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Y&R on the verge of a recast?

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I wonder if all neglect of Lauren and Michael's marriage and all the rumors about the writers wanting to write off Tracey Bregman is because they want to free Michael of his family with Lauren and Fen so that they can do a Michael and Victoria pairing? They played with this pairing just before Heather Thom left.

I never understood their desire to rid themselves of a good actress like Tracey Bregman considering she is recurring, but this could be why. They may want to break up Michael and Lauren, although with three good actors I think a triangle would work better even if I am sick of cheating and triangles, but I know these writers love them.

How does the show hiring Gina Tognini work with their talk to the cast and crew about having to take cuts? You know she won't come cheap and I can't see actors who are being asked to take pay cuts or go on recurring being too happy that the show continues to hire name stars, even if she is a very good actress.

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Why would they break up Michael and Lauren because of an Actress recast of Victoria?

There are people on the canvas I cannot see staying much longer, such as Patty and most likely Adam (once his schemes come to light).

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There have been rumors that the writers want to write Tracey Bregman off the show for awhile and they did not write for her for over two months when she was available. I am not saying it makes sense, but one has to wonder why they have backburned Lauren this much, and Michael has only been on once a week.

I just think these writers might be tempted to do a Michael/Victoria redo and they obviously have no interest in Michael and Lauren.

I hope I am wrong.

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I highly doubt if Gina Tognoni is a recast for Victoria will they pair her with Michael that was Heather Tom and I would want them to take her into a different direction and NOT paired up with Michael as HT was, besides I do not and will NOT ever like HT in the role.

I loved Amelia when she first started and she was strong she has some great scenes, but since seems I hear she may want to stay home after she has her baby.

They need to recast the Character of Victoria and Gina is somebody who I can accept.

At one time I didn't want her recasted at all with anybody but I am willing to as long as it is not Heather Tom and somebody like Gina who can go toe-to toe with Victor and not be a doormat, daughter yes, but doormat no.

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I'm sorry I have to agree to disagree with you 'Gina' would definately bring life into Victoria's Character, it most certainly is casting and Amelia only was strong in the beginning but I think she got lazy.

The Actor is everything. Gina Tognoni, would just fit as Victoria , not even Heather Tom would do as good as Gina Tognoni.

Gina Tognoni as Victoria would definately be somebody who looks older than Nick and maybe give him a clue, because he certainly doesn't know which way is up with himself, he is such a flip-flopper, I cannot stand to watch it anymore.

Nick has been changed so much it is repulsive to watch him and his manic swaying.

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That is what I hear and see since I don't watch other soaps, but have watched all 'youtube' clips of her on Guiding Light and she is fantastic.wub.gif

I'm really hoping and I know they will NOT write badly for her especially once they see and besides I heard she was sought after for the role, why would they if they will not write for her?

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All over this board I see "Gina Tognoni this", "Gina Tognoni that"... just who is this bitch? Is she really THAT good? I know people sing the praises of a good actress, but damn, everyone is acting like this woman gave birth to the messiah. I'm speaking out of ignorance here, cause I've never seen one scene she has been in.... but I don't see how she could improve on what Heather Tom would do, after all, it's HER character.

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Um....YOUTUBE HER! It's that simple.

And that BITCH is THAT GOOD and she DID give birth to the messiah.

Gina Tognoni consistently turned out good performance after good performance, no matter how bad or lazy the writing was on GL. Even hokey stunts like voiceovers/dating analysis in those Wednesday special shows she made believable and relatable. In a less than capable actress' hands, there's no way "Me, Myself, and Him" would have won Kreizman and his team their Emmy(despite the fact that the actual script and the story were great and self-contained).

BTW, how's that Pafe romance going, Alphanguy?

And also, she can improve on what Heather Tom did by consistently turning out good performance after good performance, no matter how bad the writing got or how lazy her scene partners are around her. We see what has happened to Heather Tom post-Heart Transplant on B&B. Homegirl is sleepwalking through her scenes.

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