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Y&R on the verge of a recast?

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The role of Colleen needs to rest for a while, and then be recast. I'd prefer to see Fonseca or Leon in the role after that, but it can be a good while. I watched GH for the first time in a while yesterday, and Y&R really needs to steal away Mark Teschner and get him doing the casting. He is masterful with younger players.

Now, regardless of that, I disagree with all of you about the American accent. Moila (?) was right about Braeden. HE WAS BORN AND RAISED IN BUFFALO!! He doesn't sound like any Buffalo-guy I ever met.

Ostensibly, when he ran away from the orphanage and joined the merchant marines and travelled the world, he picked up his international "savoir faire" and that accent. Yeah right. But we tolerate it because Braeden plays his role perfectly...we don't care so much about how he sounds because the character has more substance.

Whether it is writing, actress, or a synergy between them, this Colleen never got substance. Therefore, the recast was a failure.

I'd like to see Sursok again in a role that fits her better on another show. And I'd like Colleen back some day. This is why I do not wish this exit to be permanent, but I'm resigned to it if they go that route. Let's face it: There are plenty of Abbott branches they can pursue, and a permanent loss of Colleen ensures that the severed Carlton branch is permanently sealed. I don't like it, but I can see the logic.

That's why I'm pretty sure that when

. The irony of that is actually pretty interesting, if they play the long-term repercussions.

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All the rumors and probably nothing will come to pass!

IMO, this might all be about finding a place for Gina Tognoni should TPTB be able to sign her. There are 3 roles she can play. Victoria, which is perfect for her. Heather, which is really too young for her. Mac, which is also too young for her. TPTB though are idiots though so logic need not apply.

Why not make GT Victoria? A few reasons. AH is pregnant and that could be dicey. TPTB are still holding out for HT. OR, AH is popular backstage and TPTB can't fire her without ruffling major feathers. Since AH was pre-nommed for an Emmy even though she did not deserve it, it's easy to assume she has some serious love backstage.

So what about GT as Heather? I imagine that if Paul Rauch/MAB wanted to fire VB, that VB, who is apparently a nice person, probably has people like EB, CLB, ED and DD in her corner championing her. VB is not a great actress but she's certainly not the worst on the show. Heather is written as a shrew and VB does the best she can with the part. Still, if TPTB don't want to make GT into Victoria, this is the place for her.

Mac is another possibility for GT. CF hasn't wowed in the role. I don't know if GT would want this part though. Victoria has the potential to be awesome and Heather has the potential to be a fun bitch. Mac is a wet blanket.

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I am from Western NY and we had a pretty big oprhanage run by Father Baker when Victor would have been a boy. I always assumed Victor was a Father Baker boy. We do have quite a diverse population with descendants from all over Europe, but you are right no Buffalonian sounds like Victor. They should have made him from Germany who came over to Buffalo after the war and was put in an orphanage because his mother could not afford him.

I think Sursok has always thought of Y&R as just a stepping stone to bigger and better opportunities. If she was serious about playing Colleen, an American, she should have worked on her accent. Australians speak English so it is very possible to change your accent with hard work. Not so easy when you grew up speaking a foreign language. No matter how hard EB tries, he will always have a German accent.

I think her accent is eaven more heavily pronounced today. She doesn't even try to work on it. Emily O'Brien has an american accent in real life but is able to pull of a convincing English accent. Yes, she was born in London but just like I am sure she worked on her American accent when she came over, now she has to work on her English accent. That is what good actors do.

I was never a big fan of any Colleen, and don't have anything against Colleen, but she takes me out of her scenes with her accent and that's not good and I solely fault her for that. The writers have done no favors for her, butthe accent was her responsibility and she has failed at sounding American.

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I believe that Adrianne has been working more on her music although I do know that she is currently filming a movie in which she has the lead role, with Y&R's ex Larry Wharton (David Fralick). However, she also went back to school and I'm certain that I read on her blog that she also traveled quite a bit.

I agree, the GH casting is pretty darn good since they always seem to have (some) uber talented folks on their show. That said, I, somewhat, agree about Eric Braeden too BUT, he has also been on the show for how long now? Plus, the role of Victor is his and he's been lucky to never had to fill the shoes of the likes of a great recast such as Leon.

So true, about all the rumors; they always seem to get our hopes up only to have them squashed time and time again.

The role of Victoria would be the best role for GT since we've already seen the potential for this role and she could do wonders for the character... again. Perhaps then, it's possible that

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Lesli also mentioned that around the time that AL was let go from Y&R she found out she was sick with something (LK didn't elaborate) but that Y&R let-go was a blessing in disguise cause Adrianne could work on getting better again.

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It was clear during the last months of AL's tenure as Colleen, the poor girl was gaining a little weight and had a slight fuzz around her face, the telltale signs of hormone or steroid use (my mom got prescribed steroids to deal with severe weakness brought on by the illness she was being treated for. Perhaps Addrienne got mono?). The weight gain wasn't that big a deal -- Leon must have been, like, a size 10/12 at one point, hardly breaking the scales. Plus, given the SL where they talked about Colleen's weight briefly and that of Traci before her, it seemed right in character.

However, Lesli Kay also said fairly recently that Adrienne was doing much, much better. I keep hoping she is the one being recast, but I sense that this BI refers to another part -- and Gina Tognoni. I think Barbara Bloom will do everything to keep Tognoni on CBS -- and stick it to Frons.

The question is... if Amelia Heinle goes, will they no longer be accommodating Thad Luckinbill?

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Why should we have to put up with a lousy actress just to keep her husband that they don't even write for anyway?

They're not going to write for this version of Victoria, and they certainly aren't going to make JT more than a glorified dayplayer, so they can both easily leave and no harm will be done.

And if they recast Victoria and Thad is still under contract with the show, there's nothing he can do about it. So, even if Amelia's fired, we can still have JT on the show, unless they write him off too.

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I also believe Gina Tognoni would be great Victoria.

I also believe JT will still stay, maybe not paired with Victoria though.

If TL would leave, that wouldn't be very professional on his part, not to mention MTS when her husband left after all those years (Ed Scott) she still stayed.

I'm a Victoria fan and want the best for her Character and if Gina Tognoni wants this part I would want her to claim it because I know she would do Victoria justice. I am not a HT fan never was, but Gina Tognoni if she is interested I know she would be fantastic in the role of Victoria.

I know I would be so thrilled if she took the role if Victoria was recast, she is somebody who I could accept.

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I said GT would make an incredible Victoria like 2 years ago... im still holding out for this. It's my penultimate soap wish, that and she actually gets airtime, but I bet Gina Tognoni would quickly become a favourite of the writers because she's so dynamic and would make whatever they throw at her good

*ducks* I'd also love to see her with Billy :P *disappears in a poof of smoke before the lynch mob comes out*

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Totally agree here, though I didn't pay attention to the face fuzz. Now that it's mentioned, I can kind of see it. She took a little getting used to at first, but for me, Adrianne just gelled in the part.

God I hope not. I love Thad and JT, though I miss him being more of a badboy. Still, he's one guy I'd actually miss from the show- it's bad enough now that he's rarely seen, though he's been popping up a bit more lately since Colleen has gotten back. I'm still waiting for him to be reunited with Anita Hodges (Mitzi Kapture).

I'd hate to lose him too, but I REFUSE to put up with Heinle's piss poor take on Victwhoria if I can help it.


We had him before Amelia, we certainly should be able to keep him after.

OT- I can't believe they're having another baby. I really didn't think their marriage would last, given her track record.

I think Gina T would be an amazing Victoria, though I'd of course much rather see Heather Tom back in the role. That said, if that can't happen, Gina would probably be the next best thing. The only other actress I can think of that I might enjoy as much in the part is Carrie Genzel.

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That fell through (as did Daniel Cosgrove going to OLTL)

Some think GT's talks with OLTL fell through because of a better offer from Y&R. I like to think they're keeping it close to the vest because Amelia Heinle is pregnant again so they dont want to oust a prego lady, but when the shoe drops... I'll be looking forward to hearing that GT is our new Victoria

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