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Lorraine Broderick as AMC head writer

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quartermainefan says I am pretty sure the issue was not that he had paintings, but that he had stolen Nazi art--art the Nazis stole themselves.


Yeah I know! :) But it was still dumb to divorce over that. I remember her being upset because he lied to her about it and he didn't understand why she was upset. Just dumb. I was sad that their relationship was ending. :( I didn't want them to end. :(

I liked that story because it was a new low for Palmer and after years of Opal he was desperately in need of a new low.


Hahahaha yeah! :) Very true. :)

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R Sinclair One of my favorite lines came out of that storyline.

Jack: "The next time you wanna say goodbye, try these... (waves) Or one of these (Miss America waves)!"


ROFL ROFL! Yeah he did say that hahahaha! He was funny but he was right. :) I forgot what Erica's answer was.

That was the same scene Erica kept referring to TKFP as "that bleached blonde woman."


I remember her saying that but who is TKFP? :)

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The Jack/Erica/Mike thing was a big joke. McTavish must have had it in for the character of Erica for her to have made jokes out of two of the milestone events that many fans would associate with the character (the abortion and Mike's death).

McTavish must be a joke herself within the industry at this point. I know she came off smelling like a rose after her 92-95 AMC stint. When Michael Laibson scooped her up to HW GL, he referred to her as "the amazing Megan McTavish." Yeah, she did some good work her first go-around, but as has often been stated here, she had FMB and Agnes in some capacity to rein in her excesses, PLUS she was coming off the momentum of the Agnes/Wisner/Lorraine team from 90-92 and building on the groundwork they laid. When left to her own devices, her writing is just so ridiculously over the top and dumbed down beyond belief. She has the basic AMC template down pat, but executes it without the heart, warmth or intelligence with which Agnes, Wisner and Lorraine infused it. When she returned to AMC the last time, when asked what AMC was about in one of the mags, she essentially said that it's about outlandish stories. I remember reading that and thinking...if that's what she thinks AMC is all about, then the show's in big trouble.

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I think she married some big-time country singer after leaving the show, and retired from the business. Anyone know which singer she married? Personally, I was always meh about her. I thought she was decent opposite Canary, who elevates everyone he's working with, in the Adam/Stuart/Gloria triangle, but so-so in the stuff they gave her later.

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She married one of the men from Shenendoah.

I thought she worked very well in the boarding house group, although that was mostly backburner. I didn't care for her with Tad (they just didn't have any chemistry -- at the time that seemed to be an anomaly but now I think it was just a harbinger of future Tad pairings). I did enjoy her storyline with Dimitri, and I thought she had a very good exit.

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