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Y&R: Potpourri Thread

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This is probably one of the most difficult soap operas to write for. Only Bill Bell was able to pull it off and save it from becoming an utter slow-moving, coma-inducing, fabulously produced crapfest populated with the most boring characters ever created on a soap. Yes, precisely that boring-as-hell quality of so many of its people is what makes it so difficult and why no one came even close to Bill Bell.

That is why I won't settle with a mediocre writer or with a hack, because then all these flaws become so apparent, like a huge gaping hole staring at you, making you think to yourself: What have I been watching? :blink:

It needs a storyteller. Not the owners' wife writing it.

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As DeeeDee would say, Amen!

I don't necessarily care about telling stories the way Bill Bell did, I just want good and diverse stories, not mediocre or horrendous ones. A true storyteller is hard to find, but it's like they threw in the towel without ever attempting to search for one that this show so badly needs.

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Neither do I, really. Finding another Bill Bell is an impossible mission. So we shall scratch that. :D

And quite honestly, I would love someone to steer it away a bit from this dullness, this unbearable I-am-taking-myself-sooo-seriously soap opera, the dreadful dialogue... And not everyone can pull it off.

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Do you want the show to be more explicit in its camp factor? :lol:

This show hasn't had a stronger LEADER, be it EP or HW, since Bill. Someone needs to come in with a super strong vision and create a show that's overall entertaining and strong with its creative direction. Again, it was previously mentioned how Linda Gottlieb overhauled OLTL after the show became trapped in that over the top 80's camp factor of the Rauch era and created a different, more down to earth show that was also respectful to the show's initial roots. This is a woman who admitted to never watching a single soap opera episode prior to joining OLTL in 1991 too. So, really, it doesn't have to be someone in this incestuous daytime industry. The show needs strong leadership and a clear direction. Maria's Y&R tries to be too many different things to too many different people, and her constant pandering to some loud fanbases doesn't make me very hopeful.

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Also, I must clear something up, I've mentioned numerous times that I hate how MAB and company must turn every storyline into something deeply dark and disturbing. I don't mind dark storytelling, but at least make it diverse, give it depth, and it has to make sense. The show seems to think mental illness/psychosis is all the rage these days. If the show wants to go in a more gothic direction, which is certainly has the lighting for, Gothic elements can be applied to a variety of things - romance, villainy, social stories, and more. The show in its current state is too one-note and lacks anything resembling nuance or variety.

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Ok I agree we don't need Deacon what about Little Nate. I write that he wants revenge on Daniel, Amber, & Kevin for messing up his easy cousin/step sister Lily. But then again he might have to take his revenge out on every guy Lily spreads a her legs for.

Then again these writers can't write for the blacks they have. It's best for Little Nate to stay away.

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Today's episode was an absolute gagfest. Kevin needs to be written out. Why the hell are they still prolonging this silver chipmunk mess? It's not something that should be remembered it's something that should be QUICKLY forgotten. Also, keep Kevin the hell away from high school girls, it's sickening that they've made this silver chipmunk mess into some cool situation for younger girls.

Not to mention how stupid this gasligthing storyline makes everyone look. This crap has gotten really ridiculous now. You know its bad when it makes Victor Newman look like a coward. This is really bad writing and execution, folks.

Again, this show needs someone with a clear vision to come in there and impose strong leadership at this show and get rid of what's not working.

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Yup, that summarizes my thoughts too.

I agree totally on Kevin.

How does Victor look like a coward? That word choice confuses me. Stupid--yup! Too trusting--yup! To willing to be conned--yup! Coward? I don't see that at all.

You know, remember that these episodes were written MONTHS ago, and taped a month ago. I suspect these TPTB are capable of being self-critical. They are probably watching and seeing some of the same problems you are. And they are probably improving the show, and we'll notice three months ago. That's the best they can do, given the lag between creation and airing of daytime soaps.

Who knows...if you have an open mind...three months from now you may be hailing MAB/HS as the second coming! :lol:

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All of that constitutes a coward in this situation to me. Victor is being dumbed down to suit a stupid plot. Y&R is better than this, and this is not typical behaviour from Victor Newman.

We all know Victor has no problems disowning his children, the real Victor would have already sent his scoundrel son back to jail.

Honey, if that were the case, the silver chipmunk debacle wouldn't still be driving some story.

Also, the Winter's would have a good story, half of the cast would be written for, some characters would be written out, we'd see a return to some classic business intrigue stories, etc.

This regime hasn't addressed it's problems, they try to cover them up, which makes it even worse. Also many of these problems have been occurring for about a year now, so...

I call crap and incompetent writing when I see it. Juding by spoilers, it seems I won't impressed in the immediate future as well....

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