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Lorraine Broderick as AMC head writer

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Broderick's AMC was a pretty diverse show, and I think she'll love writing for the Hubbards.

Robin Mattson's Janet was always my favourite interpretation of that character. Broderick did some amazing work with that character and with Mattson in the role. That was one of the few succcessful redemption arcs in daytime over the past 15 years or so that I can recall at the top of my head, too bad it's all gone to hell since (I'm NOT a Kate Collins fan).

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I think she was good at some parts of ATWT. I liked that Andy returned and had some decent story. I liked that Lily had matured. I liked some of the other moments. I liked the idea of the Tom/Margo breakup, although they completely destroyed Emily's character in the process. I don't know if she got ATWT. Or FMB didn't. There were so many new characters, they fired Daniel Markel for no reason and brought David back as an all-seeing, all-knowing sociopath, Reid, whose abs were more interesting than his personality (the Spencer Trueman of his day), and there were other odd decisions, like having Kirk and Sam vanish, having Denise come in as a bitter shrew who had sold her baby (which meant fans never really liked her when the show tried to redeem her later on). Too much Molly. Too much Julia. Too much Eddie. Trashing Lyla and making her into a bad mother who only cared about putting Katie in kiddie pageants. Some of the stories did work, but I think Penny Hughes summed it up best when she came back for Nancy's birthday and said, "Who are these people?"

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For many of the reasons mentioned, she is a step in the right direction. I never enjoyed AMC more than her time with the show in the mid 90's. It was the last great time period for the show. Since 1998, there have been stretches of goodness few and far between. I am very excited at the prospect of her coming back... I've wanted her to come back ever since she left. Didn't Frons offer her the job in 2003, and she declined? I wonder what has changed?

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Yes, although that was FMB, and MADD. Lorraine was still at AMC then. She came along about a year later.

I get very picky with ATWT because when I started with the show it was close to perfect, but I just never felt like they really understood ATWT. And the Liz Hubbard fiasco also suggested FMB or MADD did not know PR.

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I agree I dont think they understood ATWT. I had forgotten about the Elizabeth Hubbard fiasco. She had a stroke and was written out. Goutman came in and brought her back. Hubbard and Taylor were treated badly by FMB and Lorraine Broderick.

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