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Y&R on the verge of a recast?

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In Y&R-related news from SID, Beth Maitland is returning to the soap as youngest Abbott daughter Traci, and bringing her hubby Steve (Greg Wrangler) with her. Traci and Steve are back to support Ashley (Eileen Davidson), but Traci's daughter Colleen (the soon-to-be-exiting for Disney pastures Tammin Sursok) has also had quite the rough go of it of late, thanks to Ashley's hubby... :D


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Colleen is rumored to be leaving, possibly dying and now that spoiler has me worried. Bringing Traci AND Steve back seems like something they'd do for Colleen and less for Ashley's story. I could see him being there to help Traci grieve. I HOPE not, but if they are here for Ashley's story this is too little too late. Traci should've been in Genoa City helping run Jabot the moment Ashley got sick and everything went nuts. She should be the new John, not Jack.

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Please if TPTB has any heart they will not kill off Colleen. sad.gif

She is Traci's only daughter and what is left of Brad's memory.

There is NO reason to make her die NOT one good reason at all.mad.gif

I really hope it is only for Ashley to help her.

I heard the show was giving out false spoilers at one point to find out where their leaks were coming from, some things were getting out that they didn't want to until they were ok'd to be let out as spoilers.

I guess they may have felt it was somebody from the inside.

Maybe that is some of the rumors that have come out about Colleen just testing where their leaks are coming from.

PLEASE.......They cannot kill Colleen off she is Traci's only daughter and what is basically left of Brad.sad.gif

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I know. If they do that then TIIC are really horrible. They cannot kill Colleen. I am so tired of the death on this show.

I don't care if was Mary Jane aka Patty and Adam, both leave either dying or jail, or institute off-screen, both have gone out of bounds with purposely harming a child and a pregnant woman, but NOT Colleen or anybody else dying.

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This spoiler makes me sick thinking that Traci is only returning for Colleen's death, such a horrible thing for the writers to do :angry: . They should be making her return to support Ashley but then she would have returned ages ago so it does make me wonder.

Also scenes were shot in L.A.'s Franklin Canyon Park and could involve storyline climaxes featuring Adam (Michael Muhney), Victor (Eric Braeden) and Mary Jane. Maybe this is where Colleen drowns :( I mean where else would she drown?

If this is really true then the scenes have already been filmed and will air next September because that is when Nikki is returning as well. And it will be the end of summer and start of the new Fall. So its not long untill there is official news.

If it is true I am going to be truly disgusted with Y&R and will be done with the show, they cant get any worser then that! :(

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I am so sick of Hogan Sheffer bringing his crap to Y&R he should have stayed on DOOl. I hate this dark crap, I want him fired I would have any writer other then him, even LML was better. I was excited when he joined Y&R because I thought he would be better then LML and will write good storylines for the younger characters. But I did not know it was going to turn out this bad, everytime I read a spoiler it is something out of a horror movie. I hope his time is up! :angry:

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Hogan needs to take a long break from writing. Like 10 years. Or forever. He's void of creativity; why MAB and whoever else hired him, was inspired by his past work baffles me.

Clearly, there's an issue with everyone behind the scenes making decisions. But this darkness, the imbalance of it, is just draining. And if he was this bad at the end of his run at ATWT then that must mean he's near his end here, right? Someone's gotta make the decision over the next couple months.

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Hogan should be writing for a really dark primetime show, like Dexter or something. He was good for his first 9 months or so on Y&R, but now... he's gotta go. YESTERDAY. If Jack Smith came back to replace him, all would be right with the world.

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