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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 15

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That final scene with Michael and Marcie was very touching as was the montage. You know I didn't really expect much when I first learned that they were leaving the show. I thought they would give them a "kthanxbye"exit after Marcie gave up Hope, but now I'm glad they didn't rush it. I'm really happy that at least this couple got a happy ending, unlike Talia and Antonio.

IA there have been plenty of music montages. It reminds me of GL when they actually would have a music montage on every Wednesday. No lie. Please don't go that route OLTL.

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I am happy that Marcie got her happy ending. If it was GH, she would have been killed by a serial killer. OLTL never used Marcie properly. It was obvious that they resent the fans pressuring them keep to the character. Kathy is talented. She will continue to do well on the stage and elsewhere.

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It used to be an old-school soap tradition to do music montages at the end of each soap "day" since more often than not, a cliffhanger wouldn't work since the next episode typically picked up hours later ("the next morning.") In the early 2000s soaps started extending their "days" for so long that they sort of blurred one into the other, or the transition from one night to the next day would occur within the episode (usually with a ubiquitous shot of the sun rising or somesuch...)

Music montages are a good way to create an emotional cliffhanger, when an actual action cliffhanger isn't an option.

As for Marcie, I was really, really, really hoping she and Michael didn't leave with Hope because I assume one day Hope would come back as an angsty teen to find Starr and Michael and Marcie would likely have been killed off in a car accident or something. LOL. I like the happy ending better.

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Oh my god, Michael and Marcie!!!!! I had tears in my eyes, that was a beautiful ending for a wonderful couple. I am very sad to see them leave OLTL. But what a surprise...

Todd/Tea/Blair + kids living in one house?!?! God, what a mess...

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Just a question if anyone can help. I was trying to catch up and I watched one episode and Blair walked in on Starr and Hope. Starr told Hope the baby was home, end of episode. Next episode Starr is feeding Hope Cherrios. Cole is in court and Mike and Marcie are packing. Did I miss an episode? I feel like I must have. I never saw Michael tell Marcie or anyone else they are leaving or Cole in the police station and John and Marty finding out he was arrested.

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I think you missed Tuesday's episode, where Michael told Marcie about Seattle and Starr told Blair how Marcie returned Hope.

I really enjoyed yesterday's episode. Markko was COLD to his father at the country club! OUCH. Shoving his class status in his father's face and having him kicked out was vicious, but so was his father calling Markko a tramp, so what goes around comes around I suppose.

Layla is becoming one of my favorite characters. She's been through so much and you can just see the cynicism in her eyes when anyone tries to be nice to her. I laughed a little when she noted the tension between the show's next big supercouple (I joke!).

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Blair: "Your slut lawyer..."

Tea: "Slut EX-lawyer"


My God, do I love this woman :wub:

Anywhoo, I REALLY enjoyed Cristian and Layla today. Nice to see he was looking out for her. And I agree, Tika is GORGEOUS.

Starr and Cole were grating today. I think it was because Kristen relied on her sweet, creepy child's voice today. Oh, and they're on EVERY DAY.

Gigi trying to seduce Kyle was PRICELESS. :lol: Farah knocks the comedy stuff out of the park. And of course, Schuyler was hysterical, too.

On that note, the kiss between Rex and Stacy at the end turned my stomach. Do they honestly think we want to see that?! :mellow:

And I'm definitely warming to Kyle's character. :)

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They're clearly trying to redeem Kyle so that we'll start to like him

. He is rather attractive, though.

And WHOA about Layla commenting on Christian's lack of abs. It wouldn't have been so funny it weren't true! Not that I can talk. <_<

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