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HBO: Game of Thrones


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The show was no longer an adaptation. It stands to reason it wouldn't be George R. R. Martin brilliant anymore. 


That was a really good finale.


Clarke did, once again, marvelous work as she addressed her army. I gasped when Jon stabbed her. Expected but, still, I wasn't sure they'd pull that trigger. LOVED, and predicted, that Drogon would melt the Throne.


I did not expect Bran to become King and didn't have much hope we'd see all the other great characters, but all was pleasantly surprising.


Really happy Davos, Brienne, Bronn, and Sam are on the small council.


Really happy Sansa is Queen in the North.


Really happy Arya's exploring.


Really happy Jon's back Beyond the Wall which makes him happy.


It was heartbreaking watching the Stark children share their last scene together but I am so happy their montage was the end. 


Sigh. What a show. What a journey. Goodbye, Game of Thrones.

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So the spoilers were true, aside from some confusion about whether Tyrion would die. The character has been pointless for years and years and made so many bad decisions he was never remotely punished or even confronted for - death would have been more fitting for his arc and for being the last of the Lannisters. But he was so important to GRRM (and to D&D, even if they treated him as a Gary Stu and let Peter Dinklage do all the heavy lifting), I'm not surprised he lived. 


Bran was one of my favorite characters for years, and in many ways his (or should I say whatever he's become) getting the throne is fitting, but I don't get the feeling D&D have cared about the character in a long time, so the groundwork was never laid. 


Oh well. 


The cast did their best, so kudos to them. And Davos lived. And Theon had a good sendoff. 


That's probably more than I could have expected, so I'm happy enough.



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Additional thoughts:


  • I was very very happy with that last Small Council scene - seeing Bran, Tyrion, Grand Maester Sam, Davos as Master of Ships, and uh, Bronn (well, him getting Highgarden and all the coin he wants makes sense) all strategizing and bickering like a classic Small Council. That fuels many story ideas folks can dream about, I suppose. And Podrick and Brienne looked glorious in their golden armor. I hope Brienne can love again someday.
  • Arya's ending called back to her Queen Christina ship moment at the end of - was it Season 4 or 5? I was happy she got to keep adventuring, but regained her humanity. I think they've done a very good job of that in the last three seasons, after the unspeakably tedious stuff in S4-5 with the Faceless Men. They made a concerted effort to make Arya reclaim her humanity and identity and it paid off. Maisie Williams has done real, visceral work when she could've just leaned on being a fan favorite caricature when people just wanted Arya to be their fanfic queen killing all the bad guys on her list like some idiotic cartoon. Loved the House Stark sails on the ship. I do hope Arya will be back sometime, for her sister and for Gendry.
  • Sansa's arc is obviously not without its issues. She did not need to be raped to evolve, and putting those words in her mouth this season was a mistake. But I think the Sansa of the last three seasons has also been very strong, and human and not a robot or ice queen. And I think Sophie's done great work.
  • Bran being king floored me but makes me happy. I was always a big fan of Bran and his supposedly 'boring' story - I do think it was too jarring an adjustment last year when nothing prior indicated he would 'stop being Brandon Stark', but Isaac played it well. It's probably fanwank but Bran seemed considerably more in touch with his humanity and his final scenes, with a touch more warmth and good humor, especially in the Small Council. Maybe he gains more of a handle on his divided self as he adjusts to being both Bran and the Raven.
  • This season, and the last one are definitely flawed, but especially Seasons 5-6. The last season was quite rushed, this one less so. But it was a mistake IMO not giving both seasons ten episodes, to fully explicate Daenerys' turn more for the skeptics. (I didn't find it in any way OOC or extremely sudden, but I do feel it was a bit rushed.) And I don't buy that Grey Worm/Torgo Nudo (his real name?) would not demand either Tyrion or Jon or both dead. There's absolutely no way the Unsullied and Dothraki would leave Westeros without at least one of their heads. IMO Jon's life should've been the (willing on his part) price for peace in the Six Kingdoms. But, hey, it's a solid finale for me.
  • Jon's ending was bittersweet. I still felt he should've died, but I liked that ending, the hint of a more open society blended from before and beyond the Wall with the free folk. Was he leaving with them? I couldn't tell.


And now some interviews, including a few wonderful and very candid ones with Emilia, both different and essential reads. Emilia is so underrated by audiences and critics IMO and did amazing work on this show, often while facing life-threatening illness.




This excerpt of New Yorker interview with Emilia sums up many of my thoughts on Daenerys - I love the Lawrence of Arabia parallel. I do think the turn was a bit rushed, but not nearly as much as some claim. And I like her shutting down the interviewer's attempt to fish for outrage over Daenerys. No, ending "more triumphantly" is fanfic.



Meanwhile, re: the shocking cameo by a character I didn't recognize for ten minutes then felt unspeakably guilty about, it's good to know I am not alone:


Edited by Vee
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I kind of wish they'd had Satin Flowers make a (debut) appearance. 


I forgot to say, Jacob Anderson (Grey Worm) was on SNL last night, in a very brief cameo. Apparently he's a rapper. He didn't get to say or do much, even though he appeared in one of their rapping videos. I guess at least he got a little bit of TV time. 


Thank you for all the articles you've posted over the years, @Vee . I'm glad you were able to enjoy the show to the end. 


And to the people who used to post about the show here and disappeared - I hope you enjoyed the finale, wherever you are. 


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I was good with the finale.  With the exception of a very talkative Tyrion, I thought it was pretty well done.  I sure hope Dinklage isn't paid by the word!  They didn't have to give him so much in the finale, especially since he was in chains for treason!  


Jon and Dany had negative chemistry to their final scene bored me and it made no sense for Drogon not to light Jon up!

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LOTS of bullsh-t went around. How is Bran king when he's barely a real person at this point? Why is Sam's bitchass back? That only reminded me how much I hate that he's not dead and he already got his happy ending with Gilly.


Id rather Jon dead than disgraced and sentenced to go serve his life at the Night's Watch again. And why is there even still a NW? That seemingly was and should be abolished after what went down


Best part was Sansa being named Queen of the North. Very satisfying. Im fine with Arya's ending bc I just watched the end of season 6 and its what she mentioned she wanted

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I was satisfied with the ending.  I predicted a Stark would end up with the Throne, I just didn't think it would be Bran.  LOL    I see a future movie with Arya's adventure out west. 


If Dany had to die, I hoped it would be Jon who kills her, so I was happy with what happened there.   Fantastic scene with Drogon nudging Dany, realizing she's dead, burns down the Iron Throne, and then takes off with her body. 


I do wish that there were more episodes, in seasons 7 and 8, so things could've been fleshed out more.   I loved Cersei so I would've liked to see more of her this season, and wish she got a better death. 


Despite the criticisms and faults that show has received for these last couple of seasons, it still will go down as one of the best dramas of all time - when we see those lists (Top 10, Top 20, etc), GOT will be on it, and rightfully so.  





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