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Y&R: Potpourri Thread

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The pieces are still there, if Y&R can just regroup. Not going for shock value and plot over character in all the stories would help.

Anyway, these ideas aren't good, but here they are.

#1 As Adam's plans start to cave in on him, he begins beating Heather. Heather covers up her bruises, believing Adam's promises that he doesn't mean to hurt her. She even believes that she drove him to sleeping with Rafe. One day, when she stops by the Ranch, she sees Adam about to suffocate a sleeping Ashley. She snaps and clobbers him with a fireplace poker. Victor realizes what Adam has done and helps make sure Heather does not face serious charges. Heather, devastated that she became her mother, leaves town to regain her identity. Meanwhile, Adam is declared dead. Victor makes a phone call, and it's up to viewers to decide whether Adam is actually dead or if Victor had him shipped off somewhere. Ashley becomes convinced that Victor is shielding Adam even after what Adam did to her.

#2 Paul decides he has failed Heather the same way he failed April. He blames himself, and becomes obsessed with saving Mary Jane, whom he now knows is Patty, from her madness. Nikki becomes increasingly shut out of their relationship, and when they finally break up, she blames Victor for bringing MJ back to Genoa City.

#3 Jill slowly makes a plan to take control of Newman. At the big board meeting for control, Jill, Nikki, Phyllis, Leanna Love all announce plans to combine their stock to take over the company. Victoria, burned yet again by Victor, joins them. Victor smirks, as even with Victoria's betrayal, they still don't have enough, but then Ashley walks in, announcing that her stock, and Abby's stock, have now tipped the balance.

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I agree--if Sony gets control again, we'll be seeing more LMLs, and a show closer to ATWT or the ABC soaps. I do not think it's worth it. BUT, the Bells should get rid of all the writers and just find someone who can make this show good again. I have a feeling (or at least I'm hoping) that Queen MAB gets tired and leaves on her own... but she might just leave Sheffer and Hamner on her place. Now that's a nightmare!

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Some Y&R "Potpourri" thoughts:

The thing with the Bell soaps is that for some reason I want a Bell in charge, even if it is in name only.

There is no way Rafe believes Adam. He just wants to find out what he is up to.

Having a new Adam helps me swallow the madness of this story a little bit easier. I wish Adam would have developed feelings for Ashley and would love his kid sister. This version of Adam is like a cartoon and the scene where he started flirting with Rafe was rather funny. Can you imagine Victor doing this to D.A. Glenn Richards? :lol:

Look at this old Paul-April scene. VB looks so much like her tv-mother!


I like CF a lot, but there is really no room for Mac at this point. I would love to see Billy and Chloe having to live in a tiny apartment with lousy jobs and a baby crying all day long. Not every story has to be about a triangle.

The show needs some balance. Some family scenes, two friends talking, etc. The Nick scenes are so similar to the Billy scenes and the Adam scenes are like the Patty scenes.

Jill is not a comedic character. Her scenes as a poor woman should be heartbreaking.

Y&R is still my number one soap with OLTL being number two.

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I don't know about Y&R but B&B debuted maybe a year after it did in the US and it was a huge--and I mean HUGE--success (I even have the magazines with the plot synopsis from that era! I can find the one were it first debuted for a more specific date). I am pretty sure Y&R wasn't on then. But both shows are still on. B&B is about a year behind (they'll be caught up soon, it's 2 eps a day) and Y&R is in the 2003 episodes.

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B&B started airing in 1988. It was an instant hit and a year later Ronn Moss, Joanna Johnson and Clayton Norcross were invited here and they were treated like Evita Peron. Greece was obsessed with B&B. We used to have all things B&B, from school bags with Ridge to snacks named after Caroline. Clayton Norcross did a mini series here, a pregnant KKL presented a beauty contest with Dan McVicar, it was crazy!!! :lol: It was a huge for many many years and it still has a loyal fan base.

Y&R started airing in January 1990 with 1986 episodes. It was also very popular for many years, but not an obsession. It still airs here, with a small loyal fan base watching.

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