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HBO: Game of Thrones


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What exactly have I said to you that is nasty? Nothing. You are the one being aggressive over a TV show. "he's dead to me" is an expression. It means I'm no longer invested in the character. I am not freaking out and I've thought through my opinion plenty. Thank you.  I expressed my opinion, which is different from yours, so you felt the need to get personal and condescending. I can like you and still think the way you are posting at me in this particular thread is rude.

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Ha! I almost miss the days of a good SON showdown. There have been some epic ones over the years, but my days of really getting into it over a TV show are (hopefully) long gone. When I feel the urge I just hit the ignore button and move on. That's why JB doesn't phase me in the least.

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When you start sh!t like "I am getting tired of so and so," you turn it nasty. All I did is ask if you don't think you are being dramatic. That appears to hit a nerve, because you're acting as if I insulted all your ancestors and their pets (have you been accused of this often in real life?). You are taking it way too seriously. What happened to a good, ole-fashioned "nah, bitch!" Or "YES, I'm dramatic!"


You see, this is the problem, and it proves my assertion that you're being dramatic. Don't throw out false accusations of "aggressiveness" and "condescension." Talk about making it personal! If I wanted to be that way with you, there would be no room for misinterpretation. Your "thank you" is, however. You "expressed your opinion" and then I replied, expressing mine with several arguments opposing your view. I suspect you saw their validity, which is why you've continued to ignore them in favor of misguidedly standing your ground (or something). You can think I'm being rude all you want!

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Except for that part where she was stabbed in the stomach and there is no way in hell she would be able to run that long and that fast. Then she slides on her stomach and not only keeps running, but outruns the waif?


The plot holes in this episode were big enough to drive a truck through. I'm just hoping the next one is better. I expect it will be, since usually the battle episodes are outstanding.

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How is this a TV show? Were these scenes from LORD OF THE RINGS? Beautifully done, wonderfully photographed and some shots that were jaw-dropping. This will get all the awards and, truth be told, one of them should be Kit's. 


The siege of Mereen and Dany laying waste with the dragons was phenomenal. So, so good. And not to mention Dany and Yara bonding over being women who want to rule, with just a tad of flirting thrown in there.


Things with Melisandre and Davos are about to come to a head. He's had it in for her for a while. I'll be stunned if she survives this.


What can I say about the battle? Sansa was right -- there was no way Rickon would get out of this alive but Ramsay made the biggest mistake he could make doing that. The anger he awoke in Jon pretty much sealed his fate. Harington was PHENOMENAL in the scenes. It was almost stunning how much work he put into his anger and blind determination. That shot of him zigzagging through countless horses, narrowly avoiding death, was just... no words.


Ramsay, that coward, that utter evil piece of sh!t. Running til the last moment. He's had this coming for years and, if there was ever a reason to show a dog tearing into a human's flesh, this was it. Just like Sansa, we had to see. I'm glad she stayed back and watched, before walking away (in another great shot). They got it, they got it perfectly.



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One thing I like about GoT is that it doesn't glorify battle. All of those poor men piled high like cattle at the slaughter. Awful. The camera work was really good, showing the confusion and horror surrounding Jon.


Jon thought Rickon might survive, but Sansa understood there was never a chance. I was just glad Ramsey wasn't pulling that child's half flayed body behind him, which is what I was expecting. Ramsey was more diabolical than that though. He knew hope would draw Jon out.  I was also glad they made him a little older. It's not fair, but watching that happen to a five year old would have been worse. All told he had a clean death, so that's something.


Watching the giant (poor guy) knock down the door was pretty satisfying. I wondered if they could make Ramsey's death even a little satisfying. Revenge tends to feel empty to me, since it doesn't undo anything, but letting Sansa end him was as good as it was going to get. I'm glad she didn't lose sight of that goal for one single second.


Having Little Finger around is unfortunate. I like the character, but I wish her were in the south, so he couldn't cause trouble for the Starks.


I wonder if the Red Woman is so subdued because she's seen Ser Davos killing her in the flames? It's strange the way she's just given up even after being given the power of resurrection.


Yara flirting with Dany was fun.


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