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Y&R: Episode discussion, week of January 18, 2010

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Well, now that you put it that way...

I'm hoping there's another shoe. That Tucker has problems with emotional ties because of his sense of abandonment. He didn't do this for revenge, but to "teach a lesson" and (of course, paradoxically) get to know his mother. I'm hoping it is not hatred, but the absence of genuine human emotion that brought him here. I'm hoping that Katherine helps him find his heart. Or better yet, Mac and Brock.

But folks...TGVN is back!!

He INSTANTLY energized scenes with Adam and Nick (and I love that they are exploring Phyllis' anger at TGVN still). And it was great to see him come riding his white horse into Kay's living room (pledging "all my resources") as a hero in the battle.

I kind of wish Jack and TGVN would have to work together on this one...the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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I love the idea -- based on the previews -- that Heather is a sexual aggressor. Didn't she also invite Adam up to her room?

That's actually a dangerous habit for a young woman...and I wonder if it won't come back to bite her down the road. I can't wait to see Paul if another of his "girls" (like Patty) gets sucked in by an Abbott manwhore.

But the truth of the matter is, I'm guessing Billy won't take her up on the invitation in the preview (even though I wish he would). I'm guessing this is a "character test" from his New Years epiphany...and he'll say "you're a beautiful woman, but I have another woman I love, and it wouldn't be fair to you". That's what I'm hoping.

Two other things:

- I enjoyed the Abbotts beginning to circle the wagons in battle--Jack realizing that Billy's skills and assets could be useful to him

- I loved (LOVED!) the stammering schoolboy way in which Neil approached Ashley. Kudos to both KSJ and ED for WORKING ON THE CHEMISTRY this time. They've both fizzled due to a lack of investment in some of their earlier pairings (e.g., ED and DD; KSJ and anyone since Rowell).

All in all, this episode had my attention. I have to say that will I admire William Russ' low key portrayal (it feels more natural--and colder--to me)...I'm eager to see this in the hands of Stefan Cassidine!

The "mentoring" relationship between Tucker and JT (I feel) could simulate GH's Stefan-and-Nicholas. I think Luckinbill could really grow in this role if they keep him there. Obviously Victor is going to blame Neil (fueling a romantic rivalry over Ashley) and blame JT (further driving a Victoria-JT wedge). BRING IT ON! TGVN, I'm so glad you're back!

Ah, wickedness on the bold part! Ye of little faith! :lol:

Did he really screw her over in business? I'm totally forgetting that. Can you remind me?

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I thought there was some scene with Katherine yelling at Victor over something he did involving her company. I can't remember.

Women aren't allowed to be sexual aggressors on this show, not unless we need to see how pathetic they are (like Sharon). If a woman is going to be sexually aggressive, surely she could find a better candidate than a selfish oaf who can't even put on a condom.

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Neil and JT being used to prop Victor...and further take away any point of view for the Victoria character.

I really hope they won't go near Ashley/Victor again. You mention lack of chemistry -- the chill between Ashley and Victor for their entire reunion could have stopped global warming.

I hope we get to see Tucker and JT do some shirtless martial arts.

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Agreed. That was totally off. We now know that some of it came from ED, who didn't believe in the rushed union, and so tried to play it as off from the beginning. When she wants to kill a pairing, she is masterful in her ability to do so :lol:.

Now that you mention it....

Nichols said he was "overweight" when he was hired (by an amount he said was 5 lbs...I don't call the overweight :LOL") but that he quickly got into shape.

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Actually 6 lovers in a year and a half that is a very low number compared to most young men in Billy's financial position. I'm sure most female socialites have more than 6 lovers in that time frame. We live in an age where people in their 20's and thirties are screwing like there is no tomorrow. It is an instant gratification society.

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