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Y&R: Potpourri Thread 2

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I watched it today and all I can focus on is how cheap and tacky everything looks. What is with Nick's mustard colored sweater and little napkin accoutrement? Victoria's horrific makeup job that makes her mouth go all Fright Night complete with ratty hair and pale, pale face? Hatchet-Face Mac?

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That cut should not effect how sometimes the lighting on this show washes out everything, how horrible the wardrobe is (especially for women), the bland camera angles, etc...

Some of these things are more attention to detail-related than budget related. And if the mandate is to make the show look this way, then these people have no taste.

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Haha Y&R has yet to get to the same level of production GL was under him, give him a couple of years, he'll have the show looking like a bright pastel colored horror in no time(set's included).

AH's hair annoys the living hell out of me. I don't know what it is, maybe it's due to the fact that sometimes I think it resembles a lion's mane or something, but it has always bothered me whenever she wears it down like she did in today's episode.

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He seems to one of those "of the company" people/fans.

No offense directed to Mark, but he always finds some external excuse for why things are going wrong, never the incompetence of the creative regime - who disappoint time and time again.

It's always some budget excuse, corporate interference, or something else. But these excuses don't add up after a while when in most cases the same creative problems have followed the people apart of this creative regime from show to show and the show never learns from its creative mistakes.

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You'd know better than I! I could imagine less time spent on individual lights/key lights...just a more diffuse "turn on the lights" approach to save the time of careful lighting. That's the kind of thing I wonder...but I don't even know how to use a flashbulb, so don't ask me.

Defense? It was a serious question. And I was referring to the "tacky" clothes, not the lights. I wonder how much the reduced budget influences some of what you all are seeing aesthetically.

I think I've called for Brad Bell's firing a few times :lol: .

No, I don't think in those terms. I'm not savvy enough about behind the scenes stuff. I know what I like and what I don't like. Even now, Y&R has some things I'm enjoying/find promising, and other things I don't. In general, in any industry, I consider firing to be wasteful and a kind of "last resort" thing. That said, by the time LML left, I was ready for her to go. But I enjoyed her early run.

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