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There were more performances at the Gala. NBC just showed Evan, Evgeni, Kim Yu-Na, Joannie Rochette, Meryl Davis/Charlie White and Tessa Virtue/Scott Moyer. They probably wouldn't of shouldn't much of the 4 man bobsled if they US hadn't been on track to win that Gold (first in 60 years).

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Awwwwwww, Johnny! :o I'm such a fan of that little whippersnapper!


This gives me the sads because I love his skating but I can understand why. He's getting to that age when men stop skating. He is also not super-supported by his skating federation and there is also a lot of other politics at play. He improved by leaps and bounds this year, though, and I hope that (and the fact that he was US nationals champion three years in a row) will give him enormous satisfaction. In the meantime, I will look forward to watching him skate at Worlds.

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Cat, I thought that pink and black skating outfit was ugly as hell. Did he design that? With all the skewed, lopsided lacing? Goodness me. I can't figure him out. He's cute as hell... but he also looks like he might be a bitch princess that I'd have to open up a can of whoopass on every once in a while. My only issue with him is when a reporter asks if he's gay, he's always "What does it matter?" blah blah blah... for someone of the *older* generation who had virtually no role models to look up to, it matters a hell of alot to many people, especially younger kids in more remote or conservative areas. If I were him... I would have answered the question with "Are you blind!!" or.... "We need to buy you one of those white canes, don't we?" I mean, Rudy broke the ice already... what's his problem?

Edited by alphanguy74
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Alphanguy, I agree. I t is as plain as the nose on his face and why not just admit it and be done with it? There might be some kids out there struggling with their sexuality, who look up to him and would be inspired by his taking a stance.

Having said that, most teenagers do not consider sexuality an issue. Like, it's just a part of the mainstream, a part of their lives and that is that. Maybe Johnny Weir has this attitude of a younger generation? Not defending him but at a press conference, the US media kept bringing it up and he just rolled his eyes. I took the :rolleyes: to mean

1. are you blind?!

2. WTF is with the media's obsession with being gay?

3. Why don't you judge me on my skating and not on my sexuality?

I also noticed something else this Winter Olympics -- NBC and Olympics skating federations were obsessed with trying to take the sequins out of the sport. They kept yapping about Evan Lysacek and his "masculine" brand of figure-skating, how you need to be a "real athlete" to stay in shape for the sport, etc. I thought the athletism of the sport was already a given! It just seemed to me that they were anxious to re-brand the sport as being "acceptable" to hetero audiences. Which just shows how behind-the-curve they are: figure-skating has been pulling in mega-ratings for decades.

This prob says it better than I could:

<object width="400" height="300" id="ce_92224102"><param name="movie" value="http://current.com/e/92224102/en_GB"></param><param'>http://current.com/e/92224102/en_GB"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://current.com/e/92224102/en_GB" width="400" height="300" wmode="transparent" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" ></embed></object>

Then again, you know I'm biased because I'm a fan of JW. And having watched some of his Sundance Channel show, it's not the fur and "flamboyant" posturing that I find compelling -- it's his work ethic, his intelligence, his relationship with Galina, his Russian coach, his endearingly gawky grin. It's that show which convinced me that he's not hiding in a closet, he's just doing exactly what he wants and doesn't care what people think.

Edited by Cat
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Yep... that summed it up really well! It proabably Is the attitude of the younger generation that is leaving me in the dust. Those of us who are older are like, "We fought hard for you bitches!! Don't go being evasive after all the work wev'e done!" I guess I have a hard time accepting why he has no hesitation to SHOW us he's gay, but seems reluctant to SAY it. To me, it's not as if it's a surprise, so why not make the reporters uncomfortable for asking. I would LOVE for him to say to some reporter... "Yes, of course I am... isn't it obvious? Now, when you interview Lysacek, are you going to ask HIM if he takes it up the ass?" It would be howlingly delicious. I know those of us in my generation (Rudy Galindo, Thom Bierdz, etc. )can come off as flag-wavers, but that's just where we came from.

Edited by alphanguy74
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Alphanguy, I wanted to apologize for part of my previous post which I just re-read. It must sound somewhat condescending -- I don't know how it would feel to "come out" to friends, family or the general public. So I can't make value judgments on behalf of kids who are gay and how they might feel that it's all "no big deal." I'm just going by some of the kids I know IRL and their general attitude to such things.

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OMG, I would *pay* to hear him say that! :lol:

And don't sell yourself or your (our!) generation short. Keep fighting the good fight! It's important that some of the young 'uns know about Stonewall, struggle and sacrifice, you know? Especially as the media seems to have become increasingly regressive and reactionary over the past decade.

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Nothing sounded condescending to me. I've seen the kids today have that same attitude, it's just part of getting old! :lol: Yes, and those of us like me, Thom, and Rudy are the next generation AFTER Stonewall... so i'm sure all the queens in their 50's and 60's think WE are a bunch of dweebheads!

Edited by alphanguy74
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