Members P.J. Posted July 30, 2009 Author Members Share Posted July 30, 2009 LOL...I guess Casey's "fluff" isn't the first thing I marvel at---the man has some guns. Then I tune him out when he starts talking to, about or anything that might be related to Alison. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted July 30, 2009 Members Share Posted July 30, 2009 it looks awful in that pic on set, but the pic linked thatw as posted in SOD i think it looks great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members P.J. Posted July 30, 2009 Author Members Share Posted July 30, 2009 Goodness gracious....Lily wasn't this worked up when she found out Carly was doin' her man and stepped on that gas pedal. Meg&Damian&and that cutesy talk---the second coming of Jack/Janet in all their barftastic glory. OY VEY...poor Jack, stuck in the Vortex of Craig worship, and now one step closer to having screeching Ciccones in quadrophonic stereo, harping on his every move. COME HOME, CARLY! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members SpiritualJunkie Posted July 31, 2009 Members Share Posted July 31, 2009 Honestly, nothing in soapland was really interesting me. I only started watching ATWT again because of Damian's return, but glad to say that the show is sucking me back in. Something tells me that the whole Meg/Damian thing was only just a way to pave the way for a Lily/Damian reunion. I think it's hilarious that Damian could immediately tell that Lily was jealous. She's definitely not good at hiding how she really feels. I'm surprised Holden didn't go ballistic when he found out that Meg & Damian are sleeping together. Finally! Jack admits he's wrong! P.J., I really don't get your Craig hate. I liked Hunt Block Craig, liked Scott Bryce's version even more, but am liking Jon Lindstom in the role just as much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Actor87 Posted July 31, 2009 Members Share Posted July 31, 2009 I don't have a problem with Craig...I just hate how it's understood (like an understood silent letter in a word) that Craig can be saint one day and sinner the next. What baffles me even more is why Rosanna gives him the light of day. Someone even brought up the fact Craig tried to kill her and she just annyoingly fluttered her eyelids. This age-old pissing match between Damian and Holden is getting old. Let's throw them shirtless into a tub of jello and watch 'em duke it out. Luciano, my ass, Damian. We both know you only want him around to ruffle Holden's feathers and send Lily into your warm sexual embrace when Holden goes postal on her for not taking "his side". And besides, I personally think Luke should watch his back around dear old dad. De-gaying camp, gimme-your-inheritance plots, there's no telling what's coming next... Sage is already showing dependency at such an early age. Reminds me of Carly; she was pretty clingy when she first came to town...first Rosanna, then Mike, then John, then Hal, etc. Parker...either you hate Craig, or you don't. Quit being so wishy-washy. And lastly....when did Jack become such a stick in the mud? I remember the days of the bad-boy-turned-good-cop, and I just want to scream. He's become such a douche. As much as I loathe his pairing with Janet, she does have a point. He's always talking about his family, but he neglects to remember that the bimbo he married IS his family. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members P.J. Posted July 31, 2009 Author Members Share Posted July 31, 2009 I've hated "Craig" since Sheffer reinvented the character in '00. I think Hunt Block sucked balls. He's a HORRIBLE actor. And frankly, Lindstrom is just as bad. And by that, I don't mean, "he's such a good actor because he inspires hate in me..." I mean he's a horrible, stiff, uninspiring, overrated actor. He annoys me more than those models-turned-actors like Mark Collier, who get hired to play himbos on their six-packs and smiles because TIIC need fresh meat to throw at the resident bimbette. There's ONE emotion stuck on Lindstrom's face, and that's a smug superiority. No matter who's he's with---his five year old son, his lover's teenage kids, his sisters, or his lover. Lindstrom doesn't even emote---he locks on to them with his beady little eyes and reels off his dialogue. I've never gotten the feeling of Lindstrom connecting to the material. He can bellow the live long day that he "loves his kids more than his life" or "has become a changed man thanks to Carly," NEVER resonates for me. I'm sick of ATWT being invaded by GH/PC "talent". I'm tired of As Craig's World Turns. And I'm mightily sick of the fawning writing for Pissy's newest GoldenBoy, wherein he's Oakdale's newest Saint. I can't wait for Carly to come home and kick him in the balls and out of her life for good. I only hope I live to see the day, because honestly, continuing to watch this show in her absence might give me a coronary. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members P.J. Posted July 31, 2009 Author Members Share Posted July 31, 2009 an anti-Janet fan (and I think soon to be completely anti-Ciccone, if today's Ciccone screech-union was an example of things to come...), I'll admit, watching her implode simply at the sight of Teri's buffet spread and dethrone Janet as the resident Cook-extraordinaire nearly brought tears to me eyes. FINALLY, something that's unsatisfactory in Janet's life that she can't blame on Carly. I wasn't sure I'd live to see that day dawn. Then it turned into another Craig lies his ass off fest, and my blood pressure went up again. I can't believe I have Brad to look up to as my hero, for snarking Craig down a few pegs with his condescending offer of "help" now that Brad's unemployed. I guess I'm supposed to forget a big part of the reason Brad got fired is because of Craig's scheme to frame him for a murder that wasn't even committed? Oh...and Audrey can leave. NOW. Seriously...old school GH fans missed Lynn Herring? Why, FCOL, why? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Soapsuds Posted August 2, 2009 Members Share Posted August 2, 2009 Well I thought last weeks show were good and the ratings reflect it somewhat. This past week was dull and boring. The only good parts were Tom and Margo. I don't care for the Lynn Herring character. Reminds me of Gwennie's Mom ....shudders...LOL. I actually like Theresa. Who would have thunk?? But I still hate Janet and Jack together. They are so boring to watch. Jack has become a big bully and Janet is still taking his crap. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Actor87 Posted August 2, 2009 Members Share Posted August 2, 2009 I hate to say it, but I'm actually beginning to feel sorry for Janet. To have such a heavy burden at 16 like she did (being pregnant and kicked out and all), I really do sympathize with her sadness over not getting to experience everything that her younger sister Teri did. Sparks alert!!! Katie, watch your back. I think Teri and Brad have pretty good chemistry. I don't care much for Audrey. I'm just staying tuned to find out what sort of shenannigans sent her running into baby son's arms. I can almost sense a "Monster-In-Law II" coming between Vienna and Audrey. The Teri/Liberty meeting was very well written. I actually enjoyed it alot. Oh, gag me, Craig. That pompous attitude that you only show to Rosanna is the exact reason why everyone in Oakdale hates you. It baffles me how he can spin mind games and trick people into doing what he wants them to (like a puppetmaster) and then when someone calls him out, it's the same ole "waaaah, everybody hates me. I've done nothing to warrant such harsh treatment. Waaah!"........Oh, give it a freakin rest already. Get off my screen!! (P.S.---Rosanna's just as dumb for listening to his B.S.!! Since when did she become so watered down? Ugh!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Soapsuds Posted August 2, 2009 Members Share Posted August 2, 2009 Seriously, Jack is about to have a mental breakdown. The way he hovers over those kids is awful. Even Parker is tired of Jack's huffing and puffing. I hate the way they are writing Jack but it is causing major problemos for Janet. I hate Katie. So I wouldnt mind a Teri and Brad pairing. I find Brad and Katie boring too. Why do i get the feeling Audrey is in cahoots with James Stenbeck. It's just a feeling I get. There is way too much Craig on the show and I hate Lindstroms version of Craigy... And enough of Meg and her men.'s Katie 2.0 all over again. Backburn Meg now please..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members P.J. Posted August 2, 2009 Author Members Share Posted August 2, 2009 I forgive you. LOL... While I'm sure that hurt Janet, at some point you have to move on. Just from the way she was introduced, a woman in her mid-30's cough*snort*cough still pining away for the high-school boy who knocked her up, and slutty enough to think she could bop into town and bust up his marriage, it seems to me Janet has spent years "stuck" in some fantasy where her life would have been better "if". "If" she'd told Brad. "If" her parents hadn't kicked her out. Blah-blah-blah. I'm not saying it would be easy to raise your kid alone and still go after your dream of being a chef or whatever, but it seems to me Janet just gave up instead of even trying to make her life better. Y'know, no matter how disappointed her parents were that she got knocked up, having a grandchild might have softened them up quite a bit if she'd swallowed her pride and tried to reconcile with them. Sing it...GOD, I hate the every last ounce of Craig's smugness. Idiot's earned people's hate. I only wish the entire town set out to destroy him like they did on GL once with Roger. He deserves it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Actor87 Posted August 2, 2009 Members Share Posted August 2, 2009 They kicked her out. I have heard of several cases of pregnant teens getting kicked out; their parents genuinely never want to see their child again. It's heartbreaking. I just feel bad that Janet was kicked to the curb, pregnant, naiive, young, broke, etc. It wasn't a matter of her giving up; it was a matter of her not being able to try. She had a baby, for pete's sake! Not to mention, I'm sure she was probably broke too, since she had to work for everything. Teri, meanwhile, was practically handed things like France and culinary school. In Janet's mind, that's not only low, but that's a kick in the face. I would be beyond upset with my parents if I found out that they had kicked me out for getting pregnant, made me grow up way too fast, and work for everything I ever needed in life. I would also be even more mad and extremely hurt to learn that they had financed all my baby sister's dreams, without question. That's just low and tacky. In fact, Iris Dumbrowski comes to mind. Idk, I just feel really bad for her. Topped with the fact that Jack's been a raging migraine she can't get rid of, I feel like Janet deserves way better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Soapsuds Posted August 2, 2009 Members Share Posted August 2, 2009 Jack is giving me a migraine too. I wish he would just admit he wants Carly and his family back. I find it so dumb that Jack has all the answers yet he still lives with Emma. What happened with finding a place for Janet and him?? If I were Emma I would have thrown Jack out of the farm already. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members P.J. Posted August 2, 2009 Author Members Share Posted August 2, 2009 I feel so bad for Michael Park, being handed that stick-in-the-mud crap, while everyone starts lecturing Jack on how to raise his kids. You've got Janet, who's daughter is almost as screwed up as Parker, you've got Craig, who'd rather send his daughter to jail than admit he's a lousy wreck of a human being who didn't deserve to raise his kid, and you've got Rosanna, who has very limited experience with children. Pissy just can't write "good" people without making them look like jerks. The only male characters she's interested in are the "bad boys" like Craig, Paul and Dusty. And I don't care for any one of that unholy trinity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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