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GH: July Discussion Thread

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OMG i cheered when Keifer slaped Kristina.She has been a poorly developed character and then Keifer finally puts the bitch in line and then at the end they have the cheek to call it an abuse storyline.

This will be over so fast before Keifer can move a step.

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That is very true. Whenever I tuned in pre-HD I thought the show was looking really cheap, then HD was a mess, but it's looking great right now. Probably one of the best looking soaps on air. My only complaint would be all the dark colors in sets and what the cast wears. It can look very bland at times.

I finally got to see a full episode of Kate and I must say she was okay. I understand she's no longer Sonny's love interest, but was there no other story she fit in? Is the character pretty much dead? I kinda enjoyed her...

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Once Olivia was brought on, it was a wrap for Kate. She shares no more scenes with anyone except Lulu,Maxie,Spinelli. Its like they've literally handed most of her story to Olivia. I remember Kate used to hang with Alexis and Diane, not anymore. I remember she and Jax were friends, not anymore. I guess they're waiting for MW to leave that way they can say "Oh we're sorry she's leaving but we wish her the best." Like they did with RH.:rolleyes:

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Yesterday's CGI was interesting though admittedly a little cheap and Video game-ish looking but I kinda enjoyed the sweeping "camera" shots of long and winding road running through trees by the lake shore....who knew Harbor view rd was so picturesque haha...I also thought that it was better than the time that Liz, Jason, Lucky and Sam were all dangling off that bridge, probably because I guess the concept for this time round was much simpler (Just a bunch of cars driving down a road).

And while the reaction to the CGI will no doubt be mixed I do think it works as a background for smaller scenes such as that one where Claudia hopped in her car and you could see some sort of Freeway junction in the background.

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Honestly? I get that Maxie & Spin love each other (and clearly the actors enjoy working with each other). Although I think Spinelli hero-worships this idea of "Maximista" and Maxie returns the favor because he is the only guy outside of Mac who actively cares for her. But I don't see the passion, the sizzle, the romance. BA is not classically handsome and that's ok (I crush on Detective Goren of L&O: Criminal Intent so what do I know?) but Spinelli comes across as totally asexual. Their relationship is cute but very child-like. Like a particularly intense friendship. That's why I cannot buy them "together" in the same way that Carly & Jax are together, that Jason & Liz were together, that drew Sonny & Brenda together.

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Guza is nuts if he thinks this is going to endear him to Keifer Sutherland. KS's PR has been actively trying to counteract the drunken-head-butting-Brooke-Shield's-designer-buddies image.

And as for your second query, maybe the Verizon store in Studio City had a sale in discontinued 2003 models?

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