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HBO: Game of Thrones


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What a stunner Clegane's return was. If there ever was a scene deserving a pre-credits treatment, this was it. How sad and poignant for him to finally try to give a normal life a go, all for it to turn to sh!t.


Margaery's manipulation of the HS is so exciting, and wonderfully played by Natalie Dormer. Her scenes with the HS are always masterfully acted by both sides. I loved the moment Olenna realized Margaery was putting on an act. Cersei's heartbreak when she realized what a mess she'd made was also great.


We saw a giant again! Fun. And Lady Mormont was just hilarious with her 62 men. Something tells me major conflict is coming between Jon and Sansa -- or she's just saved them.


Production outdid itself with Riverrun. Just outstanding work. And the siege came out so much better than I could ever hope for. Very good stuff, and Jaime was just hot as f.uck. 


Yara's talk with Theon was heartbreaking. Theon's destruction has been one of the best storylines of the whole show and hopefully we'll see him return now. Alfie Allen's acting was so, so good... at the end of his talk, he looked at Yara and you could see he was coming back, you can almost believe he was never broken. You could see it all in his eyes (and Whelan connected so much with him). Just amazing. 


The Brotherhood is getting more and more involved in things. I wonder....


Arya buying passage was funny but damn that muthafucking waif. I hate that bitch.


God it was all so good it was over before I realized it.

Edited by YRBB
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I was pretty sure the Hound would be back as I'd read about his potential return. That was a nice cold open and a lovely brief bit for Ian McShane, who I figured would have a brief role; his time is at a premium. I know a lot of people suspect a certain someone leads the Brotherhood of Banners now - I am not convinced. I guess we'll see.


Loved everything with Jon, Sansa and Davos touring the North, with Davos giving little Lyanna Mormont (who it was lovely to finally see) the Davos sell. It's clear Sansa is going to turn to Littlefinger for more men which is understandable in their impossible situation, but she doesn't know that he's already en route. Baelish will stab them in the back when the fighting is done, sooner or later (he had pledged this to Cersei in exchange for being made Warden of the North, but it's likely what he'd do eventually anyway); I just hope Sansa sees that coming. She knows enough now to know he can never be trusted, only managed. This has been a huge season for Sansa, for all the Starks, and it's been thrilling to watch.


I see they're dragging out the Arya/Waif final showdown by keeping her material brief. I assume she's headed back to the theater troupe for help, which hopefully means Essie Davis and Richard E. Grant will continue to be part of the show.


Loved everything with Margaery and Olenna. This is why Margaery is still one of my favorites of all time. I understood why Olenna snubbed Cersi - she can never be trusted with family secrets or business - but it is a pity as it seemed that, for the moment, Cersei was attempting to level with her.


Loved Theon and Yara in that tavern, with Yara all over the ladies. Thrilled to hear they are indeed going for Daenerys, as I had suspected.

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I loved when Oleanna told Cersei she's vile and maybe the most vile person she ever met and how all troubles befallen them are all Cersei's fault.  Cersei did bring all this down upon them because she wanted to get rid of her daughter in law and future husband.   The Hound returning I guess that was prediictable but not really sure if there was a need for that unless he wanders his way back home to kill his brother.   He is really off on such a tangent that his actions don't really impact anything at the moment.  Arya I guess is in stall mode--no shocker there.    Jaime needs to man up already and not do what Cersei tells him to.  Hopefully Brienne will set him straight.   Nice to see Bronn again, he was always a fun buddy character.    The little girl lord in the north was a bit of a hoot with her 62 men, but maybe they are good soldiers.    I was under the impression the brothers without banners were goodguys (and they had that cool archer guy) but perhaps not. 


Sansa clearly is sending word to littlefinger for help, but this all sounds like a giant rigmarole which will lead to Peter attempting to betray Sansa and perhaps she will kill him once and for all.   Considering everything that has happened to her is all his fault starting with the betrayal of her father, I'd say she deserves the honor of killing him.    Entertaining episode but not the most exciting...

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Here's some troubling speculation: When the Night's King touched Bran and left his mark, it nullified the magical ward of protection keeping the White Walkers from entering the Raven's cave. Assuming that principle holds true, it stands to reason that the minute Bran and Meera (and Benjen) go South and hit the Wall, it will take down the ward of protection there that keeps the dead from the rest of Westeros - and take down the Wall.

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Boring episode but it was cool to see the Blackfish versus the Kingslayer. Almost as good as it is in the books.


I keep think Cersei will murder the Queen of Thorns via the zombie. However I loved every second of Olenna digging in on Cersei. So glad she brought up the "smirk" that Cersei made when her grandchildren were hauled off like criminals by the High Sparrow.


Such a great actress you can tell how deeply she cares for both Margaery and especially Loras. I really hope that the show does right by him. 

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I sure hope Ser Jorah doesn't think he'll be getting Bear Island back some day. He doesn't stand a chance against that little lady.


I kept expecting Jaime to just murder the Blackfish where he stood. I'm glad he didn't, but it added a little tension to their scenes.


This episode made me wonder how Ramsey is going to handle his hostage. Do Sansa and Jon have what it takes to keep going if Ramsey is flaying Rickon in front of them? I hope it doesn't go there though, that's too dark even for me.


It was nice to see Ian McShane, but it was such a short role, I'm surprised they brought him in for it.

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What did Jorah do to get exiled again? Slave trafficking, right? Who knows. Was it his father or uncle at Castle Black?


I suspect Rickon will get killed to kick off the battle - this would leave Jon, Sansa and Bran (and Arya) as the going concerns for who would rule the North if the Starks take it back. I'd love it if he survives but I doubt it. Dramatically his death pushes Jon and Sansa forward, and I suspect the show will end with Sansa and a consort as Wardens of the North. (Perhaps with Bran as advisor/maester/whatever.)

Edited by Vee
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Commander Mormont was Ser Jorah's father. I was kidding about getting Bear Island back. If he lives I'm sure Dany would give him whatever he wants. Ned sent him into exile for selling slave. I'm not sure, but I think his father went to the wall out of shame leaving his own sister in change.


Sansa's situation makes me wonder if Tyrion is set to die. I wouldn't have thought so, but that marriage is a problem.

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