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GH: July Discussion Thread

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BadBoy, GH submitted the episode Michael was shot and everyone learning the news and heading to the hospital before his surgery. You also had side scenes with Alexis and Diane and (the weakest part of the episodes) a couple scenes with Liz and Jason.

Okay, right now I'm still enjoying GH and getting to know their new way of doing things better. I officially hate Kristina. What an idiot and a total loser. I hate how evil she is to her mother, now trying to pin the blame for an accident SHE caused on her mother. I don't want them to chalk it up to youth, she is a total hater and needs to kick rocks. She reminds me more of Sonny than Michael (who'll always be a Quatermaine to me). I'd like to see them develop her other relationships already. I have yet to see her interact with Sonny for example.

Sam has returned for her Peep Show and I find myself enjoying the character and Kelly Monaco. She has nice chemistry with Alexis and Jason and isn't on as much as before. I love the actor who plays Johnny. Olivia annoys me and is putting the Italian schtick on too thick. It doesn't seem natural. I prefer Kate from that one episode I saw. Still hate Olivia. Spinelli and Maxie officially annoy me, but they aren't that bad. I'm glad Nik and Rebecca haven't been on much, but I'm sure they'll return this week. I'm also dreading whenever Luke returns because that means more Ethan and he's been sucking for a few years now.

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I am sure that you and others are enjoying GH, but I think that I have finally reached the point of no return with the show. I ff most of GH and barely watch 5 minutes. I may just start watching YouTube clips of specific characters and call it a day.

If GH wins an Emmy for best writing, I'll puke in my mouth.

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Seeing all the missed vets that Days is hiring with the money that it saved from axing Marlena, John, Steve, Kayla, and Tony makes me wish that ABC would kick Sonny, Jason, the Carlys, and Spinelli to the door and bring back some of the few still alive beloved characters from the past.

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It makes me sad to see Johnny, who is unafraid to speak the truth about Sonny and who is such a hunk, and know that GH probably wants us to see him as evil and will kill him off or turn him into the town pariah within 6 months.

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Jax and Carly's new house is hideously decorated, the set is OK, but god, the furniture and decorations are really craptastic.

I like the actor playing Morgan. GH has recently cast some of the best younger actors in daytime.

I love the GH directors, GH is directed so beautifully.

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As a fan you can look at any soap and say that don't deserve an award based on an entire year, but they only submit one episode and if you look at it objectively, GH submitted a good episode. All the soaps nominated for Writing had very uneven years, so you truly have to look at the episode and see who did best. AMC's episode was just laughable and poorly written. OLTL's episode was poorly written, cheesy and showcased all of their weakest actors. B&B's episode showcased some of their best actors and gave us great family drama and heartache. GH's episode was just a great traditional soap episode. I think the credit goes to their breakdown and script writers who do an excellent job and keep GH watchable. If they had AMC or OLTL's script/breakdown writers I don't think Guza would still have a job. His writing team is very good and they elevate his work and along with the actors make GH very watchable. I understand it's not what it once was, but if there's one soap that will never see change, it's GH, so I've just come to accept it.

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They could always bring back people from the dead.

I have my doubts that AJ is out there somewhere.I think he faked his death and is living out in the beaches somewhere.

TBH i usually watch clips of GH because i cant stomach Sonny & Jason being heroes too longer.It drives me insane that JFP & RG write for them so much.

Can anyone explain why these two get away with so much.JFP usually did this on other soaps and was fired but for GH its ok.SERIOUSLY.

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