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Y&R: Potpourri Thread

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I posted this post originally in the main episode thread, but I think it should be here and deserves to be discussed ion this thread.

Here's an excerpt article from article from 1992 that partly praised Y&R for its depiction of women at the time, it's hard to believe how badly this show has gotten in that respect recently, especially over the course of the last year:


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I think back to the days when many viewers, me (or is it I?) among them, dismissed Christine as a Mary Sue, but it's sobering to realize she would never be allowed on the show today. An intelligent, secure woman who had goals outside of what man was in her bed. Today she would probably be Heather.

I don't understand why there is such a strong contempt for women in the writing, but it's there, and really ramped up with the addition of Sheffer and Rauch last year. The writing either doesn't understand women, doesn't want to understand them, or outright hates them.

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Yeah, it's really sad and it's been one of my biggest gripes with the Maria Arena bell, Hogan Sheffer, and Scott Hamner regime. Women are pathetically written on this show, and they shouldn't be, there's a lot of potential with most of the female to be more that what they currently are, but the show doesn't seem like it wants to do that. The show in its current incarnation likes women that are mentally challenged or pining away for some man. I hate it and it's a big reason this current writing regime needs to be replaced, in my view of course.

Who knew that 20 years or so later, Christine would look interesting and complex compared to what we have now. It's a big shame.

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She did have her moments. I remember when she had to help some abused wife, and when the woman's husband tried to attack her, Chris kneed him in the balls and they got out of there.

She also had her own point of view. She did not exist because of a man. She sort of did later in her run, but not for the first 10 or so years.

It's something which should not be a bragging point, it should just be typical, and for a long time was typical on Y&R. Now almost all women are angels who exist to help make men better, or they're desperate, shrewish, clinging to men, or clinging to their fantasies of men. The men themselves are often boorish, crass, and emotionally dead, but half the time this is painted as a positive.

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It must because it's easier to write dumb, dull pining blondes than strong independent ones.

If Phyllis were written with a backbone, she would've left Nick but that would've ruined their precious quad, which is the ultimate goal.

I think the misogyny is really based on the fact that they're concerned about the plot and creating as many horrible things to the women as possible for shock. It's nothing personal, really.

The men aren't any better either. Adam's an a--hole. Nick's a douche. Jack's a wimp. Billy's a loser. Victor's... well, Victor. Neil's another excuse for a man. Jeffrey's a jerk that should've been shot months ago. The only cool guys are the ones not torturing their loved ones: Kevin (crazy), Daniel (idiot), Michael (a shell of his former self), JT (a cardboard cuttout).

The only real guy left on the show is Noah and he's not even of age,

Noah :wub:

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