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The traditional view of a strong woman, especially in this genre, is Arya, or Buffy Summers. They kick ass and they take names. The "not like other girls" trope. Sansa is supposed to be one of those "other girls." Yet she never really is that simple to categorize.


I do think book Sansa is complex. I'd say she is one of the most complex characters in the books. We see her struggling with a child's jealousies and resentments even as she has to deal with the cold, hard realities surrounding her. Some of her own making, some not. Some of her chapters are brilliantly written, and harrowing - the chapter where she is kept in her room with Jeyne Poole day after day, and finally just on her own, catspaw of Cersei, trying to keep her father safe. Or seeing her thinking about all the beatings she's suffered and the sickening reality that this is day after day of her life. There's no moment where she gets to kill a guard or some sort of "win" - the main win is that she doesn't let this life tear her down psychologically and she uses what is around her to slowly mature. To me that is complex.

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Glimpses of the Mad King! Amazing, and I need more. As soon as the horseman showed up, I knew it was Benjen and so glad to finally learn what happened to him. It's brilliant that this was set up six years ago, a last-minute save that the show more than paid its dues for. Wonderful. And the promise that Bran will magically fight the Night's King (I hope magically) at the Wall? Amazing!


The stuff with Arya was surprisingly good. The chemistry between her and the "Cersei" actress was fantastic and their scene was excellently played. "Joffrey" had a frightening resemblance to Joffrey during his death. I just love so much that she went back for her sword. Ew at H'ghar just cutting the face off. That shot of Arya blowing out the candle was fantastic. I fully expect sh!t to go down with this next week.


Which, of course, didn't happen with the faith militant storyline. It was beautifully shot, the effects wonderful, Jaime in full man-in-control mode, but what a f ucking anti-climax. There very well might be more to come with this but they made it seem like it was building to something. Not good, not good at all. But I'd forgotten that Jaime was supposed to go off and deal with Frey and all that, so this was a nice way to get him to that point. And Cersei once again using strategy and cunning.


The Sam/Gilly parts were excellent. I like Gilly so much now. They really made me believe Sam was going to leave her there, so it was a wonderful surprise when he came back. And I laughed so so so much at him taking the sword with him. Best part of the episode.


Dany was also very well done but a bit of a let-down too. I get the importance of it: She needed to find a way to convince the Khalasar to come with her across the sea, but when it faded to black, I was left with: Wait, that was the ending? I was more interested in the detail of the two tubes that the fire comes out of in the dragon's mouth.... brilliant.

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Great episode except for the Danerys bull.   I am a little confused about the Riverrrun stuff.   Is that the home of Catelyn Stark?  This is season 2 stuff they are talking about.   The guy in chains was Robb's uncle who volunteered to marry the ugly girl in Robb's place?   And who is Blackfish?    I am not a fan of father Frey, he is such a crank that he is even more unpleasant to watch than Stannis or the senior Greyjoy.    The faith militant stuff was a bit of a letdown but I guess they want to have the king in their clutches so Jaime and Cersei have to act without official power--perhaps even against their own son at some point. Poor Jaime is being shunted off to the sidelines fighting an inconsequential battle that will no doubt have little importance to the show.   His star has fallen far since he came home a year or so ago.


I love that uncle Stark has finally returned.  It's a little contrived that everyone knows everyone else in some six degrees of seperation thing, but it was good to see this resolved.   If Benjen Stark can return, perhaps we will one say see if Gendry ever finished rowing his boat.   I hope they make their way to Sansa and Jon for a great big Stark reunion and everyone frees Rickon.   


Sam's family was interesting.   They could get their own Dallas style spin-off.

Arya needs to literally cut a bitch and let her sourpuss face go on that wall.  I am glad she regained her sanity. 

Oh look, another Game Of Thrones episode where Danerys makes a speech threatening to go across the sea and take the iron throne.  How 2012 of her.   And 2011, 13, 14 and 15.   I was not thrilled, movied, excited, or anything remotely resembling entertained by Miss Repetitive Redundant Westeros 2016.    I am sure she will make a similar speech two more times this year.   Maybe people will bow, perhaps slaves will pledge loyalty, maybe an enemy will be burned alive by a dragon...this nonsense happens about as regularly as Seinfeld repeats on TBS.    She has become literally the alltime worst and most boring GoT character.   As soon as I see her I know literally nothing will happen. 

Edited by quartermainefan
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So I'm still watching, and I never, ever yas. But I shall YAAASSSSS!!! for this. I've been waiting for Arya to defy these dicks and end this tiresome storyline for so long - go back to being herself for herself and becoming an active part of the ongoing canvas, as opposed to wandering about glowering which she's been doing since at least Season 4, and which has been very irritating for me since at least the end of that year. Finally! I cheered when she dug up Needle. I've been waiting for that.


Also: I'm pretty sure I mentioned her last week, but Essie Davis from The Babadook was fantastic as Lady Crane? Grey?, the faux-Cersei. I hope she just keeps getting more major US work. Also good despite her oft-annoying role throughout: Faye Marsay as the Waif, better known to me as the scene-stealer in Doctor Who's 2014 Christmas special, where she played a very, very different character.

Edited by Vee
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A bit more:


It is intensely satisfying watching so many ancient threads come home to roost - Benjen the undead warrior as Bran's new guardian, affirming Bran's place in things. It's so thrilling to see Bran, who's always been one of my (and apparently Martin's) dark horse favorites finally coming to full fruition in story. Same, too, with the welcome return of David Bradley and Walder Frey. This season is showing a lot of the show's lowest, most foul villains being unable to hold and keep power, because they're simply not made for it. First we see Frey losing his grip (despite the return of Tobias Menzies as Edmure), and Ramsay isn't exactly keeping his cool in the North either.


Also loved Sam and Gilly facing off against his father, and then outright stealing the sword. I wasn't sure he'd have the balls for it, but this season has such a propulsive, truth-telling energy to it that last year and parts of Season 4 sorely lacked, partly because they were forced to begin to tread water in the narrative waiting on GRRM. Now they're off the leash, and it's made the show more powerful than before.


I believe Margaery is faking re: her conversion - she was determined not to bow before the Sparrow, and I don't believe she ever would. The question, though, is did she bring Tommen across or is she using him to fake out the Faith Militant? I have no idea where this is going.

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I cant stand Gilly. She had one role and that was to STFU and not mention where she's from. What does she do? Mention where she's from and now Sam is pretty much disowned. He has given up so much for her worthless ass


I hope Marg is faking. I dont like Tommen joining that cult though and casting Jamie out


Arya....I hope she kills that hating Waif girl

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Sam was already all but disowned when he was sent to take the black and become Night's Watch. Gilly had his back where his family didn't.


I am fairly positive Margaery is playing the long con, and possibly angling to take out Cersei and the Sparrow in one blow. That's why I love her, not that I think it will all go to plan.


The season preview a few months back showed a wild fight on the streets of Braavos, so I'm pretty sure Arya and the Waif are getting down next time.


Oh, and another interesting point:


Jaime has been sent to Riverrun to take down Brynden the Blackfish.


Brienne has been sent to Riverrun to recruit Brynden the Blackfish for Sansa and the Starks.


It's about to get lit!

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I sort of wonder if Jamie is going to end up going north with Brienne. No way I believe he's going to take down The Blackfish on behalf of Walder Frey. That would be a complete regression of his character.


Tarly threatened to kill his own son, so little Sam never would have been safe there. What a creepy guy.  I feel bad for Sam's mother.

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I honestly have no idea what Jaime will do. I think he got sucked back into the Lannister web with Cersei over the last couple seasons, especially after having to deal with what happened with Tyrion, Myrcella, etc.

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