expect it at all. Yes he is a newbie but at least he can act and has charm. I can't say that about...cough.....Jake Silberman....cough....

Loving me some Reidwub.gif

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I hope he finds love too! I don't believe he's had a bf. There's still a lot we don't know about him. I know he is staying till the end in September. I hope he ends up with someone at the end of the show.

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Hahaha...hmmmm..interesting question

He's lame acting started so long ago. Now it seems he just tries to darn hard to be good....LOL. But no one takes the cake like Jake Silbermann does. Damn is his acting [!@#$%^&*] bad!!

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Pretty good show today.

Vienna was just as annoying today as she was yesterday. "Are you saying NO to me? You never say NO to me!" Ummm...is she for real? I have to give Henry props though for restraint. No way could I freely give away millions of dollars or listen to some chick tell me how bad she wants to take dictation with a straight face.

Awww Luke and Noah broke up. Boy that must suck... But at least now Reid can woo him with his sexy sardonicism. ^_^ Noah who...?

Amazing...looks like two days in a row without the quad from hell. Although, I wouldn't mind seeing Carly around town in a slinky little number.

So...has Hunter left the show or...?

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Yeah I saw some of that in the previews. The punching, wrestling, heavy panting--if that doesn't set the stage for some tension I don't what will.

I guess it should have been obvious Hunter wasn't gonna last too long, what with the very quick way his reveal as Emily's son was handled. Right after it came out, Emily talks about wanting a baby with Paul and Hunter gradually disappears.

Sucks...I thought he was the sexiest thing on the show since Scott Holroyd left. The ebb and flow of soapdom, I guess.

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I'm not a blind expert, but just because you're blind doesn't mean you have to look in the opposite direction that someone's sitting. Alison was right in front of him today and Noah kept looking to his left. Dude, turn the eff around and talk to her face. Just because your blind doesn't mean you have to look the other way when talking to people. Sheez!!

Loved the mention of Hal during Barbara's talk with Henry. And the dialogue between them was wonderfully written. However, I can't see the two of them together. I like that CZP has been working, and I like that Trent Dawson has chemistry with her, but Henry & Babs just don't go well together. I think he needs to be with Vienna (although TPTB are obviously trying to ruin that relationship...once again); and I think Walker needs to come back and sweep Barbara off her feet.

Chris is right. Katie's doing too much. Shame on me to think she would get less airtime now that AP's out of the picture. Nothing against Terri, but Katie's just run her course...

And I can't seem to understand why Katie rejected Henry's offer to give the money to Jacob (she knows they both need it) and is, instead, pimping out fakeHouse's new neurology wing. It honestly baffles me. She'd rather ensure that her roommate's ego get pampered than provide future schooling for her child. *eyeroll*

The elevator in the Lakeview has to be one of the slowest elevators in the world. Babs and Henry talked for 5 minutes (give or take, minus commercial interruption) before they ever got to their room floor.

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