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Y&R Episode Discussion for the week of July 20

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Precisely... despite their issues and clunkers, the show back then had heart, drama and passion, even multi-dimensionality. Characters had individual voices. And people certainly didn't go around barbecuing babies and sending frozen blood from Australia.

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Hopefully, the record low ratings this week were a sign to the idiots running this show. Their idea of what Y&R should be is turning many off and no longer that popular with the general audience.

If they can't handle that, their immediate firings are needed, and needed fast before things get even worse with this writing regime.

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I probably wouldn't have this much of a problem with it had the current state of this show not been as misognitic as it currently is.

- We have Ashley being gaslighted and being coerced into losing her mind by Adam.

- Patty Jane is literally crazy over Jack.

- Both Sharon and Phyllis have gone nuts over Nick, and they never learn. They're both obsessed with a guy who constantly treats them like crap and who constantly leaves them for one another.

- Even Lily's cancer is another form of female victimization.

- Jill going broke and forced to do nails again, when we know she's better off as the bitchy diva we know she is.

- Chloe is still hung up on Billy, though he treats her like crap.

- Ever since Mac came back, almost her entire existence has been based on Billy.

- And now, Amber is coerced into sex with Deacon on his "terms" as he yells and makes demands at her.

There's probably more I'm forgetting, but I'm really sick of this show and its hatred for women.

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And the only time I like CF is when she's away from Billy. IA with all your points though.

I'm still puzzled by the fact that M.J. is Patty, someone who is still hung up on Jack after all these years. You think she would have come back to Genoa City many years earlier, plus what about Paul too. He's a PI but can't figure out that his sister is nuts and keeps a stuffed cat? I would have thought that if Patty ever returned to Genoa City again, she would be more together mentally having made a name for herself. I guess Hogan and Bell had other ideas.

Not only is Patty still literally crazy over Jack, but she's constantly a pawn for the Newman men, like Victor and Adam, who both use her to further their own agendas.

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Thanks for saying all of that so I wouldn't have to. I agree with it all.

I was thoroughly disgusted and appalled with what happened between Amber and Deacon today, at least on Days most of what went on was left to the imagination.....

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Well that sure stopped this thread dead in its tracks. LOL!

I hate the story. Hated it on Days, and I hate it on here. But I'll tell you what I hate even more - that mistakes weren't learned from. That makes me want to claw somebody eyes out.

That being said, there was a way to write that scene that wasn't quite so angry. I like my Deacon slimy. Dirty. Hot. Not angry. Rage and demands don't become him. Grit and slime does.

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^^^I like my Deacon .......on B&B

This rape or borderline rape or whatever does nothing to cement his being on Y&R. In fact, yet again, we have another un-rootable character on this show that's filled with slimeballs and pricks.

But I guess this crap fits perfectly in with this writing regime's women-hating antics. <_<

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